Important Vocabulary from The Hindu Editorial: 2nd April, 2021
1. Word: Galvanise (प्रेरित करना)
- Pronunciation: gal-vuh-nahyz/ गैल्वनाइज़
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: shock or excite (someone) into taking action.
- Synonyms: stimulate, excite, energize, encourage
- Antonyms: discourage, deter, dissuade
- Usage in a sentence: He decided to talk loudly and galvanise the team into action.
2. Word: Catastrophic (विनाशकारी)
- Pronunciation: kat-uh-strof-ik/ कैटस्ट्राफिक
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning:
a. involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.
b. extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful.
c. involving a sudden and large-scale alteration in state - Synonyms: disastrous, tragic, ruinous, cataclysmic, destructive
- Antonyms: fortunate, lucky, harmless, unharmful, encouraging
- Usage in a Sentence: The oil spill was an environmental catastrophe.
3. Word: Degenerate (विकृत)
- Pronunciation: dih-jen-uh-reyt/ डिजेनरट
- Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun, Verb
- Meaning:
a. having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline. (Adjective)
b. an immoral or corrupt person. (Noun)
c. decline or deteriorate physically, mentally, or morally. (Verb) - Synonyms: depraved, deteriorate, decline, immoral, corrupt
- Antonyms: moral, good, virtuous, develop, honest
- Usage in a sentence: He criticizes what he believes is a degenerate society.
4. Word: Wrangle (वाद विवाद करना)
- Pronunciation: rang-guhl/ रैंगगल
- Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
- Meaning:
a. a dispute or argument, typically one that is long and complicated. (Noun)
b. have a long, complicated dispute or argument. (Verb) - Synonyms: squabble, dispute, quarrel, fight
- Antonyms: peace, agreement, reconcile
- Usage in a sentence: They had a bitter wrangle over custody of their children.
5. Word: Audit (परीक्षण)
- Pronunciation: aw-dit/ ऑडिट
- Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
- Meaning:
a. an official inspection of an organization's accounts, typically by an independent body [Noun]
b. conduct an official financial inspection of (a company or its accounts) [Verb] - Synonyms: check, review, scrutiny, suspect
- Antonyms: ignore, neglect, preview
- Usage in a Sentence: As usual, the yearly audit will take place in December.
6. Word: Imbue (व्याप्त होना)
- Pronunciation: im-byoo/ इम्ब्यू
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: inspire or permeate with (a feeling or quality).
- Synonyms: permeate, pervade, impregnate, infuse, saturate
- Antonyms: drain, take out
- Usage in a sentence: A feeling of optimism imbues her works.
7. Word: Desultory (असंबद्ध)
- Pronunciation: des-uh l-tawr-ee/ डेसल्टॉरी
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning:
a. lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm.
b. (of conversation or speech) going from one subject to another in a half-hearted way.
c. occurring randomly or occasionally. - Synonyms: aimless, random, erratic, irregular, haphazard
- Antonyms: methodical, thoughtful, supportive, consistent
- Usage in a sentence: He is engaged in a desultory search for something of interest on TV.
8. Word: Inevitable (अनिवार्य)
- Pronunciation: in-ev-i-tuh-buh l/ इनेविटबल
- Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
- Meaning:
a. certain to happen; unavoidable. [Adjective]
b. a situation that is unavoidable. [Noun] - Synonyms: unavoidable, necessary, ineluctable
- Antonyms: avoidable, preventable, evitable
- Usage in a sentence: Accidents are the inevitable result of driving too fast.
9. Word: Ambition (आकांक्षा)
- Pronunciation: am-bish-uhn/ ऐम्बिशन
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning:
a. a strong desire to do or achieve something.
b. desire and determination to achieve success. - Synonyms: goal, desire, aspiration, dream
- Antonyms: laziness, apathy, indifference, contentment
- Usage in a sentence: My first ambition as a child was to be in the circus.
10. Word: Cohesive (संसक्त)
- Pronunciation: koh-hee-siv/ कोहीसिव
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: characterized by or causing cohesion.
- Synonyms: coherent, unified, united, integrated
- Antonyms: divided, detached, disunited, fragmented
- Usage in a sentence: Their tribe is a small but cohesive group.
Practice here Daily Wordlist Quiz
The Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary Based Exercises: 2nd April, 2022
Based on the description of the words, we have some practice questions for you. Answer these questions in the comments section. Our team will review them at the earliest!
Exercise 1. Make your own Sentences.
Here are some of the words from the above article. Try to frame sentences from them in your own words and share them with us in the comments section!
- Audit
- Imbue
- Wrangle
- Degenerate
- Ambition
- Inevitable
Exercise 2: Match the columns.
SR No. | Words | Antonyms |
1 | Desultory | Reconcile |
2 | Inevitable | Fragmented |
3 | Imbue | Drain |
4 | Wrangle | Consistent |
5 | Cohesive | Presentable |
6 | Catastrophic | Fortunate |
Share your answers in the comment section.
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You can also check the wordlist articles for the previous days from the link below: Daily Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Wordlist: 31st March, 2022
That was your Vocabulary dose for the day.
from BYJU'S Exam Prep
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