UPPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2023: Prelims and Mains RO/ARO Syllabus

UPPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2023: Prelims and Mains RO/ARO Syllabus

ByTrupti Thool  |  Updated on: Mar 18, 2023
UPPSC RO ARO syllabus 2023 will be released by UPPSC with the notification. Candidates preparing for the exam should check the RO ARO syllabus for Prelims & Mains. Candidates can shortlist the important topics by referring to the RO/ARO syllabus.

UPPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2023 will be notified by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) along with the notification. The syllabus consists of two major levels: Prelims, and Mains. UPPSC RO ARO syllabus varies for both Prelims and Mains exams. Therefore, it is important to know the important topics in each stage. Having known the latest and updated syllabus makes it convenient for the aspirants in the exam preparation.

The UPPSC RO ARO syllabus for Prelims has two papers. The first paper is about General Studies, while the second is about General Hindi. The Mains syllabus consists of three papers. The first paper is the General Studies paper, for which the topics are similar to that of Prelims. The 2nd and 3rd papers are General Hindi and Drafting and Essay Writing. As per the number of candidates qualified in the Mains paper, they shall be called to appear for the typing test. You can check out the syllabus for each stage here and download the UPPSC RO ARO syllabus PDF.

UPPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2023

UPPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2023 is expected to stay the same as the previous year. The syllabus is conveniently divided into two stages: Prelims and Mains. After the second stage, a skill test will be held for the candidates who clear the Mains exam. Interested candidates appearing for the online exam should know the complete list of subjects & topics in the UPPSC RO ARO syllabus in both stages to qualify easily. The Prelims syllabus has two objective papers, while the Mains syllabus is both objective and descriptive for 400 marks.

To ace the RO/ARO exam, candidates should not ignore the importance of the UPPSC RO ARO syllabus. An important step in exam preparation is having a thorough look at the entire syllabus. It enables a candidate to prepare a proper study plan with equal emphasis on all topics. The Prelims and Mains syllabus will give the candidates detailed knowledge about the UPPSC RO ARO exam.


The official UPPSC RO ARO syllabus based on the previous year's exam has been provided below for the reference of the candidates who are preparing for the upcoming exam. The following given PDF consists of both the Prelims and Mains syllabi. Candidates can have a good look at the syllabus and decipher when and what to start with. Download the UPPSC RO ARO syllabus pdf and save it on your device so that it can be referred to in future as per the requirements.


UPPSC RO ARO Syllabus for Prelims

UPPSC RO ARO syllabus for Prelims consists of two objective papers, General Studies, and General Hindi, for 140 and 60 marks, respectively. Here is the table displaying the subject-wise topics for the RO ARO Prelims syllabus.

UPPSC RO ARO Prelims Syllabus: General Studies, Paper 1

The UPPSC RO ARO syllabus for General Studies consists of subjects that are related to the general knowledge of our country. The syllabus for Prelims aims to test a candidate's knowledge of History, GS, Environment, etc., along with a major focus on the Uttar Pradesh GK and Culture.

  • History of India
  • Indian National Movement
  • Indian Polity, Economy, and Culture
  • Geography and Natural resources of India & World Geography
  • Population, Ecology, and Urbanization (in Indian Context)
  • Indian Agriculture, Commerce, and Trade
  • General Science (GS)
  • Current Events of National and International importance
  • General Intelligence
  • Specialized Knowledge regarding Education, Culture, Agriculture industry, Trade, Living & Social Traditions of Uttar Pradesh

UPPSC RO ARO Prelims Syllabus: General Hindi, Paper 2

The General Hindi UPPSC RO ARO syllabus is expected to have questions based on the class 10th standard. It will carry 60 marks. Therefore, candidates should know all about the following topics.

Antonyms (10 words)
Sentence and Correction in framing (10 sentences)
One word for several words (10 words)
Same usage and same nature words (10 words)
A noun is defined by an adjective and adjectives (10 words)
Synonymous words (10 words)

UPPSC RO ARO Mains Syllabus

The next part of the UPPSC RO ARO syllabus is for the Mains exam. The Mains syllabus of RO/ARO consists of three papers: General Studies, General Hindi, and Drafting and Hindi Essays. The General studies syllabus is similar to that of the Prelims. General Hindi and Hindi essays will be conventional. Hence, looking at the UPPSC RO ARO syllabus for Mains, it is evident that a candidate needs to have an in-depth knowledge of Hindi.

UPPSC RO ARO Mains Syllabus for General Studies

The General Studies paper of the Mains exam shall have a UPPSC RO ARO syllabus similar to that of the Prelims. GS Paper includes 120 questions, each carrying one mark and a time duration of two hours.

UPPSC RO ARO Mains Syllabus - General Hindi and Drafting Syllabus

The UPPSC RO ARO Mains syllabus for Paper 2, which comprises General Hindi and Drafting, consists of two parts. Part 1 is again expected to be conventional, while Part 2 is General Vocabulary that will be objective.

Part 1 RO/ARO Syllabus

Here is the UPPSC RO ARO syllabus for Part 1 of Paper 2. It will be for 100 marks with a time duration of 2.5 hours.

Part 1 (Conventional) Time 2.5 hours and MM-100
Heading of a given passage, precis, and explanation of the underlined parts21 (3+6+12)
Precis in Tabular form of any given Govt Letter15
Correspondence (i) Official/Demi Official Letter (ii) Office Memo/Memo/Circular (iii) Communique/Annotation & Reports/Reminder24
Definition Vocabulary (Administrative and Commercial) (i) English to Hindi (five words) (ii) Hindi to English (five words) (iii) Idioms and Phrases (Five)10/ 10/ 10
Computer Knowledge10

General Vocabulary Syllabus

The General Vocabulary syllabus of Part 2 is as follows. This paper is for 60 marks spanning 30 Minutes and is objective.

Part 2 General Vocabulary (Objective Type)
Antonyms (Six words)12
Sentence and Correction in framing (Six sentences)12
One word for several words (Six words)12
Same usage and same nature words (Six words)12
Derived by a noun & adjective (Six words)12

UPPSC RO ARO Mains Syllabus for Hindi Essay

The essay writing paper of the UPPSC RO ARO syllabus for the Mains exam shall have 3 questions. Candidates will have to select any one topic out of A/B/C. Each Hindi essay writing will have to be completed within a word limit of 600.

Literature and Culture, Social Field, Political Field40 (Word limit-600)
Science Ecology and Technology, Economic Field, Agriculture, and Commerce40 (Word limit-600)
National and International Events, Natural Calamities- Earth stumbling, Cyclone, Earthquake, Flood, Drought, etc, National Department Plans40 (Word limit-600)

UPPSC RO ARO Syllabus in Hindi

आपके लिए UPPSC RO ARO पाठ्यक्रम को और समझना आसान बनाने के लिए, हमने आपको सिलेबस हिंदी में भी उपलब्ध कराया है।

पेपर 1: उत्तर प्रदेश समीक्षा अधिकारी के लिए सामान्य अध्ययन का सिलेबस (प्रीलिम्स एंड मेन्स)

  • भारतीय राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन
  • भारतीय राजनीति, अर्थव्यवस्था और
  • संस्कृति
  • सामान्य विज्ञान
  • भारत का इतिहास
  • भारतीय कृषि, वाणिज्य और व्यापार
  • जनसंख्या, पारिस्थितिकी और शहरीकरण (भारतीय संदर्भ में)
  • सामान्य बुद्धि
  • विश्व भूगोल और भारत का भूगोल और प्राकृतिक संसाधन
  • वर्तमान राष्ट्रीय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महत्वपूर्ण घटनाएँ
  • उत्तर प्रदेश की शिक्षा, संस्कृति, कृषि, उद्योग व्यापार, जीवन और सामाजिक परंपराओं के बारे में विशेष ज्ञान

पेपर 2: सामान्य हिंदी के लिए UPPSC सिलेबस (प्रारंभिक)

  • पर्यायवाची शब्द
  • वर्तनी और वाक्य शुद्धि
  • विलोम
  • तस्सम और तद्भव
  • अनेक शब्दों के एक शब्द
  • विशेष्य और विशेषण

पेपर 2: सामान्य हिंदी और प्रारूपण के लिए UPPSC RO ARO Mains का सिलेबस

प्रारंभिक और मुख्य परीक्षा दोनों के लिए सामान्य अध्ययन का सिलेबस समान है लेकिन कठिनाई स्तर अलग-अलग होगा।

भाग -1 (पारंपरिक)

दिए गए मार्ग, Precis, और रेखांकित भागों की व्याख्या का शीर्षक।

किसी भी सरकार के सारणीबद्ध रूप में उपदेश। पत्र पत्राचार।

  • आधिकारिक / डेमी-आधिकारिक पत्र।
  • कार्यालय मेमो / मेमो / परिपत्र।
  • साम्य / व्याख्या और रिपोर्ट / अनुस्मारक

परिभाषा शब्दावली (प्रशासनिक और वाणिज्यिक)

  • अंग्रेज़ी से हिंदी।
  • हिंदी से अंग्रेजी।
  • मुहावरे और वाक्यांश कंप्यूटर ज्ञान।

भाग -2 सामान्य शब्दावली (उद्देश्य प्रकार)

  • सजा में सजा और सुधार।
  • कई शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द।
  • एक विशेषण द्वारा परिभाषित के रूप में एक संज्ञा।
  • समान उपयोग और समान प्रकृति के शब्द।

पेपर 3: हिंदी निबंध के लिए UPPSC RO ARO सिलेबस

  • साहित्य और संस्कृति।
  • सामाजिक क्षेत्र।
  • राजनीतिक क्षेत्र।
  • विज्ञान, पारिस्थितिकी और प्रौद्योगिकी।
  • आर्थिक क्षेत्र।
  • कृषि और वाणिज्य।
  • राष्ट्रीय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय आयोजन।
  • प्राकृतिक आपदाएँ – पृथ्वी की ठोकरें, चक्रवात, भूकंप, बाढ़, सूखा, आदि।
  • राष्ट्रीय विभाग की योजनाएँ।

How to Prepare UP PSC RO ARO Syllabus?

Since the UPPSC RO ARO notification is expected to come out soon, the candidates should start preparing for it in advance. Here are a few efficient strategies that will enable you to finish the UPPSC RO ARO syllabus quickly while still leaving time for revision.

  • Possess a thorough understanding of the UPPSC RO ARO exam format and syllabus.
  • Create a practical and realistic study plan and ensure you allot the same amount of time for each section.
  • Do not forget to check the UPPSC RO ARO cutoff from previous years to have an idea of the exam.
  • Make reading a habit to enhance your grammar knowledge and stay updated on current events.
  • To prepare for important topics, look through the UPPSC RO ARO question papers from previous years.
  • To monitor your progress and learn from your errors, practice UPPSC RO ARO mock tests.
  • Examine your test results after completing each paper to ensure that you improve in your weak areas.
  • Last but not least, go over the UPPSC RO ARO syllabus several times to make sure you understand everything and do not miss out on any important topic.

UP RO ARO Exam Syllabus: Pattern

The RO ARO exam pattern for Prelims and Mains is an important detail for the candidates and therefore has been shared here for the aspiring candidates. After checking the UPPSC RO ARO syllabus, aspirants must go through the pattern to understand the exam clearly.

UPPSC RO ARO Prelims Exam Pattern

The Prelims exam has two papers – Paper I and Paper II: General Studies and General Hindi with a total three-hour duration carrying 200 marks.

S. No.SubjectNo. of QsMarksTime Duration
Paper IGeneral Studies1401402 hours
Paper-IIGeneral Hindi60601 hour
Total2002003 hours

UPPSC RO ARO Mains Exam Pattern

The candidates who are able to acquire the required cutoff marks in Prelims will appear for Mains. As per previous notifications, the successful candidates will have to fill up another application form according to the instructions of the Commission. There are three papers in the UPPSC RO ARO Mains, each having a different time duration and marks.

S.No.PapersNo. of Qs MarksTime Duration
Paper IGeneral Studies (Like Preliminary Exam)1202 hours

General Hindi and Drafting Part 1 (Conventional)

Part 2 (General Vocabulary)





2.5 hours

0.5 hour

Paper IIIHindi Essay1201203 hours

3. Typing Test: After qualifying in the Mains examination, candidates will be called for a typing test.

Books to Prepare UPPSC RO ARO Syllabus

Having the right set of books for the UPPSC RO ARO exam makes your preparation further simple. Collecting the best UPPSC RO ARO books will prove useful for the candidates to a great extent. They will not only save you time but will help plan your UPPSC RO ARO syllabus in a better and smooth way. The list of good books for the RO/ARO exam has been provided below. 

General ScienceLUCENT General Science and Lucent’s GK, NCERT
History and Indian National MovementSpectrum, Modern History by S K Pandey.
GeographyMahesh Barnwal
Polity and EconomyLaxmikanth (Polity), Ramesh Singh(Economy)
Current AffairsBYJU'S Exam Prep Monthly Current Affairs for PCS Exams
UP Specific GKKnow Your State: Arihant, BYJU'S Exam Prep Complete Study Notes for UP Exams (Link is given below)
General HindiGeneral Hindi by P N Pandey, General Hindi by Vasudev Nandan Shukla.


  • UPPSC RO ARO Syllabus by Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission consists of Prelims and Mains exam. The Prelims syllabus for UPPSC RO ARO consists of General Studies and General Hindi papers. If we look at the Mains syllabus, consists of General Studies, General Hindi, and Drafting and Hindi Essays. You must note that the General Studies in Mains syllabus is similar to the Prelims syllabus.

  • UPPSC RO ARO syllabus pdf can be downloaded by clicking on the direct link provided here. The PDF is a great and useful resource which can be saved for further reference.

  • UPPSC RO ARO syllabus for Prelims consists of two papers that have to be attempted by every candidate. The Prelims syllabus deals with General Studies and Hindi subjects for 140 and 60 marks, respectively. The important topics for RO ARO GS are General Science, Polity, National Movement, Geography, Current Affairs, General Intelligence, History, Culture, Tradition, etc., of Uttar Pradesh.

  • No, the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission has not changed the RO ARO Syllabus. However, the latest UPPSC RO ARO syllabus is expected to be released with the new notification. Aspirants can check the latest syllabus for the exam in the article to outrank the competitors in the exam.

  • UPPSC RO ARO syllabus for Mains consists of three papers. The General Studies syllabus is similar to that of the Prelims. The other two papers are General Hindi and Drafting and General Hindi. You can get the details syllabus for the Mains exam.

  • Paper 2 of the Prelims exam has a significant weightage in the UPPSC RO ARO Syllabus. The topics included are Antonyms, Sentences, and Correction in framing, One word for several words, Same usage and same nature words, A noun is defined by an adjective and adjectives, Synonymous words, etc.

  • UPPSC RO ARO syllabus for General Studies (GS) tests the candidates' overall knowledge of India with a special emphasis on Uttar Pradesh (U. P. ) GK. The important subjects from which GS questions will be asked are History, Polity, Current Affairs of India and the World, Indian Agriculture, Commerce and Trade, Environment, Urbanisation, etc.

  • Books are the primary resource needed to prepare for an important exam like UPPSC RO ARO. Some of the best books to prepare and cover the entire Ro/ARO syllabus are as follows:

    • General Science: LUCENT General Science and Lucent’s GK, NCERT
    • History and Indian National Movement: Spectrum, Modern History by S K Pandey
    • Geography: Mahesh Barnwal
    • Polity and Economy: Laxmikanth (Polity), Ramesh Singh(Economy)


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