MPSC Combined Booklist | MPSC संयुक्त गट ब परीक्षा पुस्तक यादी
कुठलाही परीक्षेचा अभ्यास सुरू करण्यापूर्वी त्या परीक्षेस साठी दर्जेदार आणि विश्वसनीय संदर्भसाहित्य असणे आवश्यक आहे. महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा आयोगाकडून दरवर्षी एमपीएससी संयुक्त गट ब पूर्वपरीक्षा आणि मुख्य परीक्षा आयोजित करण्यात येते.उमेदवारांना या परीक्षेचा अभ्यास करताना कोण कोणते पुस्तक वापरले पाहिजेत यासंबंधीची सर्व माहिती तुम्हाला खाली देण्यात आलेली आहे.संयुक्त पूर्व परीक्षा विक्रीकर निरीक्षक, पोलीस उपनिरीक्षक, कक्ष सहायक अधिकक्ष अशा तीन पदांसाठी होत आहे.
MPSC Combined Exam Booklist requires specific booklists for Prelims and Mains. To decide on the correct booklist and right approach concerning the exam preparation, there are two governing factors- syllabus and previous years papers. Therefore, the booklist for Prelims and Mains are accordingly recommended. The MPSC Combined Exam cycle involves common prelims for all the PSI, STI and ASO aspirants, but there are two Mains Exams as the papers are separately conducted. It is important to note that MPSC Combined Exam has a very specific syllabus for both the exams with slight variations:
- Same syllabus for Prelims and Mains Paper-I for PSI, STI and ASO
- Different syllabus for Mains Paper-II for PSI, STI and ASO
Note: the MPSC Combined Exam is conducted for Group C services.
MPSC Combined Prelims Exam Pattern
The prelims exam is conducted for ‘General Mental Ability’ is having 100 objective type questions of 100 marks. The exam is bilingual (English + Marathi) and of a 1-hour duration.
The following table gives the Exam Pattern for the MPSC Combined Prelims exam.
Subject and code | No. of Questions | Total Marks | Medium | Duration | Nature of Paper |
General Ability Test | 100 | 100 | English & Marathi | 1 hour | Objective |
Note: For each wrong answer, 1/4 marks will be deducted from the total score of that question.
MPSC Combined Booklist for Prelims
The following table gives the complete booklist for all subjects of the MPSC Combined Prelims exam
Subject Name | Book Name |
Polity (राज्यशास्त्र) |
History (इतिहास) |
Geography (भूगोल) |
Indian Economy (भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था) |
Current Affairs (चालू घडामोडी) |
General Science (सामान्य विज्ञान) |
Aptitude & Reasoning (अंकगणित व बुद्धिमत्ता चाचणी) |
Other Important Books/Magazine |
The subject-wise booklist is as follows:
- Polity: Preliminary Study of the Constitution of India, State Management (Administration) Village Management (Administration)
- M. Laxmikant by K Sagar Publication
- Panchayat Raj - Kishor Lavate
- History: The history of modern India, emphasizing Maharashtra specific facts
- History of Maharashtra: 11 Std. State Board textbook or Anil Kathar's book
- Adhunik Maharashtracha Etihas by Samadhan Mahajan
- Geography (with special focus on the geography of Maharashtra): Earth, world divisions, climate, latitude-longitude, types of land in Maharashtra, rainfall, major crops, cities, rivers, industries, etc.
- 5th to 12th Std. State Board textbooks
- Maharashtra’s Geography - Dipsthambh Prakashan
- Economy: Indian Economy - National Income, Agriculture, Industry, Foreign Trade, Banking, Population, Poverty and Unemployment, Monetary and Fiscal Policy, etc. Government Economy- Budget, Accounts, Audit, etc.
- Indian Economy Ranjan Kolambe
- General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Hygiene.
- 8th to 10th Std. Maharashtra State Board textbooks
- General Science Book by Dr Sachin Bhaske
- Current Affairs: National and International Matters of relevance to India’s governance.
- To the point, Magazines, Abhijit Rathod
- Abhinav Yearbook
- BYJU'S Exam Prep also facilitates daily/monthly/yearly compilation
- Aptitude & Reasoning: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, average, decimal fraction, questions related to IQ measurement.
- MPSC CSAT (Aptitude & Reasoning), Abhishek Thigale
- Logical Reasoning by Anil Ankali
- R.S. Agrawal
8. Quick Revision Book: MPSC डायरी,अजय यादव सर
MPSC Combined Mains Exam Pattern
The MPSC Combined Mains Exam has two papers i.e., Paper-I which is common to all three posts- PSI, STI & ASO. The syllabus varies for Paper-II and hence the booklist. The brief highlight of the papers are as follows:
Paper | Subject | Total Marks | Medium | Duration | Nature of Questions |
Paper I | Section A: Marathi Section B: English Section C: General Knowledge | 50+ 30+ 20 = 100 | Marathi & English | 1 hour | MCQs |
Paper-II | General aptitude test and positional/subject knowledge | 100 | Marathi & English | 1 hour | MCQs |
Note: On every wrong attempt, a candidate is penalised, and 1/4th of marks will be deducted from the total score of that question.
MPSC Combined Booklist for Mains
The following table gives the complete booklist for all subjects of the MPSC Combined Mains exam
Subject Name | Book Name |
Marathi (मराठी) | मो.रा.वाळिंबे-मराठी व्याकरण संपूर्ण मराठी व्याकरण ,विशाल सुतार |
English (इंग्रजी) | संपूर्ण इंग्रजी व्याकरण,बाळासाहेब शिंदे इंग्रजी व्याकरण व शब्दसंग्रह,STI सचिन जाधवर |
Current Affairs (चालू घडामोडी) | To the point, मासिक,अभिजित राठोड |
Computer and Information Technology (संगणक आणि माहिती तंत्रज्ञान) | संपूर्ण संगणक व माहिती तंत्रज्ञान, के सागर |
Paper-I Booklist
- Marathi: सर्वसामान्य शब्दसंग्रह, वाक्यरचना, व्याकरण, म्हणी व वाकप्रचार यांचा अर्थ आणि उपयोग तसेच उतार्यावरील प्रश्नांची उत्तरे
- Marathi Grammar : M. R. Valambe (वाळंबे) / संपूर्ण मराठी व्याकरण ,विशाल सुतार
- मराठी व इंग्रजी प्रश्नसंच, लोकसेवा पब्लिकेशन
- English: Common Vocabulary, Sentence structure, Grammar, use of Idioms and phrases & their meaning and comprehension of the passage.
- Balasaheb Shinde’s book (बाळासाहेब शिंदे)/ English Grammar by STI Sachin Jadhavar
- मराठी व इंग्रजी प्रश्नसंच, लोकसेवा पब्लिकेशन
- General knowledge: Tyatacha Thokla, Eknath Patil
- Current Affairs - Global as well as Indian.
- Current Affairs:To the point, मासिक,अभिजित राठोड
- माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम, २००५ व महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा हक्क अधिनियम, २०१५
- माहितीचा अधिकार २००५ & महाराष्ट्र लोकसेवा हक्क अधिनयम २०१५
- Computer and Information Technology - The Role of Computer in Modern Society, Use of Computer in Life in Different Areas, Data Communication, Networking and Web Technology, Cyber Crime and its Prevention, Use of Information Technology as a New Industry for Information Services Standards, government programs like Media Lab Asia, विद्या वाहिनी, ज्ञान वाहिनी, सामुहिक माहिती केंद्र, etc. Fundamental issues in the IT industry and its future.
- Previous Year Question Papers
- K Sagar Publication book
MPSC Combined Paper-II Booklist
The syllabus varies for Paper-II and hence the booklist. There are different booklists for each exam.
MPSC PSI Mains Exam Booklist
The following gives the complete booklist for the MPSC PSI Mains examination.
Subject Name | Book Name |
बुद्धिमत्ता चाचणी | बुद्धिमत्ता चाचणी, सचिन ढवळे |
महाराष्ट्राचा भूगोल | महाराष्ट्राचा भूगोल, दीपस्तंभ प्रकाशन |
महाराष्ट्राचा इतिहास | महाराष्ट्राचा इतिहास ,डॉ. अनिल कठारे महाराष्ट्रातील समाजसुधारक, उमेश कुदळे |
भारतीय राज्यघटना | इंडियन पॉलिटी,लक्ष्मीकांत (के सागर) पंचायत राज: किशोर लवटे |
मानवी हक्क व जबाबदार्या | PSI मुख्य परीक्षा कायदा, किशोर लवटे |
कायदे | फौजदार, RK Publication/PSI मुख्य परीक्षा कायदा, किशोर लवटे |
The subject-wise booklist is as follows:
1. Logical Reasoning: Topics under the Logical Reasoning Section-Alphanumeric series, Reasoning Analogies, Artificial Language, Blood Relations, Calendars, Cause and Effect, Clocks, Coding-Decoding.
- Logical Reasoning by Sachin Dhawale
- MPSC CSAT (Aptitude & Reasoning), Abhishek Thigale
2. Maharashtra Geography: Topics covered-Physical Geography of Maharashtra, Physiographic Division, Climate, Changes in the Purjanya Division, Rivers, Mountains, Mountains, Political Division, Administrative Division, Natural Resources
- Maharashtra’s Geography - Dipsthambh Prakashan
3. History of Maharashtra: Social and Economic Awareness (1885-1947), the work of important people, newspapers and the effect/part of education in social awareness in pre-independence India, other contemporary movements in the pre-independence period, the national movement
- History of Maharashtra- Anil Kathare
4. Indian Polity: How the constitution was drafted and the role and principles behind the preamble of the constitution, important articles / salient features of the constitution, centre-state relations, secular state, fundamental rights and duties State policy guidelines-education, uniform civil code, independent judiciary.
- Indian Polity, M. Laxmikant (K Sagar Publication)
- Panchayat Raj, Kishor Lavate
5. Human rights and responsibilities: Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955, Protection of Human Rights Act 1993, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Rules 2005, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989, Dowry Prohibition Act 1961, Mahatma Gandhi Dispute Resolution Campaign.
- PSI Mains Kayda, Kishor Lavate
6. Various Acts: Maharashtra Police Act, 1951, Indian Penal Code, 1860, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Indian Evidence Act, 1872
- PSI Mains Kayda, Kishor Lavate/ Faujdar, RK publication
MPSC STI Mains Exam Booklist
The following gives the complete booklist for the MPSC STI Mains examination.
Subject Name | Book Name |
बुद्धिमत्ता चाचणी | बुद्धिमत्ता चाचणी, सचिन ढवळे |
महाराष्ट्राचा भूगोल | महाराष्ट्राचा भूगोल, दीपस्तंभ प्रकाशन |
महाराष्ट्राचा इतिहास | महाराष्ट्राचा इतिहास ,डॉ. अनिल कठारे महाराष्ट्रातील समाजसुधारक, उमेश कुदळे |
भारतीय राज्यघटना | इंडियन पॉलिटी,लक्ष्मीकांत (के सागर) पंचायत राज: किशोर लवटे |
नियोजन | स्पर्धा परिक्षा अर्थशास्त्र - भाग 2 - डॉ किरण देसले |
शहरी व ग्रामीण भागातील पायाभूत सुविधांचा विकास | स्पर्धा परिक्षा अर्थशास्त्र - भाग 2 - डॉ किरण देसले |
आर्थिक सुधारणा व कायदे | स्पर्धा परिक्षा अर्थशास्त्र - भाग 1 आणि 2 - डॉ किरण देसले |
आंतरराष्ट्रीय व्यापार व आंतरराष्ट्रीय भांडवल चळवळ | स्पर्धा परिक्षा अर्थशास्त्र - भाग 1 - डॉ किरण देसले |
सार्वजनिक वित्त व्यवस्था | स्पर्धा परिक्षा अर्थशास्त्र - भाग 1 - डॉ किरण देसले YCMOU ची पुस्तके |
The subject-wise booklist is as follows:
1. Logical Reasoning: Topics under the Logical Reasoning Section-Alphanumeric series, Reasoning Analogies, Artificial Language, Blood Relations, Calendars, Cause and Effect, Clocks, Coding-Decoding.
- Logical Reasoning by Sachin Dhawale
- MPSC CSAT (Aptitude & Reasoning), Abhishek Thigale
2. Maharashtra Geography: Topics covered-Physical Geography of Maharashtra, Physiographic Division, Climate, Changes in the Purjanya Division, Rivers, Mountains, Mountains, Political Division, Administrative Division, Natural Resources
- Maharashtra’s Geography - Dipsthambh Prakashan
3. History of Maharashtra: Social and Economic Awareness (1885-1947), the work of important people, newspapers and the effect/part of education in social awareness in pre-independence India, other contemporary movements in the pre-independence period, the national movement
- History of Maharashtra- Anil Kathare
4. Indian Polity: How the constitution was drafted and the role and principles behind the preamble of the constitution, important articles / salient features of the constitution, centre-state relations, secular state, fundamental rights and duties State policy guidelines-education, uniform civil code, independent judiciary.
- Indian Polity, M. Laxmikant (K Sagar Publication)
- Panchayat Raj, Kishor Lavate
5. Planning: Process, Type, Review of India's First to Tenth Five Year Plan, Evaluation, Indicators of Social and Economic Development, State and Local Level Planning, Decentralization, 73rd and 74th Amendment
- Spardha Pariksha Arthashastra -2 Dr Kiran Desale - Deepstambh
- YCMOU Books
6. Development of infrastructure in urban and rural areas: Need and importance of infrastructure, development and growth of social and economic infrastructure - such as energy, water supply and sewerage, housing, transport (roads, ports, etc.), transportation (post and telegraph), radio, TV, internet Crisis, India's infrastructure issues and related policies and options
- Spardha Pariksha Arthashastra -2 Dr Kiran Desale - Deepstambh
7. Economic reforms and laws: Background, Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization Concepts and their Meaning and Scope, Limits, Central and State Level Economic Reforms, World Trade Organization
- Spardha Pariksha Arthashastra -1 Dr Kiran Desale - Deepstambh
- YCMOU Books
8. International trade and the International capital movement: Formulas and trends in the age of globalization, growth structure and direction of India's international trade, Indian international trade policy, growth in exports, World Trade Organization and international trade inflow of foreign capital
- Spardha Pariksha Arthashastra -1 & 2 Dr Kiran Desale - Deepstambh
9. Public finance system: Sources of Revenue, Taxes, Non-Taxes, Central and State Public Debt in India, Central and State Public Expenditure Growth, Public Expenditure Reforms
- Spardha Pariksha Arthashastra -1 Dr Kiran Desale - Deepstambh
- YCMOU Books
MPSC ASO Mains Exam Booklist:
The following gives the complete booklist for the MPSC ASO Mains examination.
Subject Name | Book Name |
बुद्धिमत्ता चाचणी | बुद्धिमत्ता चाचणी, सचिन ढवळे |
महाराष्ट्राचा भूगोल | महाराष्ट्राचा भूगोल, दीपस्तंभ प्रकाशन |
महाराष्ट्राचा इतिहास | महाराष्ट्राचा इतिहास ,डॉ. अनिल कठारे महाराष्ट्रातील समाजसुधारक, उमेश कुदळे |
भारतीय राज्यघटना | इंडियन पॉलिटी,लक्ष्मीकांत (के सागर) |
राजकीय यंत्रणा (शासनाची रचना अधिकार व कार्ये) | इंडियन पॉलिटी,लक्ष्मीकांत (के सागर) |
जिल्हा प्रशासन, ग्रामीण आणि नागरी स्थानिक शासन | पंचायत राज: किशोर लवटे |
न्यायमंडळ | इंडियन पॉलिटी,लक्ष्मीकांत (के सागर) |
नियोजन | स्पर्धा परिक्षा अर्थशास्त्र - भाग 2 - डॉ किरण देसले |
The subject-wise booklist is as follows:
1. Logical Reasoning: Topics under the Logical Reasoning Section-Alphanumeric series, Reasoning Analogies, Artificial Language, Blood Relations, Calendars, Cause and Effect, Clocks, Coding-Decoding.
- Logical Reasoning by Sachin Dhawale
- MPSC CSAT (Aptitude & Reasoning), Abhishek Thigale
2. Maharashtra Geography: Topics covered-Physical Geography of Maharashtra, Physiographic Division, Climate, Changes in the Purjanya Division, Rivers, Mountains, Mountains, Political Division, Administrative Division, Natural Resources
- Maharashtra’s Geography - Dipsthambh Prakashan
3. History of Maharashtra: Social and Economic Awareness (1885-1947), the work of important people, newspapers and the effect/part of education in social awareness in pre-independence India, other contemporary movements in the pre-independence period, the national movement
- History of Maharashtra- Anil Kathare
4. Indian Polity: How the constitution was drafted and the role and principles behind the preamble of the constitution, important articles / salient features of the constitution, centre-state relations, secular state, fundamental rights and duties State policy guidelines-education, uniform civil code, independent judiciary.
- Indian Polity, M. Laxmikant (K Sagar Publication)
5. Political system (structure, powers and functions of government): Central Government, Central Legislature and State Government and Administration (Special Reference to Maharashtra)
- Indian Polity, M. Laxmikant (K Sagar Publication)
6. District Administration, Rural and Urban Local Government:
- Panchayat Raj, Kishor Lavate
7. Judiciary: Composition of Judiciary, Integrated Judiciary - Functions, Role and Powers of Supreme Court and High Court, Secondary Courts
- Indian Polity, M. Laxmikant (K Sagar Publication)
- YCMOU Books
8. Planning: Decentralization, 73rd and 74th Amendment, Indian economy, regional development trends and service sector outlines, challenges facing the Indian economy, poverty, unemployment and regional imbalances.
- Spardha Pariksha Arthashastra -2 Dr Kiran Desale - Deepstambh
- YCMOU Books
Candidates will definitely benefit from the given book list. Study well and achieve success in the upcoming exams!!
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