Day-31: 300+ Most Repeated Questions For UGC NET Exam Paper-1

By Mohit Choudhary|Updated : September 29th, 2022

Most Repeated Questions For UGC NET Exam: UGC NET Exam is very near now. This time it is a great opportunity to clear the exam. You may never get an opportunity like this shortly. So work hard like this is your last attempt. Leave every other and just focus on UGC NET Exam.

We are launching this series in which we will provide daily 10 most repetitive questions of UGC NET Exam Paper 1; like this, we will provide more than 300 most repetitive questions of UGC NET Paper-1.

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Most Repetitive Questions of UGC NET Paper 1:

Q 1. A thesis statement is

(A) an observation

(B) a fact

(C) an assertion

(D) a discussion

Answer: (C)


Q 2.  The research approach of Max Weber to understand how people create meanings in natural settings is identified as

(A) positive paradigm

(B) critical paradigm

(C) natural paradigm

(D) interpretative paradigm

Answer: (D)


Q 3. Which one of the following is a non probability sampling?

(A) Simple Random

(B) Purposive

(C) Systematic

(D) Stratified

Answer: (B)


Q 4. Identify the category of evaluation that assesses the learning progress to provide continuous feedback to the students during instruction.

(A) Placement

(B) Diagnostic

(C) Formative

(D) Summative

Answer: (C)


Q 5. The research stream of immediate application is

(A) Conceptual research

(B) Action research

(C) Fundamental research

(D) Empirical research

Answer: (B)


Instructions: Read the following passage carefully and answer questions 6 to 10:

Traditional Indian Values must be viewed both from the angle of the individual and from that of the geographically delimited agglomeration of peoples or groups enjoying a common system of leadership which we call the 'State'. The Indian 'State's' special feature is the peaceful, or perhaps mostly peaceful, co-existence of social groups of various historical provenances which manually adhere in a geographical, economic and political sense, without ever assimilating to each other in social terms, in ways of thinking, or even in language. Modern Indian law will determine certain rules, especially in relation to the regime of the family, upon the basis of hwo the loin-cloth is tied, or how the turban is worn, for this may identify the litigants as members of a regional group, and therefore as participants in it traditional law, though their ancestors left the region three or four centuries earlier. The use of the word 'State' above must not mislead us. There was no such thing as a conflict between the individual and the State, at least before foreign governments became established, just as there was no concept of state 'sovereignty' or of any church-and-state dichotomy.

                   Modem Indian 'secularism' has an admittedly peculiar feature: It requires the state to make a fair distribution of attention amongst all religions. These blessed aspects of India's famed tolerance (Indian kings to rarely persecuted religious groups that the exceptions prove the rule) at once struck Portuguese and other European visitors to the West Coast of India in the sixteenth century, and the impression made upon them in this and other ways gave rise, at one remove, to the basic constitution of Thomas More's Utopia. There is little about modern India that strikes one at once as Utopian but the insistence upon the inculcation of norms, and the absense of bigotry and  institutionalized exploitation of human or natural resources, are two very different features which link the realities of India and her tradition with the essence of all Utopians.


Q 6. Which of the following is a special feature of the Indian state?

(A) peaceful co-existence of people under a common system of leadership

(B) peaceful co-existence of social groups of different historical provenances attached to each other in a geographical, economical and political sense

(C) Social integration of all groups

(D) Cultural assimilation of all social groups

Answer: (B)


Q 7. The author uses the word 'State' to highlight

(A) Antagonistic relationship between the state and the individual throughout the period of history.

(B) Absence of conflict between the state and the individuals upto a point in time.

(C) The concept of state sovereignty

(D) Dependence of religion

Answer: (B)


Q 8. Which one is the peculiar feature of modern Indian 'secularism'?

(A) No discrimination on religious considerations

(B) Total indifference to religion

(C) No space for social identity

(D) Disregard for social law

Answer: (A)


Q 9. The basic construction of Thomas More's Utopia was inspired by

(A) Indian tradition of religious tolerance

(B) Persecution of religious groups by Indian rulers

(C) Social inequality in India

(D) European perception of Indian State

Answer: (A)


Q 10. What is the striking feature of modern India?

(A) A replica of Utopian State

(B) Uniform Laws

(C) Adherance to traditional values

(D) Absense of Bigotry


Some Basic Tips For Last Minute Preparation:

  • Allocate proper time to each unit as per the importance and pattern in the previous examinations.
  • Cover the strong areas first.
  • Do not spend too much time on a single question; you can return to such questions once you have finished the test.
  • Keep attempting online mock tests and previous year papers to improve your speed and accuracy.
  • Avoid Over Stressing, Stay Calm and give your best shot.                                                                                                           

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