Defence Study Notes: Binomial Theorem

By Dhruv Kumar|Updated : March 18th, 2021

Binomial Theorem is a very important topic as each year Nda and other competitive exams ask few questions directly from this topic. In this article, we are providing you with the complete Notes and Pdf of Binomial Theorem.

Download the Pdf of Binomial Theorem, Click Here

1.If the coefficient of 2nd ,3rd and 4th terms in the expansion of byjusexamprep are in A.P., then the value of n is:

A. 2
B. 5
C. 7
D. 10

2.The coefficient of the term independent of byjusexamprep in the expansion of byjusexamprep is:

A. byjusexamprep
B. byjusexamprep
C. byjusexamprep
D. byjusexamprep

3.If the binomial expansion is byjusexamprep then the byjusexamprep equal to:

A. 8
B. 1
C. -1
D. -4

4.In the expansion of byjusexamprep, the term independent of x is :

A. byjusexamprep
B. 2268
C. -2268
D. Non-existent

5.If the byjusexamprep term in the expansion of byjusexamprep is byjusexamprep, for all byjusexamprep then the values of byjusexamprep and byjusexamprep are

A. byjusexamprep
B. byjusexamprep
C. byjusexamprep
D. cannot be found


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