Stay updated with all the latest and important Sarkari Exam notifications along with government jobs 2022 at BYJU'S Exam Prep. Every year several Sarkari exams and Sarkari jobs 2022 are notified for recruitment by various state and other government autonomous bodies. Numerous job notifications are released on their respective official websites containing vacancies for different post as per the requisite eligibility criteria. Here you can check out all the latest Sarkari Job 2022 information along with the Sarkari results and updates like admit card, exam dates, vacancy details and much more.
Government jobs are considered to be one of the best career options as along with a growing job profile, it also provides numerous perks, allowances, exposure and an opportunity for a stable career. There are more than 20000 Sarkari Naukri opportunities and options available each year in diverse departments and lakhs of aspirants apply for these jobs. You must learn about all the latest Sarkari exam notifications and Sarkari results to expand your opportunities and chances of settling for an excellent job.
State and Central Government jobs are released at regular intervals on their respective websites. Other government autonomous bodies are essential to keep track of for the recruitment notifications and various posts. Aspirants can check the latest govt jobs, Sarkari exam result, and other relevant details about the upcoming examination below.
Stay updated with the latest free Sarkari job alert and Sarkari results to avoid missing an opportunity or deadline.
Latest Sarkari Free Job Alerts
Get the latest information about the Sarkari exam 2022 and state-level Sarkari exams. Stay updated with Sarkari job alerts so that you don’t miss an opportunity. With Sarkari job alert, you will be updated about all the important information regarding a new Sarkari Naukri alert, Sarkari exam notification, Sarkari result and latest government jobs 2022.
All bank Sarkari jobs, railway jobs, teaching jobs, defence jobs, UPSC jobs, SSC jobs, police jobs, Indian post jobs, and others are listed below.
Latest Sarkari Exams 2022
Get the latest Sarkari job alert for all the upcoming Sarkari exam 2022 across all divisions and departments. All the recent Sarkari exams are listed below. Along with the Sarkari exam and Sarkari result, the number of vacancies and the exam dates for all the exams is also mentioned in respective exam articles. Find the Sarkari job that matches your qualification and skills and apply as per the exam dates.
Latest State-Level Sarkari Exams 2022
Every state notifies various recruitment Sarkari exams for different offices in their state. Each state has a public service commission and subordinate service commission to conduct Sarkari exams for their departments. The list of all the state latest govt jobs is listed below. Stay updated with the Sarkari job alert regarding vacancies and Sarkari Naukri result.
Sarkari Result 2022
One of the most awaited things for every Sarkari exam aspirant is the Sarkari Naukri result. To ensure that you remain updated about the result and get access to your result, we have listed the Sarkari result and links for all the upcoming Sarkari jobs. Check the latest Sarkari result along with all the information like answer key, cut off marks, scorecard information and others.
Listed below are the Sarkari results of all government jobs administered by the central government, state commission, railway jobs, bank jobs, metro jobs, and others. Get a free job alert and be the first one to check the Sarkari Naukri result.
To check your Sarkari exam result, you must ensure that you have the correct application id, roll no or enrollment no. The procedure to check your Sarkari Naukri result is almost similar for all the exams. There are majorly two ways in which the conducting authorities declare the Sarkari result:
- The Sarkari results in the form of a list of selected candidates.
- Sarkari results in the form of a scorecard with marks and ranks.
To access both kinds of Sarkari result, you must follow the steps mentioned below. For your ease and convenience, you can also visit the link below for respective exams to check your Sarkari results.
How to check the Sarkari Result?
- Visit the official website of the respective exam.
- Login using the registered email id or registration number.
- You will find the exam result pdf or your scorecard.
Sarkari Result Info
The Sarkari result includes the Sarkari result answer key and cutoff for the government exam. We provide the latest updates and direct link to check the Sarkari result. You can easily check all the details about the result and also download the Sarkari result pdf for reference. You must also note all the important exam dates and particulars about how to check your Sarkari Naukri result.
The Sarkari result usually contains various details and particulars about the examination and candidate. The particulars about the Sarkari results vary from exam to exam. A few of the details that can be found along with the Sarkari result are:
- Name of the candidate
- Roll no of the candidate
- Scorecard: The Sarkari result scorecard contains marks secured in each section and the total marks of the particular section.
- Cut off: Few exams also release the Sarkari result cut off which is the minimum marks required to qualify for the final list. The cut off is released as per different reservation categories.
- Answer Key: Many Sarkari results also release the answer key for the candidates to check their answers and ensure that the score secured is correct.
Sarkari Exam Notification 2022
The exam conducting bodies releases Sarkari exam notifications for Sarkari job 2022 as per the exam calendars or vacancies. The notification contains all the important details such as exam pattern, selection procedure, important dates and the post details. Candidates are advised to note all the important government jobs 2022 notification to ensure they get ample opportunities to find their job.
The Sarkari job 2022 can be categorised on the basis of Central Government jobs & State level Jobs or as per the departments like Railway Jobs, Bank Jobs, Defense jobs and much more. The latest Sarkari jobs are in the following areas:
The listed Sarkari exam notifications are suitable for all age groups and qualifications. The education qualification, skills and age eligibility criteria vary for each job and aspirants are advised to find their suitable job as per the eligibility criteria.
Bank Sarkari Jobs & Exams 2022
Banks in India release notifications of Sarkari Naukri for various posts every year. The eligibility criteria, qualifications and other requirements vary as per the post. Applicants must find their fit and apply for the bank Sarkari job 2022. Candidates must also check the space regularly to apply and prepare for the upcoming bank Sarkari exam and avoid missing a deadline.
Get the latest Sarkari job alerts about bank Sarkari jobs and all the bank government jobs 2022 here. Public Sector Bank jobs, Private Sector Bank jobs, SEBI jobs, are listed below.
Police Jobs 2022
Police is a state subject and hence each state offers police jobs via the Sarkari exam. The police jobs are released for all kinds of educational qualifications and age such as police jobs for 10th pass, police jobs for 12th pass, police jobs for graduates, police jobs for females, etc.
Here, you can check the latest police jobs for states and get a free job alert. Also, check all the details about the Sarkari exam such as exam pattern, police job notification, vacancy details and much more.
SSC Sarkari Jobs & Exams 2022
SSC, also known as Staff Selection Commission is responsible to administer the Sarkari SSC exam for Group B, Group C services. The SSC jobs include various ministries/departments jobs for the Govt of India. SSC Sarkari jobs also include jobs in attached and subordinate offices. SSC Sarkari Jobs & Exams 2022 are the most awaited exam for aspirants looking for a well paid and stable job. The SSC Sarkari jobs are well paid, includes multiple perks & allowances and provides great growth & exposure for your career.
Candidates interested in SSC Sarkari jobs must check the latest exam notifications and receive Latest Sarkari Free Job Alerts. Don’t miss an SSC Sarkari job alert and stay updated with the exam dates.
UPSC Sarkari Jobs & Exams 2022
UPSC conducts several Sarkari exams such as All India Services, IAS exam, Group A services, Group B services and many more. The most awaited examination by UPSC is the Civil Services Examination. UPSC conducts the Sarkari exam for all Indian level whereas each state has its own State Public Service Commission which conducts Sarkari exams for Sarkari jobs for their respective states.
Check all the details about the latest UPSC Sarkari jobs and State Sarkari jobs here. Stay updated to ensure that you don't miss a deadline and apply for the exams and jobs.
Sarkari Defence Jobs
There are several Sarkari defence jobs in India for all kinds of services. Get the latest updates for all the upcoming Sarkari defence job here. Sarkari Naukri in defence varies for all qualifications and all the upcoming defence 2022 jobs are listed here. Sarkari defence jobs include Indian Army jobs, Navy jobs, Air Force jobs, Coast Guard job, CRPF jobs, and many more.
Check out all the important details about the Sarkari defence job below:
State-Level Sarkari Exams
Sarkari exams in India are conducted at two levels, Central and State level government jobs. Every state has its own state commission and board to conduct government job examinations. State government releases Sarkari exam notification as per their requirements in different departments. The most awaited state level govt jobs are notified by the Public Service Commission and State Subordinate Selection Commission.
Get the latest state-level government jobs notification and vacancy details below.
Other state-level Sarkari jobs such as Haryana Jobs, Assam Jobs, Andhra Pradesh Jobs, Delhi Jobs, Karnataka Jobs, Maharashtra Jobs, West Bengal Jobs, Gujarat Jobs, Uttarakhand Jobs, Telangana Jobs, Jharkhand Jobs, Punjab Jobs will also be listed as per notifications and updates.
Sarkari Job Application Form
Candidates must remain updated with the latest Sarkari job alerts and Sarkari exam notification to ensure that they are able to apply online or fill the application form on time. You will receive a regular free job alert regarding the latest Sarkari Naukri application form here.
Usually, there are two ways in which you can apply for the Sarkari exam and Sarkari job 2022. The Sarkari exam application form can be filled online or offline. In order to fill the application form for the Sarkari job offline, you must collect the form from the designated place, usually the post office and complete the application form and send it to the mentioned address along with the payment.
To apply online for the Sarkari exam, you must visit the official website of the conducting body. Find the Sarkari job notification or apply online. Fill the application form with the correct details, upload the necessary documents and complete the process by making the payment online.
You must continuously check the space for all the important details about the Sarkari exam, important dates, and all the updates about the Sarkari result.
Sarkari Exam 2022 FAQs
1- How to get Sarkari Naukri?
Candidates are advised to check the free Sarkari job alert at regular times to not miss a notification. To get a Sarkari Naukri, you must fill in the application form in time and appear for the Sarkari exam.
2- How to check the Sarkari result?
To check the Sarkari result, visit the official website of the exam conducting authority and you will find the recently published results under the result tab. The Sarkari result will either be in the form pdf where the list of selected candidate will be listed or scorecard. For the Sarkari result scorecard, you must log in to the official website and download the Sarkari result as per your roll no or registration number.
3- What are the upcoming Sarkari exams in 2022?
The upcoming Sarkari exams 2022 are all listed here. You can check all the details of the upcoming exams as per your qualification and eligibility criteria The upcoming Sarkari exams are all listed as per categories and state.
4- How to prepare for Sarkari Naukri exams?
To prepare for the Sarkari Naukri exams, firstly read through the detailed notification to understand the syllabus and the exam pattern. Build a study plan that covers the entire syllabus and take the help of exam classes and coachings. Along with that, practice multiple mock test and test series for regular practice and revision.
5- Does all the Sarkari Exams come under Central Government Jobs?
No, Sarkari Exams are held by various governments and their related ministries and offices. The Sarkari Exams are administered by the following bodies, Central Government and State Government via Public service commissions and SSC. Also, several Banks, railways, NTA, defence jobs, etc are also conducted.