Daily Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Wordlist: 27th September, 2022

By Yitika Saini|Updated : September 27th, 2022

Daily updated The Hindu Editorial vocabulary words with their meanings dated 27th September, 2022 are important for Bank, SSC, Railway & IAS exams. At BYJU’S Exam Prep, our Series is named "Daily Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Words List: 27th September, 2022" to shape up your vocabulary from the newspaper wordlist.

With the help of a daily wordlist from the Hindu newspaper of 27th September, 2022 our aim is to help you completely understand the commonly used words with their meanings, pronunciations, synonyms, antonyms, and proper use in sentences, etc. Today's Hindu newspaper contains important vocabulary words like resonate, unviable etc. which can be downloaded from the monthly PDF of The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary to strengthen your preparation.

Important Vocabulary from The Hindu Editorial: 27th September, 2022

1. Word: Rhetoric (शब्दाडम्बर)

  • Pronunciationret-er-ik
  • Part of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.
  • Synonyms: Elocution, Discourse, Bombast
  • Antonyms: Conciseness, Quiet
  • Use in a Sentence: As the elections are just one week away, the rhetoric on both parties is building.

2. Word: Camouflage (छुप जाना)

  • Pronunciation:ˈka-mə-ˌfläzh/कैमफ्लाश़
  • Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
  • Meaning
    a. the disguising of military personnel, equipment, and installations by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their surroundings. (Noun)
    b. hide or disguise the presence of (a person, animal, or object) by means of camouflage. (Verb)
  • Synonyms: disguise, mask, cloak, conceal, cover
  • Antonyms: uncover, unmask, reveal, show
  • Usage in a Sentence: The insect has the ideal camouflage because it looks exactly like an unnoticeable brown leaf.

3. Word: Unleash (उन्मुक्त करना)

  • Pronunciation: uhn-leesh/अन्लीश
  • Part of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: cause (a strong or violent force) to be released or become unrestrained.
  • Synonyms: release, liberate, extricate
  • Antonyms: restrain, control, inhibit
  • Use in a Sentence: The result will unleash the raging demands for her resignation.

4. Word: Cradle (पालन पोषण करना)

  • Pronunciation: kreyd-l/क्रैडल
  • Part of Speech
  • Meaning:
    a. a small bed for an infant, usually on rockers (Noun)
    b. any of various supports for objects set horizontally, as the support for the handset of a telephone (noun)
    c. to hold gently or protectively (verb)
    d. to place or rock in or as in an infant's cradle (Verb)
    e. to lie in or as if in a cradle (Verb)
  • Synonyms: hold, embrace, support, protect
  • Antonyms: drop, abandon
  • Usage in a sentence: Joe cradled his cup of coffee and began to speak.

5. Word: Provocative (उकसाने वाला)

  • Pronunciation: pruh-vok-uh-tiv/ प्रोवाकटिव
  • Part of Speech: Adjective
  • Meaning
    a. causing anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.
    b. intended or intending to arouse sexual desire or interest.
  • Synonyms: annoying, irritating, exasperating, infuriating, alluringseductivetempting
  • Antonyms: soothing, calming, boring
  • Usage in a sentence: Regional theatre is new, exciting, provocative and makes people talk.

6. Word: Affiliate (सम्बद्ध करना)

  • Pronunciationuh-fil-ee-eyt/ अफिलीएट
  • Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
  • Meaning:
    a. officially attach or connect (a subsidiary group or a person) to an organization. (Verb)
    b. a person or organization officially attached to a larger body. (Noun) 
  • Synonyms: associate, ally, connect, join, unite, combine
  • Antonyms: separate, disaffiliate, abate, enemy
  • Usage in a Sentence:  
    a. Their group does not affiliate itself with any political party. (Verb)
    b. Two of the company's regional affiliates lost money in the past year. (Noun)

7. Word: Foment (उकसाना)

  • Pronunciation: foh-ment/फोमेन्ट
  • Part of Speech: Verb 
  • Meaning: instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action).
  • Synonyms: provoke, incite, stimulate
  • Antonyms: soothe, dampen, ease
  • Usage in a Sentence: He has moved beyond simply trying to foment a revolt.

8. Word: Disrupt (अस्त-व्यस्त करना)

  • Pronunciation: dis-ruhpt/डिस्रप्ट
  • Part of Speech: Verb
  • Meaning: 
    a. interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem.
    b. drastically alter or destroy the structure of.
  • Synonyms: distort, damage, buckle, warp
  • Antonyms: organize, arrange, mend
  • Usage in a Sentence: He refused to hear anything that might disrupt his plans.

9. Word: Tranquillity (शांतचित्तता)

  • Pronunciation: trang-kwil-i-tee/ ट्रैंगक्विलिटी
  • Part of Speech: Noun
  • Meaning: the quality or state of being tranquil; calm.
  • Synonyms: quiet, calm, peace, serenity, stillness
  • Antonyms: bloodlust, fear, rage, violence
  • Usage in a Sentence: The open spaces surrounding her home bring tranquillity, but also transportation trouble.

10. Word: Instigate (भड़काना)

  • Pronunciation: insti-gate/इन्स्टगैट
  • Part of speech: Verb
  • Meaning: to trigger something
  • Synonyms: set in motion, put in motion, start, begin, initiate,
  • Antonyms: halt, stop, calm, discourage
  • Usage in a sentence: Hopefully, the red band campaign will instigate a greater awareness of cancer prevention.

Practice here Daily Wordlist Quiz

The Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary Based Exercises: 27th September, 2022

Based on the description of the words, we have some practice questions for you. Answer these questions in the comments section. Our team will review them at the earliest!

Exercise 1. Make your own Sentences.

Here are some of the words from the above article. Try to frame sentences from them in your own words and share them with us in the comments section!

  • Tranquillity
  • Unleash
  • Cradle
  • Foment
  • Camouflage

Exercise 2: Match the columns.

SR No.WordSynonym
1Affiliateput in motion

Share your answers in the comment section. 

That was your Vocabulary dose for the day. 

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