Sitting Arrangement problems are a regular question asked in every bank exam. They are a compulsory question for bank exams like IBPS Clerk, PO, SBI Clerk, PO, IBPS RRB Clerk, PO, RBI Grade A, B, NABARD Grade A & B, LIC AAO etc. The important thing to keep in mind is that the sitting arrangement questions are asked as a bunch of five-six questions in the sitting Arrangements online test for bank exams. Thus, if you understand the logic and sitting arrangements tricks for bank exams, you can quickly answer five-six questions in one go.
This also means that if you do not understand how to solve this critical question, you will easily lose out 5-6 questions, which is going to cost your score and an opportunity to secure a bank job.
Important Types of Sitting Arrangement Questions
We have discussed below the important sitting arrangement topics for bank exams along with giving sitting arrangements notes.
Linear Arrangement | Objects or people will be arranged along a line. This can be vertical or horizontal. Example: people standing in a queue. |
Circular Arrangement | The sitting arrangement will be along a circle. Here, the people can face either inward, outwards, or a combination of both. Example: a round table conference. |
Square/Rectangle Arrangement | This is similar to the circular arrangement. The only difference is that the number of objects will be restricted to four and they occupy the sides of a square/rectangle. |
Complex Arrangements | Complex arrangement problems can have objects with multiple properties attached to them. For example, the hair colour of a person and their job title might be given. These types of problems fall in the hard category, and they require you to construct tables to solve. |
Seven Basic Rules and Assumptions of Sitting Arrangement Problems
- In circular seating arrangement, the default is facing inwards, i.e. facing the centre of the circle, unless specified otherwise.
- In an inward-facing circular sitting arrangement, left means clockwise and right means anti-clockwise.
- The top of the page is assumed to be North, if not specified otherwise.
- When arranging people on a straight line, the default is facing to the North, i.e. to the top of the page.
- There is a difference between the left and immediate left:
When it is said that no one sits to the left of A. We have to understand that the leftmost position will be occupied by A. (same rule for right) - For a closed figure seating arrangement like a circle or rectangle, persons sit opposite to each other when there are even numbers of members. i.e. if there are odd numbers, say 7, it is incorrect to say that A sits opposite to B.
- In a circular arrangement there are four persons A, B, C, D sitting in the following way:
- A is right of B, who is to the left of C.
| - A is to the right of B, and is to the left of C.
Here, the ‘who’ refers to B and not A | Here, the ‘and’ refers to A and not B |
Hence, the arrangement will be: 
| Hence, the arrangement will be:  |
Tips for Solving Sitting Arrangement Problems
- From short notes prepared from the question, identify the key statement to start solving. (Choose a point that has maximum interconnections)
- Always start filling in the information that is definite.
For example, if it is given A is sitting third right to B……..
The first step is to fix the position of B, then count three seats to the right of B and then fix A.
- Seating arrangement problems might need you to draw different possible diagrams. i.e. be patient enough to try different possible combinations. Contradicting images can be eliminated, and you can arrive at the right answer.
- Tables can be used to solve complex arrangement problems where the objects have multiple properties. Use the sitting arrangements formula for bank exams.
Importance of Sitting Arrangement Questions in Competitive Banking & Government Exams
Sitting arrangement problems are a very important topic mentioned in the syllabus of all bank exams.
General Pattern of the bank exam: | Two sets of sitting arrangement questions with five to six sub questions will be asked |
This means that you can answer 10-12 questions by studying this topic alone.
Why Prepare Sitting Arrangement Problems from BYJU'S Exam Prep?
- Mock tests with the latest pattern designed by toppers and subject experts.
- Personalised assessment report which helps you identify your strengths and weak points.
- All India mock test rank lists.
- Comprehensive and detailed solutions for questions.
- Shortcuts and tips that help you improve your speed and accuracy
Sitting arrangement questions are frequently asked in bank exams. Keep practising so that you can solve them in two minutes. Sitting arrangement is a sure question; mastering this will help you reach the goal of your dream job.
Q1) What is the most important thing to keep in mind while solving?
Ans: The most important thing to keep in mind to crack any bank exam is to solve maximum questions in the minimum possible time.
Q2) How do I decide what question to solve first?
Ans: There are different levels of hardness for sitting arrangement problems. Understand the difficulty level of the problem and the time left in hand before attempting a sitting level problem.
Q3) Do I have to read the entire question?
Ans: The question might be lengthy. Keep in mind that you cannot solve the question without reading the complete question. Decode every information. The same information will be needed to solve the five-six sub-questions that follow.
Q4) How to avoid reading the question repeatedly?
Ans: List down important points in your own shorthand's using symbols while reading. (Use the rough sheets provided and this is for only you to read). You would not have time to look up the question again.
Now let us see a question asked for SBI Clerk Prelims in 2019. We will try to use the above tips to solve the problem. You can consider it as a sitting arrangements quiz for bank exams.
Q: “Eight persons are sitting around a circular table facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. Three persons sit between U, and V. W sits 2nd to the left of V. Two persons sit between Q and P (either from left or right). R sits immediately to the right of Q. One person sits between R and S, who faces T. Q and T are not immediate neighbors to each other”. (SBI Clerk Prelims 2019)
Step 1: Preparing short notes and decoding the points from the question. (The following symbols are for illustration purposes alone. You can construct your own codes and symbols)
- U _ _ _ V (i.e. U ad V are Opp)
- W 2nd left of V
- Q - - P
- R imm rt of Q
- R _ S
- S opp T; T not near Q
Step 2: Drawing the diagrams with the information. Here Q has maximum interconnections. Hence we can start by fixing the position of Q. You might have to try out different possibilities and finally arrive at the diagram given below.