Error Spotting for Bank Exams
By : Akash Mishra
Updated : Oct 8, 2020, 20:24
Error Spotting is a simple topic but an essential section to prepare for all banking entrance exams. The language section of a banking exam is one of the critical issues to score well. A candidate should understand how questions can be asked in this section to answer the question effectively and efficiently. There are around 5-10 error spotting problems in bank exams that include errors that are related to infinitives, speech, participles, genders, tenses, and articles. An aspirant is given a sentence or a paragraph and is asked to check for errors. Hence, it is advised that you should be acquainted with all the basic grammar rules and learn error spotting tricks for bank exams.
The difficulty level of these types of error spotting quiz for bank exams can not be predicted, and the English section holds a lot of weightage in terms of marks in bank entrance exams. There are no error spotting formulas for bank exams. The candidate should practice and understand the rules of grammar to answer the error spotting questions. Thus, to excel in the exam's error spotting section, the candidate should be proficient with English grammar.
Important Error Spotting Topics
Some of the critical error spotting topics for bank exams are as follows:
- First type of question would be based on determining whether singular or a plural verb is used in a given sentence
- Second type of problem would include the problem with respect to the case of fillers before infinite verbs
- Third kind of question would be based on the tenses of verbs. A candidate will have to spot the error in a sentence and use the verb's correct tense in it.
The aspirants should be well-versed with all types of error spotting quiz in bank exams and answer them efficiently. Regular practice of error spotting questions and answers for bank exams would help the candidate to score well. There are various error spotting questions and answers pdf for bank exams available online for the aspirants to practice.
Tips to Solve Error Spotting Questions
To solve the error spotting questions below mentioned are some of the error spotting notes and tips for bank exams:
- Practice previous year error spotting question banks and mock tests. Several errors are spotting online test for bank exams.
- Improve your grammar skills by reading various English grammar reference books
- Always try to check for spelling mistakes while solving the mock tests
- At the time of examination, read the complete sentence carefully, as reading would help you to spot the error immediately
- During the study, always try and solve the questions that you are confident first and leave the difficult ones for the later part. This would help to manage the time appropriately
- Lastly, there is no specific error spotting syllabus mentioned for bank exams; hence, the regular practice would help to score well in this section
Importance of Error Spotting Competitive Banking & Government Exams
- Error spotting exams helps to analyze the language skills of a candidate as a large vocabulary of an individual allows them to express their ideas effectively
- Error spotting exams carry more weightage; hence an aspirant can score well in their exams if the questions of error spotting are solved appropriately
- English plays a vital role in all the banking and government entrance examinations
- Error spotting exams are an essential facet and help you to stand out from the crowd
Most Recommended Books for Error Spotting
Some of the recommended books for acing the competitive bank exams are:
Name of the Book | Author |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension | Arun Sharma and Meenakshi Upadhyay |
Word Power Made Easy | Norman Lewis |
High School English Grammar and Composition | Wren & Martin |
Quick Learning Objective General English | R.S. Aggarwal & Vikas Aggarwal |
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What is the educational qualification required to be eligible for bank exams?
Ans: An aspirant applying for banking exams should be a graduate from any discipline and a recognized college or university. The candidate should also have a valid degree that details the percentage, marks, and rank of their graduation.
What is the selection procedure for banking exams?
Ans: The recruitment process of banking involves three steps:
- Entrance Examination
- Main Examination
- Interview
Are there any changes in the bank exam pattern for the year 2020?
Ans: No, there is no change in the exam pattern of the bank exams for 2020. The exam is based on three tests i.e., quantitative aptitude, reasoning ability, and English language.
How many questions are asked for error spotting in the bank exams?
Ans: In the bank exams, around 5-10 questions are entirely based on error spotting, as it is one of the most critical sections in the English language.
What type of error spotting questions are asked in the exams?
Ans: The error spotting question is based on three types, namely:
- Determine whether singular or a plural verb is used in a given sentence
- Question with respect to the case of fillers before infinite verbs
- Questions based on tenses of verbs