Important Vocabulary from The Hindu Editorial: 2nd August, 2023
1. Word: Apex (शिखर)
- Pronunciation: ey-peks/ऐपेक्स
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning:
a. the top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point.
b. the highest point of achievement; a climax.
- Synonyms: peak, acme
- Antonyms: nadir, bottom
- Use in a Sentence: The man was at the apex of his career.
2. Word: Connive (मौन सहमति देना)
- Pronunciation: kuh-nahyv/कनाइव
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning:
a. secretly allow (something immoral, illegal, or harmful) to occur.
b. conspire to do something immoral, illegal, or harmful.
- Synonyms: intrigue, devise, wrangle
- Antonyms: combat, preclude
- Use in a Sentence: The offenders connived with the policemen to loot a bank.
3. Word: Denounce (आरोप लगा देना)
- Pronunciation: dih-nouns
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning:
a. to criticize harshly and publicly - Synonyms: condemn, criticize, censure/reject
- Antonyms: Praise, approve, compliment
- Usage in a sentence: How can you denounce the service at that restaurant when you have never eaten there?
4. Word: Intriguing (लुभावना)
- Pronunciation: in-treeg-ing/इन्ट्रीगिंग
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: arousing one's curiosity or interest; fascinating.
- Synonyms: fascinating, alluring, engaging
- Antonyms: tedious, boring, dull
- Usage in a Sentence: The deal was an intriguing matter of 1.7 million dollars.
5. Word: Allegedly (कथित रूप से)
- Pronunciation: uh-lej-id-lee/अलेजिड्ली
- Part of Speech: Adverb
- Meaning: used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof.
- Synonyms: reportedly, supposedly, reputedly, purportedly, ostensibly, apparently
- Antonyms: accurately, certainly, actually, exactly
- Usage in Sentence: He lost his job for allegedly being incapable.
6. Word: Brazen (निर्लज)
- Pronunciation: brey-zuhn/ब्रेज़न
- Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb
- Meaning:
a. obvious, without any attempt to be hidden (Adjective)
b. made of brass (Adjective)
c. to make brazen or bold (Verb) - Synonyms: bold, shameless, cheeky, insolent
- Antonyms: timid, shy, shameful
- Usage in a sentence: He told me a brazen lie.
7. Word: Rebuke (फटकार)
- Pronunciation: Re-bew-k/रिब्यूक
- Part of Speech: Noun, verb
- Meaning - express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behaviour or actions (Verb)
an expression of sharp disapproval or criticism (Noun) - Synonyms - censure, disapproval
- Antonyms - approval, endorsement
- Usage in a sentence - His bad manners earned him a sharp rebuke.
8. Word: Sheer (परिपूर्ण)
- Pronunciation: sheer/शीर
- Part of Speech: Adverb, Adjective
- Meaning:
a. nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis). [Adjective]
b. completely; right. [Adverb] - Synonyms: complete, absolute
- Antonyms: indefinite, incomplete
- Use in a Sentence: The boy giggled with sheer delight.
9. Word: Din (शोर)
- Pronunciation: din/डिन
- Meaning –
a.a loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise (Noun)
b. make a loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise, make (someone) learn or remember an idea by constant repetition (Verb) - Synonyms-: uproar, commotion, cacophony, babel, hubbub, tumult, instil
- Antonyms - silence, quiet
- Usage in a sentence - They made so much din that I couldn't hear you.
10. Word: Skulduggery (छल-कपट)
- Pronunciation: skuhl-duhg-uh-ree/ स्कल्डगरी
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: underhand, unscrupulous, or dishonest behaviour or activities.
- Synonyms: trickery, deception, artifice, deceit
- Antonyms: honesty, good faith, fair deal
- Usage in a Sentence: He is serving a prison sentence for financial skulduggery.
The Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary Based Exercises:2nd August, 2023
Based on the description of the words, we have some practice questions for you. Answer these questions in the comments section. Our team will review them at the earliest!
Exercise 1. Make your own Sentences.
Here are some of the words from the above article. Try to frame sentences from them in your own words and share them with us in the comments section!
- apex
- connived
- denounce
- intriguing
- allegedly
Exercise 2: Match the columns.
SR No. | Word | Antonym |
1 | brazen | honesty |
2 | rebuke | silence |
3 | sheer | approval |
4 | din | indefinite |
5 | skulduggery | timid |
Share your answers in the comment section.
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You can also check the wordlist articles for the previous days from the link below: Daily Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Wordlist: 1st August, 2023
That was your Vocabulary dose for the day.
from BYJU'S Exam Prep
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