India launched the National Programme for family planning in the year 1952. Initially, the program failed to impact society without its access to contraceptives. Therefore, the National Population Policy decided to implement a free approach which resulted in the reduction of fertility. Under the policies of the existing government, there was no policy of compensation for the failure of sterilisation, and no guarantee cover was provided to the professionals for conducting the procedures.
Family Planning Insurance Scheme - Overview
On the other hand, many doctors had to face legal compensation following complications in death. Therefore many doctors hesitated to conduct such operations and the program suffered.
This issue was taken into serious consideration. In April 2013, the National Family Planning Insurance Scheme has renamed the Family Planning Indemnity Scheme.
The objective of the Family Planning Insurance Scheme ensured assurance in conducting sterilisation operations without any complications following sterilisation operations.
Family Planning Insurance Scheme ensures payment of compensation for complications in death regarding beneficiaries and indemnity coverage in the public and NGO centres. The manual serves as a guide for assessing the quality of services when it comes to sterilisation.
It is allocated by Standards and Quality Assurance in Sterilisation Services, Nov 2014. Further, it chalks guidelines for compensation provided to the beneficiaries and service providers.
Salient Features Family Planning Insurance Scheme
- Family Planning Insurance Scheme provides coverage to all Indians
- All patients will undergo their operations in public/private/ NGOs accredited by SQAC/DQAC for sterilisation services.
- The Consent Form duly filled in by the beneficiary is proof that the medical faculty will be solid proof for coverage under this scheme.
- Doctors/Health Facilities should also fill out the medical records and checklist for female/male sterilisation.
- The medical facilities accredited with SQAC/DQACs conducting sterilisation operations are covered under Section II of the Family Planning Insurance Scheme.
- State Program Implementation Plans (PIPs) will determine the claims arising from sterilisation operations after April 1, 2013. Claims arising from sterilisation operations determined before April 1, 2013, will not be covered by State Program Implementation Plans (PIPs). Claims would be covered and processed by expired policies from November 29, 2005, to March 31, 2013, and the convener of DISC (CMO or Equivalent) at the district level.
- Writs and summons should be forwarded to SISC/DISC by the doctors/health facilities under Section II.
The claims will fall within the scheme provided the beneficiary files its claim within 90 days from the occurrence of failure to death complication.
Family Planning Insurance Scheme - Permanent Schemes of Female Sterilisation
Minimap: It involves a small cut in the abdomen. The fallopian tubes are brought to blockage by certain trained doctors.
Laparoscopic: Laparoscopic is inserting a long thin tube with a tube for a cut in the abdomen for fallopian tubes.
Post-abortion sterilisation refers to the sterilisation done for five days after an abortion.
☛ Also Read: Current Affairs Today
Family Planning Insurance Scheme - Permanent Schemes of Male Sterilisation
It involves cutting of the Vas Deferens which carries sperms to the penis. It is tied together by heat or electricity. The surgery is performed by a trained MBBS doctor.
The two techniques involve conventional or non- scalpel vasectomy.
Family Planning Insurance Scheme - Contraceptive Services
- Oral- Contraceptive Pills
- Condoms
- Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Devices
Family Planning Insurance Scheme in India is necessary for sustainable development goals, reducing unwanted pregnancies, and improving planning when it comes to pregnancy decisions.
FAQs on Family Planning Insurance Scheme
Q.1. Which scheme gives priority to Family Planning Insurance Scheme?
The fifth Five Year Plan gives priority to Family Planning Insurance Scheme.
Q.2. When was the Family Planning Insurance Scheme introduced?
The Family Planning Insurance Scheme was introduced on 29th November 2005.
Q.3. Which was the first country to initiate Family Planning Insurance Scheme in the World?
India was the first Country to initiate Family Planning Insurance Scheme in the World.
Q.4. What is the Motto of the Family Planning Insurance Scheme?
The motto of the Family Planning Insurance Scheme is "hum do, hamare do".