For eg- subtracted
Sub (prefix) --------tract (root) ----------ed (suffix)
Note: PREFIX---a word, letter or number placed before another.
SUFFIX---a letter or a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning.
Consider ANIM as a ROOT means mind, life, spirit, anger
With the help of this one root word, you can decrypt several other English words. Below is a list of few such words;
Animal ------ means all living beings except humans
Animate ---- give (a film or character) the appearance of movement (life) using animation techniques.
Animosity ---- strong hostility
Anima ---- the soul or inner self of a person
Animadversion ---- strong criticism, censure, and disapproval
Animadversive ---- Being critical, censuring, or making a censorious comment
Animalism ---- a trait or mode of behaviour typical of animals
Animalist ---- A believer in, or greater interest, in physical rather than in spiritual needs.
ROOT ---- AMBUL means to walk. New words that can be formed from this root word are the following;
Ambulatory ---- relating to or adapted for walking
Amble --- walk or move at a slow, relaxed pace
Ambulance ----- a vehicle equipped for taking sick or injured people to and from the hospital, especially in emergencies
Ambulant ----- a reference to moving or walking around
Ambulatorial ---- Being equipped or fit to walk
Ambulative ---- A descriptive term for walking or for moving forward.
We hope you found this session helpful in Vocabulary Preparation. The importance of English and vocabulary cannot be overlooked now given the fact that banking exams are aligned along with Management Examinations. Pay attention to this exclusive series to combat that fear of Anglophobia.
This was all for today. We will come back soon with our edition on the same topic.
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