- Propositional Logic
- Proposition and Connectives
- Implication and bi-implications
- Propositional Equivalences
- Inference Rule
- Predicates and Quantifiers
- First order Logic
- Combinatorics
- Sum and Product rule.
- Permutations
- Combinations with repetition
- Pigeonhole Principle
- Generating Functions
- Recurrence Relations
- Sets Theory
- Relations and Type of relations
- Functions and Type of functions
- Equivalence relations and POSET
- Lattices
- Distributed Lattice and Complimented Lattice
- Groups
- Cyclic Groups
- Graph Theory
- Graph Terminology and Special types of Graphs.
- Connectivity
- Euler and Hamilton Paths
- Planar Graph
- Graph colouring
- Matching
So these are the important topics in Discrete Mathematics. Prepare these well and practice questions on it to score 100% in this subject.
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Detailed Schedule For GATE CS 2020 Champion Study Plan
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GATE 2020 Syllabus – Computer Science
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