Detailed BPSC AAO Syllabus 2022
Candidates preparing for the recruitment exam for Bihar Public Service Commission Assistant Audit Officer 2022 (Bihar Audit Services) must go through the syllabus in a detailed manner. Check all the details about BPSC AAO Exam 2022.
For the post of Assistant Audit Officer, BPSC conducts examination in three phases i.e., Prelims, Mains and Interview. Candidates must go through the detailed syllabus in order to get good marks.
Prelims, Mains, and Interview are the three phases of the BPSC AAO exam selection process. On the basis of their success in the current stage test, candidates are named for the next stage. Stage I is required of all candidates who apply for the job.
- Preliminary exam: The stage I exam is the preliminary exam. This is a qualifying exam. There are 150 questions on the exam, each of 150 marks.
- Mains Exam: Candidates who pass the preliminary exam will be allowed for the mains exam.
- Interview.: The interview is the final round. Based on their results in the mains exam, the applicant will be invited for a personal interview.
BPSC AAO Prelims Syllabus 2022
Subject-wise syllabus of the Bihar BPSC assistant audit officer in the table given below. The BPSC AAO Syllabus for the Prelims stage includes questions on General Studies. The duration of the examination will be 2 hours and the total marks will be 150.
Note: The syllabus for the Preliminary Examination will be the same as that of the Combined Competitive Examination.
The BPSC AAO GS Syllabus includes the following topics:
- Current Affairs
- History: Indian and Bihar state history
- General Mental Ability Questions
- General Science
- Geography including Bihar state geography
- Indian Economy
- Indian Polity
General Science: The questions asked in General Science are Class 10th level and do not require specialisation. You can easily refer to NCERTs and recent news to cover this section.
History: The History section covers Ancient, Modern and Post Independence history. Under History, candidates also need to focus on the economic, political and social aspects.
It also includes
- Bihar's history
- Role of Bihar in the Indian National Movement
Geography: Cover both Indian and Work Geography with a focus on Bihar State Geography.
- The social and economic geography of Bihar and India
- Agriculture
- Natural Resources
Economy & Polity: Tis sections demand a good understanding of the micro and macroeconomy. You can begin with the NCERTs. moving on to advance books. Focus on the following topics
- Indian Political System
- Panchayati Raj
- Community Development
- Planning in India and Bihar
- Census
- Constitution of India
BPSC AAO Mains Syllabus 2022
The Mains Exam will be of three subjects, in which two compulsory subjects are General Hindi - 100 marks and General Studies (two papers) respectively. Each exam will be 300 marks. In addition, one must choose one of the optional subjects. There will be one letter for each optional subject, which will be 300 marks.
Check the Hindi, General Studies (Paper I and Paper II) & optional syllabus in the table below.
General Hindi(100Marks) | General Studies (Paper I)(300 Marks) | General Studies (Paper-II) (300 Marks) | Optional Paper(300 Marks) |
- Essay writing
- Grammar
- Sentence formation/ syntax
- Conclusion/ Summary writing
| - Indian culture
- The modern history of India
- Contemporary events of national and international importance
- Statistical analysis, diagrams, and graphs.
| - Indian (and Bihar) Polity
- Indian (and Bihar) Economy
- Indian (and Bihar) Geography
- Role and impact of science and technology in the development of India (and Bihar).
| Candidates must choose from one of the following subjects: - Commerce
- Economics
- Mathematics
- Statistics
बीपीएससी एएओ मुख्य पाठ्यक्रम
सामान्य हिंदी (100 अंक) | सामान्य अध्ययन (पेपर I) (300 अंक) | सामान्य अध्ययन (पेपर- II) (300 अंक) | वैकल्पिकपेपर ( 300 अंक) |
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