- Time Complexity
- Properties of Asymptotic Notations
- Comparing functions in terms of Big-Oh
- Finding time complexity of given code snippet
- Divide and Conquer
- Finding minimum/maximum (Recurrence Relation and Time Complexity)
- Power of an element (Recurrence Relation and Time Complexity)
- Binary Search (Recurrence Relation and Time Complexity)
- Merge Sort (Recurrence Relation and Time Complexity)
- Quick Sort (Recurrence Relation and Time Complexity of Best case and Worst-Case)
- Heap Sort (Heap Tree, Heapify function, Recurrence Relation and Time Complexity)
- Greedy Algorithms
- Huffman coding (Finding the average length of the given characters)
- Fractional Knapsack (Finding maximum profit)
- Job sequencing with a deadline (Finding maximum profit to complete given jobs in given deadline)
- Minimum Cost Spanning Tree (Prim's and Kruskal's Algorithm)
- Single Source shortest paths (Dijkstra’s Algorithms)
- Bellman-Ford Algorithm
- Dynamic Programming
- Longest Common Sub-sequence (Concept with example)
- 0/1 knapsack Algorithms (Concept with example)
- Sum of subset problems (Concept with example)
- Matrix chain Multiplications (Concept with example)
- Hashing
- Collision Resolving Techniques (Open Addressing and Chaining)
- Probing (Linear and Quadratic)
Preparing the above topics will cover almost the entire subject which will help you to score maximum marks in this subject.
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