World climatic types:
The world is divided into different climatic zones depending upon its characteristics, vegetation, flora, fauna and economic activity. Those are as given in the diagram-
Climatic Type: Hot wet equatorial climate
Climate (Temperature & Precipitation):
- Uniformity of temperature throughout the year.
- Both diurnal and annual range of temperature is small.
- Heavy rainfall (60-100 inches) well distributed throughout the year with double rainfall peaks
- The highest rainfall occurs at the time of equinoxes and least rainfall at the time of summer and winter solstice
- Between 5-10 degrees north and south of the equator
Vegetation & Wildlife:
- Tropical rainforest type vegetation
- ‘Selvas’- Dense rainforest with the dense canopy
- Evergreen trees e.g. ebony, mahogany, greenheart, cabinet woods and dyewoods.
Major Tribes:
- Indian tribes of Amazon basin
- Pygmies of Congo basin
- Orang Asli of Malaysia
Climatic Type: The Tropical Monsoon Climate
Climate (Temperature & Precipitation):
- The mean temperature of a month is above 18 degrees Celsius.
- Summer: 30-45 degrees Celsius, Winter: 15-30 degrees Celsius.
- Annual mean rainfall- 200-250 cm
- On-shore wet monsoons in the summer and off-shore dry monsoons in the winter.
- Presence of distinct seasons- Cool and dry season (October- February), Hot and dry season (March to mid-June), Rainy season (mid-June to September).
- 5 to 30 degrees north and south of the equator.
- Tropical Monsoon climate experienced in Indian sub-continent, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, parts of Vietnam, south China and northern Australia.
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