Power Electronics - DC to DC Converters Complete Study Notes

By Vishnu Pratap Singh|Updated : March 17th, 2022

Complete coverage of the UPPCL AE Exam syllabus is a very important aspect for any competitive examination but before that important subjects and their concept must be covered thoroughly. In this article, we are going to discuss the fundamental of DC to DC Converters which is very useful for UPPCL AE Exams.







A chopper is a static circuit that converts fixed DC input voltage to a variable DC output voltage directly. Chopper circuits offer smooth control, high efficiency, fast response and regeneration.

The power semiconductor devices used for a chopper circuit can be

  1. Force commutated Thyristor
  2. Power BJT
  3. Power MOSFET
  4. GTO
  5. IGBT

In chopper circuits, these power semiconductor devices are represented by a switch ‘SW’ or ‘CH’ with an arrow.


                  Figure : Representation of Chopper Switch ‘SW’


There are mainly two types of chopper:

  1. Step-Down chopper or Buck converter
  2. Step-Up chopper or Boost Converter
  3. Step Up-Down chopper or Buck-Boost Chopper


Principle of Operation of Step-Down Chopper:



                       Figure : Step Down Chopper


During Ton period, chopper is ON and load voltage is equal to source voltage Vs. During Toff period, chopper is off, therefore load current flows through the freewheeling diode ‘FD’. Hence, load terminals are short circuited and load voltage becomes zero during turn off period Toff. During Ton, load current rises whereas during Toff load current decays.


                  Figure : Step Down Chopper (Different Waveforms)

Average load voltage V0 is given by


Where,  Ton = on time; Toff = off-time

T = Ton + Toff = chopping period


This load voltage can be controlled by varying duty cycle α.

V0 = f. Ton .Vs

NOTE: Variation of Ton means adjustment of pulse width, this is also called Pulse-Width-Modulation scheme.

Average output current,


Power Input = Power delivered

VsIs = VoIo

By putting the expression of output voltage:


Principle of Operation of Step-Up Chopper:

When the average output voltage V0 greater than input voltage Vs, then the chopper is called step up chopper.


                   Figure : Step Up Chopper

Case I: When the chopper CH is ON, then the circuit reduces to


During turn on period, inductor will store energy.


Case II: When chopper CH is OFF, then the circuit reduces to


During turn off time, inductor current cannot die down instantaneously. Therefore, this current is forced to flow through the diode and load for a time Toff. As the current tends to decrease, polarity of the emf induced in L is reversed as shown above.

Therefore, voltage across the load is given by


It is clearly seen from the above equation that V0 exceeds the source voltage Vs.

When CH is ON, current through inductor 'L' increase from I1 to I2 and when CH is off, current would fall from I2 to I1.

When CH is ON, source voltage is applied to L i.e. VL = VS.

When CH is off, KVL gives

VL – V0 + VS = 0

VL = (V0 – VS)

The energy input to inductor from the source, during the period Ton, is

Won = (Voltage across L) x (Average current through L) x Ton


During the time Toff, when chopper is off, the energy released by inductor to the load is

Woff = (voltage across L) x (Average current through L) x Toff


Considering the system to be lossless, these two energies will be equal


  1. VS. Ton = (V0 – VS) × Toff

V0Toff = VS(Ton + Toff) = VS .T














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