Life Science (Methods in Biology) - Attempt Quiz Here!

By Astha Singh|Updated : May 31st, 2022

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MCQ On Life Science (Methods In Biology)

Question 1. 

If you inject a mouse with radioactive material with current activity of 256 Bq, what will be the activity after completion of 6 half-lives?
  1. 4 Bq
  2. 8 Bq
  3. 16 Bq
  4. 24 Bq

Question 2.

A researcher samples n individuals randomly from a population of blackbuck and identifies their sex. The number of females in the sample follows
  1. an exponential distribution
  2. a binomial distribution
  3. a Poisson distribution
  4. a normal distribution

Question 3.

In electron microscopy, to detect specific macromolecule or structures such as spindle pole body (SPB), the frequently used procedure is to couple secondary antibodies with
  1. Alexa 568
  2. Cy5
  3. Gold particle
  4. Osmium tetroxide

Question 4.

A protein stock solution at pH 4 in 20 mM acetate buffer is diluted 100 folds with the buffer and the resulting absorbance of the solution is taken in a quartz cuvette of path length 10 mm at 278 nm, the λmax of the protein is 0.330. If the extinction coefficient of the protein is 0.66 ml/ mg-cm, the concentration of the stock protein solution would be:
  1. 5 mg/ml
  2. 33 mg/ml
  3. 20 mg/ml
  4. 50 mg/ml

Question 5.

A student was unable to amplify the specific gene fragment by PCR using two gene-specific primers of very different melting temperatures. What changes can he make to get the gene amplification to work without changing the product size?
  1. The number of amplification cycles can be increased
  2. Primer concentration can be decreased
  3. Primer length can be increased with low Tm
  4. the final extension time can be increased
Question 6. 
Given below is a set of statistical methods/parameters (Column A) and their potential applications/utility in biological research (column B), in a random manner.


  1. A-(ii), B-(iv),C-(i), D-(iii)
  2. A- (iii), B-(ii), C-(iv), D-(i)
  3. A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii)
  4. A-(i), B-(iii), C-(ii), D-(iv)

Question 7. 

As cancer progresses, several genome rearrangements including translocation, deletion, duplications etc. occur. If these rearrangements are to be identified, which of the following techniques would be most suitable?
  1. RAPD
  2. Microarray
  3. Multicolour- FISH
  4. Flow Cytometry

Question 8.

Strain A mice were crossed with strain B mice and first-generation F1 mice were obtained, i.e. (A x B)F1. A scientist then implanted thymectomized and irradiated (A x B)F1 mice with a B-type thymus and then reconstituted the animal’s immune system with an intravenous infusion of (A x B)F1 bone marrow cells. The chimeric mice were infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and the spleen T cells were then tested for their ability to kill LCMV – infected target cells from the strain A or strain B mice.

  1. LCMV-infected target cells from strain A only will be killed
  2. LCMV-infected target cells from strain B only will be killed
  3. LCMV-infected target cells from both strains A and B will be killed
  4. Neither cells from strain A nor from strain B will be killed

Question 9. 

Specimens for light microscopy are commonly fixed with a solution containing chemicals that crosslink/denature cellular constituents. Commonly used fixatives such as formaldehyde and methanol could act in various ways as described below:

A) Formaldehyde crosslinks amino groups on adjacent molecules and stabilizes protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions.

B) Methanol acts as a denaturing fixative and acts by reducing the solubility of protein molecules by disrupting hydrophobic interactions.

C) Formaldehyde crosslinks lipid tails in biological membranes.

D) Methanol acts on nucleic acids, crosslinks nucleic acids with proteins and thus stabilizes protein-nucleic acid interactions.

Which one of the following combinations represents all correct statements?

  1. A and C
  2. B and C
  3. B and D 
  4. A and B


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