Check out all the details about the Federal Bank PO/Clerk vacancy and salary of all the posts.
Federal Bank Vacancy 2020
Get complete detail about the Federal Bank vacancy for both the post of Federal Bank PO and clerk. The total vacancy will be updated after the release of the Federal Bank PO/Clerk official notification. The post includes the Probationary Officer and Clerk.
Federal Bank Salary 2020
The Federal Bank PO/Clerk salary is based on certain pay scales as per rules. The Federal Bank Salary includes DA, HRA/ Additional HRA, Medical and other allowances & perquisites as per rules in force from time to time depending upon the place of posting and other factors.
Federal Bank PO Salary
The grade pays to be received by the candidate as a probationary officer will be Rs. 23700 in the scale of pay of 23700 - 980/7 - 30560 – 1145/2 - 32850 – 1310/7 – 42020.
Federal Bank Clerk Salary
The starting Basic Pay is of Rs. 13075 in the scale of pay Rs. 11765– 655/3 - 13730 – 815/3 - 16175 – 980/4 - 20095 – 1145/7 - 28110 – 2120/1 - 30230 –1310/1 – 31540.
Federal Bank PO/Clerk Job Profile
To apply for any post, it is important to understand what tasks he/she may undertake after getting selected. So, here is a short description:
1) PO (Probationary Officer) – The selected candidates will be required to execute a service agreement upon joining the bank for a minimum of 2 years or to pay the bank a sum of 50,000/- in case the candidate leaves the Bank before completion of the service period.
2) Clerk - The selected candidates will be required to execute a Service Agreement upon joining the bank for a minimum 2 years or to pay the bank a sum of 30,000/- in case the candidate leaves the Bank before completion of the service period.