Important Vocabulary from The Hindu Editorial: 26th April, 2022
Important Words from the Article
Word: Harbinger (अग्रगामी)
- Pronunciation: hahr-bin-jer / हार्बिन्जर
- Part of Speech: Noun
- Meaning: a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.
- Synonyms: presage, portent, sign
- Antonyms: descendent
- Usage in a sentence: The increase in homes prices may be a harbinger of better economic times.
2. Word: Ironically (व्यंग्यपूर्वक)
- Pronunciation: ahy-ron-i-kuhl-ee/ आइरानिक्ली
- Part of Speech: Adverb
- Meaning: used in reference to a paradoxical, unexpected, or coincidental situation.
- Synonyms: wryly, paradoxically, sarcastically
- Antonyms: actually, acutely
- Usage in a sentence: She ended up doing commercials, which ironically revived her acting career.
3. Word: Hail (सलाम करना)
- Pronunciation: heyl/हेल
- Part of Speech: Verb, Noun
- Meaning:
a. to cheer, salute (Verb)
b. to approve enthusiastically (Verb)
c. to call out in greet (Verb)
d. a shout or call to attract attention (Noun)
e. small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky like rain (Noun) - Synonyms: welcome, salute, greet, acclaim
- Antonyms: ignore, discourage, reject
- Usage in a sentence: I tried to hail her from across the room.
4. Word: Draconian (कठोर)
- Pronunciation: drey-koh-nee-uh n
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning: (of laws or their application) excessively harsh and severe.
- Synonyms: severe, harsh, strict
- Antonyms: mild, lenient
- Usage in a sentence: He criticized the draconian measures taken by the police in controlling the demonstrators.
5. Word: Substantial (मजबूत)
- Pronunciation: सब्स्टैन्शल/Subs-tan-cial
- Meaning - referring to something that is greater or larger than normal
- Synonyms - considerable, real, material, weighty,
- Antonyms - insubstantial, worthless
- Usage in a sentence - Known for his substantial efforts in winning, the competitive boy rarely could find someone to play against because the opponent knew he would lose.
6. Word: Unimpeded (निर्विघ्न)
- Pronunciation: un-im-peeded/अनिम्पीडिड
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning:
a. not impeded; unhindered
b. not stopped, blocked, or prevented by anything - Synonyms: free, unhindered, unrestricted
- Antonyms: obstructed, restricted
- Usage in a sentence: From this position you can enjoy an unimpeded view of the waterfall.
7. Word: Indicative (निर्देशात्मक)
- Pronunciation: in-dik-uh-tiv/इन्डिकटिव
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning:
a. serving as a sign or indication of something.
- Synonyms: symptomatic, expressive, suggestive, evocative
- Antonyms: concealing, friendly, hidden
- Use in a Sentence: His presence is indicative of his willingness to help.
8. Word: Ramp up (बढ़ाना)
- Pronunciation: ramp up/रैंप अप
- Part of Speech:
- Meaning:
a. to increase or cause to increase
b. (intr) to increase the effort involved in a process
- Synonyms: build up, work up, progress, fortify
- Antonyms: corrode
- Use in a Sentence: The company announced plans to ramp up production to 10,000 units per month.
9. Word: Arrogate (अनधिकार से अपना लेना)
- Pronunciation: ar-uh-geyt/ ऐरोगैट
- Part of Speech: Verb
- Meaning: take or claim (something) without justification.
- Synonyms: usurp, assume, appropriate, seize
- Antonyms: forfeit, give, forgo, waive, hand over
- Usage in a sentence: They've arrogated to themselves the power to change the rules arbitrarily.
10. Word: Inimical (अहितकर)
- Pronunciation: ih-nim-i-kuhl/ इनिमिकल
- Part of Speech: Adjective
- Meaning:
a. tending to obstruct or harm.
b. unfriendly; hostile. - Synonyms: hostile, unfriendly, harmful, antagonistic, injurious
- Antonyms: friendly, desirous, advantageous, hospitable
- Usage in a Sentence: We received an inimical response rather than the anticipated support.
Practice here Daily Wordlist Quiz
The Hindu Newspaper Vocabulary Based Exercises: 26th April, 2022
Based on the description of the words, we have some practice questions for you. Answer these questions in the comments section. Our team will review them at the earliest!
Exercise 1. Make your own Sentences!
Here are some of the words from the above article. Try to frame sentences from them in your own words and share them with us in the comments section!
- Inimical
- Ramp up
- Arrogate
- Draconian
- Indicative
Exercise 2: Match the columns.
SR No. | Word | Synonym |
1 | hostile | appropriate |
2 | symptomatic | unrestricted |
3 | wryly | suggestive |
4 | free | sarcastically |
5 | usurp | unfriendly |
You can also check the wordlist articles for the previous days from the link below: Daily Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Wordlist: 25th April, 2022
More from us: Share your answers in the comment section.
That was your Vocabulary dose for the day.
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