Shallow Foundation & Bearing Capacity
Bearing Capacity
It is the load carrying capacity of the soil.
- Ultimate bearing capacity or Gross bearing capacity (qu)
It is the least gross pressure which will cause shear failure of the supporting soil immediately below the footing.
- Net ultimate bearing capacity (qun ):
It is the net pressure that can be applied to the footing by external loads that will just initiate failure in the underlying soil. It is equal to ultimate bearing capacity minus the stress due to the weight of the footing and any soil or surcharge directly above it. Assuming the density of the footing (concrete) and soil ( γ) are close enough to be considered equal, then
Where, Df is the depth of footing
- Safe bearing capacity:
It is the bearing capacity after applying the factor of safety (FS). These are of two types,
Safe net bearing capacity (qns):
It is the net soil pressure which can be safety applied to the soil considering only shear failure. It is given by,
Safe gross bearing capacity (qs ):
It is the maximum gross pressure which the soil can carry safely without shear failure. It is given by,
Allowable Bearing Pressure:
It is the maximum soil pressure without any shear failure or settlement failure
where, qs = Safe bearing capacity.
Method to determine bearing capacity
(i) Rankines Method (∅ - soil)
(ii) Bells Theory (C - ∅)
where, Nc and Nq are bearing capacity factors.
For pure clays → C = 4, q = 1
(iii) Fellinious Method: (C-soil)
- The failure is assumed to take place by slip and the consequent heaving of a mass of soil is on one side.
- Location of Critical circle
(iv) Prandtl Method: (C - ∅)
For strip footing
For C-soil
(v) Terzaghi Method (C - ∅)
S – Strip footing, S – Shallow foundation, G – General shear failure, H – Horizontal ground, R – Rough base
For strip footing
For square footing
For rectangular footing
For circular footing
D = Dia of circular footing
CNc → Contribution due to constant component of shear strength of soil.
→ Contribution due to surcharge above the footing
→ Contribution due to bearing capacity due to self weight of soil.
Bearing capacity factors
where, = influence factor
For C-soil:
NC = 5.7, Nq = 1, Nγ = 0
(vi) Skemptons Method (c-soil)
This method gives net ultimate value of bearing capacity.
Applicable for purely cohesive soils only.
For strip footing.
For circular and square footing.
Values of NC
at the surface.
Then NC = 5 For strip footing
NC = 6.0 For square and circular footing.
where Df = Depth of foundation.- If
for strip footing
For square and circular footing.
B =D in case of circular footing.for rectangular footing
- if
NC =7.5
for strip footing
NC = 9.0 for circular, square and rectangular footing.
(vii) Meyorhoff's Method → (C - ∅ soil)
(viii) IS code:
Effect of Water Table on Bearing Capacity of Soil
where and
are water table correction factor.
If they
If they
If water table rise to G.L
Plate Load Test
1. Significant only for cohesionless.
2. Short duration test hence only results in immediate settlement.
(i) (ii)
..for ∅=soil … for C-soil
If plate load test carried at foundation level then
… for dense sand. … for clays
… for silts.
quf =Ultimate bearing capacity of foundation
qup = Ultimate bearing capacity of plate
Sf = Settlement of foundations
Sp = Settlement of plate
Bf = Width of foundation in m
Bp = Width of plate in m
Housels Approach
where, Qp = Allowable load on plate m and n are constant
P = Perimeter Ap = Area of plate
Af = Area of foundation
Standard Penetration Test
Significant for Granular Soils
(i) and
where, N1 = Overburden pressure correction
N0 = Observed value of S.P.T. number.
= Effective overburden pressure at the level of test in kM/m2.
(ii) For Saturated fine sand and silt, when N1 > 15
where, N2 = Dilatancy correction or water table correction.
related to N value using peck Henson curve or (code method)
- Teng's formula relate N value with reading capacity of granular soil.
Pecks Equation
Dw = depth of water table below G.L
Df = Depth of foundation
B = Width of foundation
N = Avg. corrected S.P.T. no.
S = Permissible settlement of foundation
Cw = Water table correction factor
qa net = Net allowable bearing pressure.
Teng's Equations
Cw =Water table correction factor
Dw = Depth of water table below foundation level
B = Width of foundation
Cd =Depth correction factor
S = Permissible settlement in 'mm'.
I.S Code Method
qns =Net safe bearing pressure in kN/m2
B = Width in meter.
S = Settlement in 'mm'.
I.S. Code Formula for Raft:
Cw : Same as of peck Henson.
Meyer-Hoffs Equation
where, qns = Net safe bearing capacity in kN/m2.
B < 1.2 m
B ≥ 1.2 m (where qns is in kN/m2.
Cone Penetrations Test
where, = Static cone resistance in kg/cm2
c = Compressibility coefficient
= Initial effective over burden pressure in kg/cm2.
where, 'S' = Settlement.
(iii) B > 1.2 m.
where, qns = Net safe bearing pressure in kN/m2.
(iv) B < 1.2 m.
where, Rw = Water table correction factor.
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