Op-Ed Focus: Back to the classroom

By Saurabh Singh|Updated : July 17th, 2017

Article: Back to the classroom

Link: http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/back-to-the-classroom/article19290041.ece

Now try to answer the following questions:

  1. What is evidence based policing? And how it can be helpful in reforming Police system?
  2. Is Political interference really the root cause of all the issues ailing Police machinery in India?
  3. Analyse the fresh challenges posed by Socio-politico-economic set up of 21st century India. Is Indian Police up to the task of facing these challenges?

Points to ponder:

  1. Police reforms have not taken place despite repeated Supreme Court direction. Comment.
  2. What are the problems, especially those inherited from colonial era, ailing Police machinery?




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