Operating System

Operating System

What is Semaphore in OS?
What is Semaphore in OS?Check Here: Semaphore in OSJun 9|13 upvotes
Round Robin Scheduling
Round Robin SchedulingCheck Here: Round Robin SchedulingJun 8|3 upvotes
What is Paging in Operating System?
What is Paging in Operating System?Check Here: Paging in OSMay 11|8 upvotes
Difference Between Linux and Windows
Difference Between Linux and WindowsCheck Here: Difference Between Linux and Windows Jun 9|1 upvotes
Difference Between Multiprogramming, Multitasking, Multithreading, and Multiprocessing
Difference Between Multiprogramming, Multitasking, Multithreading, and MultiprocessingCheck Here: Difference Between Multiprogramming, Multitasking, Multithreading, and MultiprocessingJun 13|9 upvotes
Difference Between Multi-threading and Multitasking
Difference Between Multi-threading and MultitaskingCheck here: Difference Between Multithreading and MultitaskingSep 7|1 upvotes
Introduction to Operating System
Introduction to Operating SystemStudy Notes on Introduction of Operating System for GATE ExamsMay 29|514 upvotes
Operating System: Process & Threads
Operating System: Process & ThreadsCheck here: Operating SystemSep 5|625 upvotes
Operating System: Inter-Process Communication
Operating System: Inter-Process CommunicationCheck here for Operating System: Inter-Process CommunicationSep 5|136 upvotes
Operating System: Concurrency
Operating System: ConcurrencyCheck here for Operating System: ConcurrencySep 5|150 upvotes
Synchronization Study Notes for GATE & Computer Science Engineering Exams
Synchronization Study Notes for GATE & Computer Science Engineering ExamsStudy Notes on Synchronization for GATE Computer Science ExamSep 6|497 upvotes
Deadlock Study Notes for GATE & Computer Science Engineering Exams
Deadlock Study Notes for GATE & Computer Science Engineering ExamsGet Study Notes on Deadlock for GATE Computer Science ExamSep 5|250 upvotes
Operating System: CPU Scheduling
Operating System: CPU Schedulingcheck here for Operating System: CPU SchedulingAug 31|342 upvotes
Operating System: Memory Management
Operating System: Memory Management check here for Operating System: Memory Management Sep 3|315 upvotes
Operating System: File Systems
Operating System: File SystemsStudy Notes on File Systems for GATE Computer Science ExamSep 7|221 upvotes