What is the Most Abundant Metal in the Earth Crust?

By Sakshi Yadav|Updated : July 1st, 2022

Aluminium is the most abundant metal in the earth crust with 8.1%. It is the 13th atomic member. The primary ore of aluminium is Bauxite. It is a metal with a strong reactivity. Aluminium and its alloys are used for transportation, aircraft and construction sectors.



What is the Most Abundant Metal in the Earth Crust?

The most abundant metal in the earth crust is Aluminium which has a low density and interacts with air to form an aluminium oxide coating. The most useful compounds of the metal are Aluminium sulphates and oxides. It is commonly found in gemstones such as sapphire and ruby. The other name for aluminium is Beryl, cryolite, garnet, spinel, and turquoise.


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