Candidates who intend to appear for UGC NET 2023 exam should have a good understanding of the UGC NET selection process. Let us now go through the UGC NET selection process, which will help you understand:
- How the number of candidates to be qualified is decided?
- What procedure is followed for selection?
We shall now discuss how this selection of candidates is made as per the UGC NET selection process. It will help you in planning your preparation strategy and understanding the efforts you need to put in to clear the cut-off.
(A) Mode of Examination:
The UGC NET 2023 exam is going to be conducted online as a Computer Based Test (CBT).
(B) Examination Pattern:
The test will consist of objective-type questions. It will comprise two papers- Paper 1 & Paper 2. Both papers are compulsory for qualifying for Lectureship and JRF. The UGC NET Exam Pattern of both papers has been given in the table below:
Paper | Number of Questions | Marks (2 marks each) | Pattern | Duration |
I | 50 | 50* 2 = 100 | This paper intends to assess the candidate’s research/teaching aptitude. It will also be designed to assess your comprehension skills, reasoning ability, and basic general awareness of politics, geography, and other related fields. All the questions of Paper 1 will be mandatory. | 3 hours |
II | 100 | 100 * 2 = 200 | This paper intends to assess the knowledge of the subject chosen by the candidate. All the questions of Paper 2 will be mandatory. |
Now, we will discuss the process followed for the selection of the candidate. The following steps will be followed:
(C) UGC NET Selection Process:
Step I:
- The candidate belonging to the General category needs to secure at least 40% aggregate in both the papers taken together and at least 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for the candidates belonging to the Reserved category (SC, ST, OBC, PWD, Transgender) to be considered for Assistant Professor or JRF.
Step II:
- The number of candidates who qualify for Assistant Professor should be equal to 6% of the total candidates who appeared in both papers (Total slots).
- Similarly, the number of candidates who qualify for the award of JRF should be equal to 1% (approx.) of the total candidates who appeared in both papers.
Step III:
- The total slots shall be allocated to different categories as per the Government's Reservation Policy.
Step IV:
- The methodology used for calculating the number of candidates to be declared qualified in any subject for a specific category is shown below:
Example: The number of candidates to be declared qualified for Eligibility for Assistant Professor in the subject ‘Management’ for the General category. | 
- The aggregate percentage of both papers corresponding to the number of slots arrived at, will determine the qualifying cut-off for Eligibility for Assistant Professor in ‘Management’ subject for the General category.
- Similarly, subject-wise qualifying cut-offs for all categories can be computed by applying the same methodology.
Step V:
- All the candidates who had applied for ‘Eligibility for Assistant Professor & JRF both’ out of the total number of qualified candidates computed as per Step IV, shall be taken into consideration zone for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF).
Step VI:
- The total number of slots available for awarding JRF is allocated among different categories subject-wise as per the Government's Reservation Policy.
- The UGC NET selection process followed for category-wise cum subject-wise allocation of JRF slots is shown below:
Example: Number of candidates to be declared qualified for JRF & Eligibility for Assistant Professor Both in the subject ‘Management’ for the General category |  |
- The aggregate percentage of both papers corresponding to the number of slots arrived at, will determine the qualifying cut-off for the award for JRF ‘in the ‘Management’ subject for the General category.
- A similar procedure is used for all subjects and categories. It should be noted that the above-mentioned criteria are final and binding.
Important Note: The subject-wise and category-wise merit list is prepared based on marks obtained by the candidates in all the rounds of the selection process.
This covered everything you needed to know about the UGC NET selection process. To get access to course resources customized to all students, go to BYJU's Exam Prep website. Please contact us if you have any additional questions. We hope you find this information helpful.