English language is made up of four parts. These are -
Now if you learn these roots, you can figure out the meaning of hundreds of English language words without even knowing their exact meaning. Before we go further, let us answer some basic questions for you first.
What is a root?
A root is the part of the word which gives instructions to a word.
How many parts is a word made of?
A word is made up of three parts.
For example - Exported
Here 'Ex' is a prefix, 'port' is the root and 'ed' is the suffix.
Note: PREFIX is a word, letter or number placed before another.
SUFFIX is a letter or a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning.
Case - I
Consider ‘OPUS & OPER’ as a ROOT means Work, Operate/Cooperate
Now with the help of this one root you can come out with conclusion of several other English words. Such as,
- Operatic - Characteristic of opera
- Opuscule - A small or minor literary or musical work
- Cooperate - Work jointly towards the same end
- Operatory – A room or other area with special equipment and facilities
- Cooper - A maker or repairer of casks and barrels
- Operable - Can be treated by an operation
- Eloper - To leave without permission
- Improper - Not in accordance with accepted standards
- Properly - Correctly
- Reoperate - An operation to correct a condition not corrected by a previous operation
Case - II
Root – 'Vita, Vivi & Viv' means Alive & Life, Vitamin/Vital
- Activities - The condition in which things are happening or being done
- Affidavit - A written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court
- Antivitamin - Any substance that interferes with the action of a vitamin
- Bioactivity - The effect of a given agent
- Cognovit - An extraordinary document by which a debtor authorizes his or her creditor's attorney to enter a confession in court that allows judgment against the debtor
- Connectivity – The state of being connected or interconnected
- Declivity - A downward slope
- Devitrify - Opaque, and crystalline
- Evitable - Capable of being avoided
I hope this session will help you with your English Language Preparation. We will come back soon with our next session.
Team Gradeup..!!
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