Design of Beam
Design stress-strain curve at ultimate state
Design value of strength
For concrete
Partial factor of safety for concrete = 1.5
fd = design value of strength
For steel
Singly Reinforced Beam
- Limiting depth of the neutral axis (xu, lim)
Here d = effective depth of beam
- Actual depth of neutral axis (Xu)
- Lever arm = d – 0.42 Xu
- Ultimate moment of resistance
Some special cases
- When Xu < Xu,lim
It is an under-reinforced section - When Xu = Xu,lim
It is balanced section - When Xu > Xu,lim
It is over reinforced section. In this case, keep Xu limited to Xu,lim and moment of resistance of the section shall be limited to limiting moment of resistance, (Mu,lim)
Doubly Reinforced Section
- Limiting depth of neutral axis
- For actual depth of neutral axis (Xu)
- Ultimate moment of resistance
where fSC = stress in compression steel and it is calculated by strain at the location of compression steel (fSC)
- Effective width of flange
Discussed in WSM - Limiting depth of neutral axis
Singly reinforced T-Beam
Case-1: When NA is in flange area
i.e., Xu < Df
(a) for Xu
(b) Ultimate moment of resistance
Case-2: When NA is in web area (Xu > Df)
Case (a) when Xu > Df and
i.e., depth of flange in less than the depth of the rectangular portion of stress diagram.
- For actual depth of neutral ais
- Ultimate moment of resistance
Special Case (2): When Xu > Df and
i.e., depth of flange is more than depth of rectangular portion of stress diagram.
As per IS 456 : 2000
(bf – bw) Df portion of flange is converted into (bf – bw)yf section for which stress is taken constant throughout the section is 0.45 fck.
As per IS 456 : 2000
- For actual depth of neutral axis
One way slab
(i) Ly/Lx ratio is less than 2
where, ly = length of longer span
lx = length of shorter span
(ii) Slab is supported only on two edges.
Design of One way slab
Two way slab
(i) Ly/Lx ratio is more than 2
(ii) Slab is supported on all edges.
Design of two way slab
- Grasoff Ranking method
It is used for corners not held down position.
It is purely simply supported case.
(ii) Moment in x-direction
Moment in y-direction
(iii) Shear force
At shorter edge (VX)
At longer edge (Vy)
- Design of slab with corner held down position
(a) Pigeauds method:
where, the values of are read from table
(b) I.S. code method
The values of read from table (page 91, IS : 456-2000)
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