Weekly Essay: Are more dams answer to India's water woes?

By Saurabh Singh|Updated : January 7th, 2018

Instructions: Word limit: 750. Time Limit: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Hi friends, I hope you are enjoying this essay writing initiative. But very few aspirants are writing essay and many are silent watchers. So, I urge such aspirants to start writing for improving your chances of cracking the civil services exam. As I have mentioned earlier, regular practice of essay can easily fetch you 50-60% marks. So please don’t hesitate and start writing no matter the quality because quality will not improve if you do not practice.

You may write straightaway or refer the links given below: -

Article: India must build more dams to store water

Link: https://blogs.economictimes.indiatimes.com/et-editorials/india-must-build-more-dams-to-store-water/

Article: Recycling is the answer to India’s water woes

Link: http://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/recycling-is-the-answer-to-india-s-water-woes-58308

Article: Why linking rivers will not solve India's water crisis

Link: https://scroll.in/article/701899/why-linking-rivers-will-not-solve-indias-water-crisis




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