Roots of English - 58 (Omni - All)

By Sheetal Goyal|Updated : August 13th, 2020

Today we are sharing the 58th Part of our series, 'Root of English'. With the help of this, you can improve your vocabulary in a very easy way. Also, the images attached helps to memorize a word for a longer time, so let's go through it now!

The English language is made up of four parts. These are -


Now if you learn these roots, you can figure out the meaning of hundreds of English language words without even knowing their exact meaning. Before we go further, let us answer some basic questions for you first.

What is a root?
A root is the part of the word which gives instructions to a word.

How many parts is a word made of?
A word is made up of three parts.

For example - Transferable

Here 'Trans' is a prefix, 'Fer' is the root and 'able' is the suffix.

Note: PREFIX is a word, letter or number placed before another. SUFFIX is a letter or a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning.

Root Word for Today: OMNI

Today we have taken 'OMNI' as a ROOT which has various meanings: All, Every, The whole, Of every kind

Now with the help of this one root, you can come out with the conclusion of several other English words. Such as,

1) Omnicompetent (omni-comp-etent) - able to handle any situation, having the authority or legal capacity to act in all matters

Usage - Parents are not omnipotent, so you should act wisely when you are outside your home.

2) Omnifarious - (om-nuh-fair-ee-us) - comprising or relating to all sorts or varieties

Usage - Filled with shelves of omnifarious reading material, the library has every genre of books one could imagine.

3) Omnify- (om-ni-fy) - : to make(something) universal, to enlarge

Usage - The company is planning to make its presence omnify by allowing shipping of its products worldwide.

4) Omnipresent ::- ( om-ni-prez-ent) - Present everywhere; ubiquitous ,able to be everywhere at one time

Usage - Clicking photos in the museum is strictly prohibited so do not try to click photos in the museum because the security of the museum is omnipresent.

5) Omnigenous:- (om-nig-e-nous) - Of all types of kinds, of great diversity

Usage - India is an omnigenous country as people of all religions live here happily.

6)Omniumgatherum:- (omnim-gatherm) A miscellaneous collection of all things or  people 

Usage - When I went to the big fair organized by the rich industrial of our city, it seemed like an omnium-gatherum to me.

7) Omnibus:- ( om-ni-bus) -   A conveyance for all; providing transportation for many  ,a volume containing several books previously published separately.

Usage - The omnibus was able to easily transport our large tour group.

8) Omnimodous:- ( omni-mo-dus) - Of every kind 

Usage - Nowadays mobile has become omnivorous for people because they can fulfil their all kinds of need through it.

9) Omnipotent::- (omni-po-tent) - (of a deity) having unlimited power, having total power and influence

Usage -In some cultures, gods are considered to be omnipotent and all-powerful.
10) Omniscient::- (  om-nish-ent) - knowing everything; having complete understanding 

Usage - He thinks he knows what is best for everybody, but as far I know he is not omniscient.

11) Omnivorous::- (  om-niv-er-us) - Eating everything; eating both plants and meat

Usage - Sheila is a strict vegetarian who would never become omnivorous by adding meat to her diet.

12) Omnist:- (  om-nist) - A person who believes in all religions and faith

Usage - If all people in a country become omnist, then there will be no uproar based on different religions.

We hope this session will help you in Vocabulary Preparation. We will come back soon with our next session. Also, you can go through our previous articles from the list given below: 

Roots of English

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