Important Vocabulary from The Hindu Editorial: 4th May, 2022
Important Words from the Article
Word: Dubious (संदेहात्मक)
- Pronunciation: doo-bee-uhs/ डूबीअस
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: hesitating or doubting.
- Synonyms: doubtful, questionable, uncertain, suspicious
- Antonyms: certain, sure, confident
- Usage in a sentence: The firm was accused of dubious accounting practices.
2. Word: Wilt (सूखना)
- Pronunciation: wilt/विल्ट
- Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
- Meaning:
a. to become limp and drooping, as a fading flower; wither (Verb)
b. to lose strength, vigor, assurance, etc. (Verb)
c. to cause to wilt (Verb)
d. the act of wilting, or the state of being wilted (Noun)
e. the drying out, drooping, and withering of the leaves of a plant due to inadequate water supply, excessive transpiration, or vascular disease (Noun) - Synonyms: droop, wither, fade
- Antonyms: freshen, revive, rise, straighten, unbend
- Usage in a sentence: Cut flowers will soon wilt without water.
3. Word: Cadre (संवर्ग/ढांचा)
- Pronunciation: kad-ree/काड्र
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning:
a. Military. the key group of officers and enlisted personnel necessary to establish and train a new military unit
b. a group of trained or otherwise qualified personnel capable of forming, training, or leading an expanded organization, as a religious or political faction, or a skilled work force
c. They hoped to form a cadre of veteran party members.
(especially in Communist countries) a cell of trained and devoted workers
d. a member of a cadre; a person qualified to serve in a cadre
e. a framework, outline, or scheme - Synonyms: cell, group, framework, crew
- Usage in a sentence: I was part of the cadre for a new armored division.
4. Word: Naively (निष्कपट)
- Pronunciation: nah-eevly/नेंवली
- Part of Speech: Adverb
- Meaning:
a. in a way that shows you are too willing to believe that someone is telling the truth or that life is pleasant or fair - Synonyms: innocently, artlessly, ingeniously, candidly
- Antonyms: deliberately, artfully, deviously
- Usage in a sentence: I naively believed he was telling the truth.
5. Word: Detention (कारावास)
- Pronunciation: dih-ten-shuh n/ डिटेन्शन
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: the action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody.
- Synonyms: custody, imprisonment, confinement, incarceration
- Antonyms: redemption, release, liberation, discharge, freedom
- Usage in a sentence: The detention raised two distinct but closely linked questions.
6. Word: Ostensibly (प्रकट रूप से)
- Pronunciation: o-sten-suh-buh ly/आस्टेन्सब्ली
- Part of Speech: Adverb
- Meaning:
a. outwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended
b. appearing or claiming to be one thing when it is really something else - Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, outwardly, superficially
- Antonyms: truly, really, improbably, unlikely
- Usage in a sentence: If the engine on an ostensibly low-mileage car is filthy, it may have higher mileage than it seems.
7. Word: Audacity (धृष्टता)
- Pronunciation: aw-das-i-tee/ऑडैसिटी
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning:
a. boldness or daring, especially with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions
b. effrontery or insolence; shameless boldness - Synonyms: boldness, nerve, courage, daring
- Antonyms: timidity, cowardice, fear
- Usage in a sentence: He had the audacity to blame me for his mistake!
8. Word: Reckless (लापरवाह)
- Pronunciation: rek-lis/रेक्लिस
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning:
a. doing something dangerous and not worrying about the risks and the possible results
b. showing a lack of care about risks or danger, and acting without thinking about the results of your actions
c. taking risks and not caring about the possible dangers - Synonyms: rash, careless, thoughtless
- Antonyms: prudent, cautious, careful
- Usage in a sentence: They made increasingly reckless investments.
9. Word: Impair (क्षीण करना)
- Pronunciation: im-pair/इम्पेर
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning:
a. to make or cause to become worse; diminish in ability, value, excellence, etc.; weaken or damage
b. to grow or become worse; lessen - Synonyms: damage, spoil, undermine, vitiate
- Antonyms: improve, aid, help, heal
- Usage in a sentence: A recurring knee injury may have impaired his chances of winning the tournament.
10. Word: Vulnerable (वेदनीय)
- Pronunciation: vuhl-ner-uh-buhl/वल्नरबल
- Part of Speech:Adjective
- Meaning:
a. capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt, as by a weapon
b. open to moral attack, criticism, temptation, etc.
c. (of a place) open to assault; difficult to defend - Synonyms: exposed, unprotected, weak, insecure, at risk
- Antonyms: safe, secure, guarded, invincible
- Usage in a sentence: Start-ups are very vulnerable in the business world.
10. Word: Uptick (बढ़ोतरी)
- Pronunciation: uhp-tik/अपटिक
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning:
a. a rise or improvement in business activity, in mood, etc. - Synonyms: uptrend, rise, increase
- Antonyms: decrease, down-tick, decrement
- Usage in a sentence: We can see some uptick in activity in the marketplace.
Practice here Daily Wordlist Quiz
The Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary Based Exercises: 4th May, 2022
Based on the description of the words, we have some practice questions for you. Answer these questions in the comments section. Our team will review them at the earliest!
Exercise 1. Make your own Sentences!
Here are some of the words from the above article. Try to frame sentences from them in your own words and share them with us in the comments section!
- Audacity
- Reckless
- Impair
- Vulnerable
- Uptick
Exercise 2: Match the columns.
SR No. | Word | Synonym |
1 | Dubious | Cell |
2 | Wilt | Suspicious |
3 | Cadre | Droop |
4 | Naively | Incarceration |
5 | Detention | Candidly |
You can also check the wordlist articles for the previous days from the link below: Daily Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Wordlist: 3rd May, 2022
More from us: Share your answers in the comment section.
That was your Vocabulary dose for the day.
From BYJU'S Exam Prep
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