Tips to Handle exam Anxiety

By Dhruv Kumar|Updated : October 8th, 2021

It is a natural tendency to feel anxious before an exam. In fact, a little anxiety can actually help performance. Human body releases adrenaline during Anxiety and stress which can be helpful when responding to challenging situations. Whilst being laid back has its advantages, being so laid back that you are horizontal can mean you may lack the motivation needed to do well!

It is a natural tendency to feel anxious before an exam. In fact, a little anxiety can actually help performance. The human body releases adrenaline during Anxiety and stress which can be helpful when responding to challenging situations. Whilst being laid back has its advantages, being so laid back that you are horizontal can mean you may lack the motivation needed to do well!

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Equally, too much adrenaline can lead you to feel distressed and hinder performance. You need to be able to strike a balance between too little and too much anxiety. The purpose of this blog is to help you manage your anxiety and achieve an optimal level to promote alertness and performance.

Anxiety during the run-up to exams

  • Set out plenty of revision time well in advance of your exams – around six weeks is usually enough, but leave yourself more time if you feel like you might need it. It’s better to be safe than sorry!
  • Make sure you’re revising effectively. Focus on essential materials and be active rather than sitting and reading for hours at a time.
  • Ask your tutor or lecturer for help if you get stuck during your revision.
  • Try not to focus your whole life on revision.
  • Make sure to take regular breaks, have days off and get enough sleep.
  • Eat well – your brain needs energy and fuel to make the most of your revision time.
  • Talk to your friends and family about your worries rather than bottling things up!
  • Exercise and relaxation techniques (such as meditation or yoga) are fantastic ways to take your mind off your work if worry is starting to have an effect on you.

Panic the night before

  • Learn a relaxation technique in advance so that you can utilize it if you need to.
  • Try to avoid working too close to the exam – don’t stay up late the night before or get up early on the morning of. A good night’s sleep is more important than an extra few hours of revision.
  • Humour is a great way to take your mind off of your worries-Watch a funny movie or read a funny book.
  • Make sure you’re thoroughly prepared for the exam to minimize your worries. Check that you’ve got the right time and location, pack your pencil case with everything you might need, and lay out your clothes for the next day.
  • Don’t forget to eat – your brain will need the fuel in the exam! Dry bread and cereal all help settle a churning stomach.

Panic during the exam

  1. If you feel anxious during the exam then close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
  2. Read through the instructions and questions slowly and carefully, highlighting key points.
  3. Answer the easiest question first if you feel like this will relax you.
  4. If you start to feel unwell, have a drink and close your eyes for a few seconds. Shake your arms and move your head from side to side to release the tension.



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