Uniform Torsion
Torsion of Shaft and Combined Stresses
Torsion means twisting a structural Member when it is loaded by a couple that Produces rotation about the longitudinal axis.
If τ be the intensity of shear stress, on any layer at a distance r from the centre of shaft, then
Sign Convention
- Sign convention of torque can be explained by right hand thumb rule.
- A positive torque is that in which there is tightening effect of nut on the bolt. From either side of the cross-section. If torque is applied in the direction of right hand fingers than right hand thumbs direction represents movement of the nut.
TMD = Torsion moment diagram
T = Torque
Total angle of twist :
Where, T = Torque,
J = Polar moment of inertia
G = Modulus of rigidity,
θ = Angle of twist
L = Length of shaft,
GJ = Torsional rigidity
Torsional stiffness;
Torsional flexibility
Axial stiffness
Axial flexibility
Moment of Inertia About polar Axis:
- For solid circular shaft,:
- For hollow circular shaft:
Power Transmitted in the Shaft
- Power transmitted by shaft:
Where, N = Rotation per minute.
Compound Shaft
An improved type of compound coupling for connecting in series and parallel are given below
- Series connection: Series connection of compound shaft as shown in figure. Due to series connection the torque on shaft 1 will be equal to shaft 2 and the total angular deformation will be equal to the sum of deformation of 1st shaft and 2nd shaft.
θ1 = Angular deformation of 1st shaft
θ2 = Angular deformation of 2nd shaft
- Parallel connection: Parallel connection of compound shaft as shown in figure. Due to parallel connection of compound shaft the total torque will be equal to the sum of torque of shaft 1 and torque of shaft 2 and the deflection will be same in both the shafts.
Strain energy (U) stored in shaft due to torsion:
- G = Shear modulus
- T = Torque
- J = Moment of inertia about polar axis
Effect of Pure Bending on Shaft
The effect of pure bending on shaft can be defined by the relation for the shaft,
Where, σ = Principal stress
D = Diameter of shaft
M = Bending moment
Effect of Pure Torsion on Shaft
It can be calculated by the formula, which are given below
Where, τ = Torsion
D = Diameter of shaft
Combined effect of bending and torsion
- Principal stress
- Maximum shear stress
- Equivalent bending moment
- Equivalent torque
Shear Stress Distribution:
- Solid Circulation Section:
- Hollow Circulation Section
- Composite Circular Section
- Thin Tubular section: In view of small thickness-shear stress is assumed to be uniform
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