It is very important to know the detailed EMRS Syllabus so that candidates know clearly what and how to prepare to clear the exam. You can check below and also download the EMRS recruitment 2023 syllabus from the direct link given below:
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EMRS 2023 Syllabus for Principal & Vice-Principal
Here is the detailed subject-wise EMRS 2023 syllabus for the Principal and Vice Principal:
Child Development and Pedagogy
- Dimensions of Development
- Growth & Development – Concept, Principal, Factors, & Stages
- Characteristics of stages of development with special reference to Childhood and Adolescence.
- Adolescence: Understanding their needs and problems in the Indian context.
- Parenting styles: Concept and its impact on child development.
- Personality: meaning, nature, and assessment.
Theories of Child Development
- Theory of Cognitive Development by piglet: Concept, Stages, and Implications with special reference to Indian Context.
- Theory of Social & Emotional Development by Erickson: Concept, Stages, and Implications with special reference to India Context.
- Kohlberg theory of Moral Development: Concept, Stages, and Implications with special reference to India Context.
Learner as a Developing Individual
- Intelligence: Meaning, nature, and theories of intelligence (two-factor theory and Thurston’s group factor theory, Measurement of intelligence and application of intelligence tests.
- Creativity: Concept; relationship with intelligence; techniques for fostering creativity
- Mental Processes of Learning: Thinking Concept Types of Thinking – Divergent, Convergent, Critical, Reflective & Lateral Thinking.
- Memory – Concept, Types & Strategies to develop Memory; Forgetting – Nature, Causes, Factors & Strategies to minimize Forgetting.
Learning in Socio-Cultural Perspective
- Agencies of Socialization: Family, School, Community and their role in Child Development.
- Social & Cultural Change as factors influencing Child Development.
- Impact of Marginalization and Stereotyping on Child Development with special reference to Gender, Social Class & Poverty.
- Role of media in constructing & deconstructing perceptions & ways of dealing with the above issues.
Perspectives in Education and School Organization
- Acts/ Rights: Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and Child Rights, POCSO Act, Protection of Children against Corporal Punishment in Schools and Institutions.
NEP 2020
- Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of Learning.
- Foundational Literacy and Numeracy: An Urgent & Necessary Prerequisite to Learning.
- Curtailing Dropout Rates and Ensuring Universal Access to Education at All Levels.
- Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools: Learning Should be Holistic, Integrated, Enjoyable, and Engaging.
- Teachers & Teacher Education.
- Equitable & Inclusive Education: Learning for all
- Efficient Resourcing and Effective Governance through School Complexes/ Clusters.
- Standard Setting and Accreditation for School Education.
- Re-imaging Vocational education.
- Promotion of Indian Languages, Art & Culture.
- Online & Digital Education: Ensuring equitable use of Technology
School Organization
- Curriculum: Meaning, Principles, types of curriculum organization, approaches.
- Institutional Planning: Instructional Plan- Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan.
- Instructional material and resources: Text Books, Workbooks, Supplementary material AV aids, Laboratories, Library, Clubs- Museums, Community, Information and Communication Technology
- Evaluation: Types, tools, Characteristics of a good test, Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Scholastic Achievement Test.
Rights & duties of Principal / Vice- Principal in residential schools
- Right & duties of Principal / Vice- Principal concerning different stakeholders.
- Development and maintenance of facilities & assets.
- Role of Principal / Vice- Principal in promoting excellence in academics & co-curricular activities
- Promotion of ethics and values in academic institutions.
Teaching – Learning
- Understanding Learning
- Learning: Concept, Nature, types of learning & Factors influencing learning.
- Learning strategies: Cooperative learning & Collaborative learning, peer-tutoring, group learning.
- Role of Teacher & School about learning strategies.
- Individual Differences: Concept, Types, Causes & Educational Implications
Learning Paradigm
- Theories of Learning
- Connectionism theory (Trial & Error: Thorndike), concept, laws of learning & Educational Implications.
- Conditioning theories: Classical conditioning (Pavlov) & Operant Conditioning (Skinner): Concept, characteristics, and Educational Implications.
- Social-constructivist theory (Vygotsky & Bandura): Concept, Nature and Educational implications.
Understanding Teaching
- Teaching: Concept, characteristic, features, and levels of teaching.
- Related concepts of Teaching (Training, conditioning, instruction & indoctrination)
- Variables in the Teaching Process: The Learning task (Instructional Objectives), Learning Behaviour (Entry behaviors & Learner’s characteristics) Teacher Behaviour: (Competence, Personality, Teaching Style).
- Social-constructivist approach in teaching (Applications of Bruner, Ausubel & Vygotsky’s ideas in teaching).
Phase & Models of Teaching
- Phase of Teaching: Pre-active, Interactive, and Post-active.
- Models of Teaching: Meaning, Need & Elements, Basic Teaching Model (Glaser), Concept Attainment Model (Bruner).
- Teaching Strategies: Brain-Storming, Simulation, Role-playing, Gaming, Remedial teaching & Enrichment Programme.
- CCS (CCA) Rules
- CCS (Conduct) Rules
- Fundamental & Supplementary Rules.
- Travelling Allowance Rules.
- Leave Travel Concession Rules.
- Medical Attendance Rules.
- Pension Rules & New Pension Scheme.
- General Financial Rules- Purchase procedure.
- Income Tax & Service Tax.
EMRS 2023 Syllabus for PGT & TGT
Here is the detailed subject-wise EMRS 2023 syllabus for PGT and TGT:
Knowledge of NEP 2020 & Pedagogical Concerns
- Curriculum: Meaning, Principles, types of curriculum organization, approaches.
- Planning: instructional Plan- Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan
- Instructional Material and Resources: Text Books, Workbooks, Supplementary material AV aids, Laboratories, Library, Clubs-Museums-Community, Information and Communication Technology.
- Evaluation: Types, tools, Characteristics of a good test, Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Analysis, and interpretation of the Scholastic Achievement Test.
Inclusive Education
- Understanding diversities: concept types (disability as a dimension of diversity)
- Disability as a social construct, classification of disability and its educational implications.
- Philosophy of inclusion with special reference to children with disability.
- Process of Inclusion: concerns issues across disabilities.
- Constitutional Provisions
- School readiness (infrastructural including technological, pedagogical & attitudinal) for addressing the diverse needs of children with disabilities and the role of the teacher.
Communication & interaction
- Communication: Concepts, Elements, Process.
- Types of Communication, Communication & language.
- Communication in the classroom, barriers in communication.
- PGT: Class XII CBSE Unrevised Syllabus 2020-21 with difficulty level up to Graduation Level.
- TGT: Class X CBSE Unrevised syllabus 2020-21 with difficulty level up to XII.