Our subject matter experts have prepared the preparation tips and strategies for the CAPF exam for the last ten days. We are giving you some of the most crucial last-minute CAPF preparation tips and strategies for the last ten days.
Dedicate Time for Important Topics: This is the time when you dedicate specific time to important topics, but you still need to prepare. These topics are asked in the exam but are not specifically part of a particular topic. E.g., National Parks, Dams, Rivers & tributaries, Deserts, International Organizations, etc.
Be Acquainted with the Types of Questions: To get acquainted with the questions, you should attempt the previous year question paper. Observing the pattern of the question will help you understand what is demanded by UPSC. Mock tests are the way to excel.
Solve and Analyze Mock Tests Properly: Mock tests are the best way to perform well in exams. By attempting mock tests, you learn many things, such as new concepts, time management as well as tackling exam pressure. So, practice enough mock tests before appearing for the exam.
Revise the Topic Well: Very few last days before D-day, revision of topics should be your priority. You have already studied the study materials. Focus on changing them when you are comfortable with them. Also, if you have a good habit of making notes of important points, revise them. Try to change one subject daily.
Be Careful with the Choice of Questions: The questions you choose in the actual exam can make or break your chance of success. Choose questions to attempt wisely and smartly. Identify your strengths in sections and use them wisely. Similarly, identify your weaknesses and avoid making mistakes during the exam. Refrain from getting stuck in any questions during the exam. If you can't solve some questions within a specified time, please leave it and move on to more questions.
Be Ready for Surprises and Don't Panic: The level of questions might vary, and you might not cover some questions that would be asked. Do not lose your calm if you see these questions in the exam. Sometimes you need to use deduction techniques to answer statement-based questions about a particular topic. Still, if you cannot solve it, don’t take it as a challenge and move on to the next question. Do not ever lose your calm and get panic.
Proper Diet and Sleep: Keep yourself healthy with a good diet a few days before the exam. Also, remember to take adequate sleep before the exam. Candidates mostly avoid these things to save time for studying. But that is not good. To perform well in the exam, you need an attentive mind.
Believe in Yourself: Do not get demotivated by anything around you. Last days before exams, avoid group study and focus on self-study. Revise what you studied and stick to your strategy. Refrain from thinking about the level of preparation for others.