The National Health Protection Scheme was launched in the year 2018 in India. Its purpose is to provide health benefits and care to the poorest section of the population.
National Health Protection Scheme's major goal in the upcoming years is to provide regular health care facilities, maternal and child requirements, drugs, and diagnostics services in 150000 health and wellness centres.
Salient Features of the National Health Protection Scheme
- The National Health Protection Scheme assures to spend Rs 5 lakh per family per year under the National Health Protection Mission
- It has a huge scope for the beneficiaries; beneficiaries under the Scheme are entitled to receive cashless benefits from the public and private sectors
- Ayushman Bharat, an entitlement-based scheme, will check on its deprivation and insurance program
- The payment for the treatment of the patients will be made based on a package in advance by the government
- Beneficiaries can use both public and private facilities that the government has approved
- It promotes cooperative federalism and state flexibility
- The Ayushman Bharat National Health Protection Mission Council is at the apex level and is chaired by the Union Health and Family Welfare. It provides direction and coordination between the Centre and the States
The National Health Protection Scheme is working on its profound impact along with NITI Aayog to promote paperless, cashless transactions. This Scheme will investigate the fraud checks and prevent the corruption of cash.
Impact of the National Health Protection Scheme
The National Health Protection Scheme has done a tremendous job in providing health facilities to its citizens:
- It has its benefits coverage expanded to nearly 40% of the population
- Different hospitalizations, including secondary and tertiary hospitalizations, are covered under the health scheme
- There is around 5 lakh coverage for each family with no restrictions on the strength of the family
- It has resulted in greater health care and medication access
- Such a policy will result in punctual treatments, better healthcare results, satisfaction and fulfilment of the patients, productivity, and efficiency, which improves the quality of life
- It helps in creating a bonding between the patient and the healthcare systems
Implementation of the National Health Protection Scheme
The National Health Protection Scheme permitted States to choose their mode of implementation. It has allowed the agency to establish and coordinate the Scheme on a national level.
State Health Agencies are established at the state or union territory levels. SHA is a new entity created to achieve the Scheme's main goal.
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The Central Government provides a 60% health insurance premium, and the State government takes responsibility for the remaining 40%. The generated funds are transferred to the SHAs via secured accounts by the AB-NHPS.
The National Health Protection Scheme ensures benefits covering the health security of the poor. It stood firm in strengthening the healthcare system of India.
FAQs on National Health Protection Scheme
Q1. What is National Health Protection Scheme?
The National Health Protection Scheme is a policy of providing health insurance to the underprivileged section of society.
Q2. What are the objectives of the National Health Protection Scheme?
The objectives of the National Health Protection Scheme include -
- Decreasing external expenditure of every citizen of the community.
- Providing quality medications and services to the patients
Q3. When was the National Health Protection Scheme launched?
The National Health Protection Scheme was launched in the Union Budget 2018.
Q4. What are the advantages of the National Health Protection Scheme?
The National Health Protection Scheme provides benefits to 10 crore people and covers every family member without any restriction. It ensures covering the sweepers, peons, maids, etc.