UPPSC Lecturer Preparation Tips 2021 - Check Subject Wise Preparation Plan For Prelims and Mains Exam

UPPSC Lecturer Preparation Tips 2021 - Check Subject Wise Preparation Plan For Prelims and Mains Exam

ByNeha Joshi  |  Updated on: May 26, 2021
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UPPSC Lecturer Preparation Tips 2021

UPPSC GIC Lecturer Exam is an excellent opportunity for the candidates willing to make their career in the teaching field. Since it is an exceptional job with a good salary, therefore, candidates in large numbers apply for it. To excel in the UPPSC Lecturer exam 2021, you must be first acquainted with the UPPSC Lecturer Syllabus and Exam Pattern. After this, you should strategize your preparation on how you will schedule your study plan. Planning for this exam is a must as the selection is based on Prelims, Mains and Interview. 

To ease your preparation for the UPPSC GIC Lecturer Exam, we have compiled a list of the best and most suitable UPPSC GIC Lecturer Preparation Tips for you. Read on to know the UPPSC Lecturer Preparatory tips and important information related to the examination.

UPPSC Lecturer Exam Pattern

Before we begin to give you the most beneficial tips and strategies for the UPPSC GIC Exam, let us first give you a brief introduction to the UPPSC GIC Lecturer Exam Pattern 2021. 

UPPSC Lecturer Prelims Exam Pattern

The Prelims Exam of the UPPSC GIV Lecturer is for 300 marks where all the questions will be objective multiple choice. A total of 120 questions will be there. Out of the total number of questions, 40 questions will be from the General Studies Section and 80 questions will be from Optional Subjects.

UPPSC Lecturer Mains Exam

The UPPSC GIC Lecturer Mains Exam is for a total of 400 Marks and will have two papers. One of the papers for the UPPSC Lecturer in Hindi Language & Essay and the other paper will be an optional paper. The 1st paper of the UPPSC Lecturer Mains exam is compulsory to be attempted by all the candidates and is of 100 marks. On the other hand, the  UPPSC GIC Lecturer optional paper for 300 marks. The total time duration for the UPPSC Lecturer Mains exam is 5 hours. 

List of Optional Papers in UPPSC GIC Lecturer Exam 2021

Here is a list of all the optional papers in the UPPSC Lecturer Exam. There are a total of 15 optional papers for the UPPSC GIC Lecturer Exam. Candidates can select any one of the subjects as per their preference and educational qualification.

  1. Hindi 
  2. English 
  3. Physics 
  4. Chemistry 
  5. Biology 
  6. Math 
  7. Sanskrit 
  8. Economic 
  9. Civics
  10. Geography 
  11. History 
  12. Sociology
  13. Education 
  14. Urdu 
  15. Commerce
  16. Home Science is the only subject additional part of the Female Branch.

How to Prepare for UPPSC GIC Lecturer Exam?

Here are the prerequisites that should be made available by you for your preparation for the UPPSC GIC Lecturer Examination. The following tips and suggestions have been made after making an observation of the candidates who have qualified the UPPSC GIC Exam.

Important Tips for Preparing for UPPSC Lecturer 2021 Exam

  • Be well known with the Syllabus & Exam Pattern: The first step is to be fully aware and thorough with the UPPSC GIVE Syllabus and Exam Pattern. Having knowledge of these two will help you to select the subject that will plan accordingly, make you aware of your weak areas. 
  • Study Material such as Books, Study Notes, PDFs: Once you are have become knowledgeable with the UPPSC Lecturer Syllabus and Exam Pattern, the next step will be to have the best and suitable study material. You will find over a dozen of study material that includes study notes, PDFs, Books, however, you should select anyone out of a pool of options available. You can check out the books and study resources provided by BYJU'S Exam Prep to ensure your selection. 
  • Strict Time Management Schedule: You should plan your time management as per your suitability You should devote time to the topics that you find difficult to get hold of. With the daily revision in this manner, that difficult topic will become easy. You must adhere to the timetable that you have made. 
  • Revision Schedule: If you are studying or understanding a particular concept, then it becomes important that you revise it as well or else, you will tend to forget in a few days. Keep the weekends for revision of whatever you have studied until the last day. 
  • Notes Making- This is mandatory to prepare notes side by side while we revise our content, otherwise, at the last moment, it becomes difficult to recall everything. It will be a lifesaver for you at the last moment before the exam date. 
  • Solve Previous Year Question Paper- Candidates must refer to the previous year's question papers of the UPPSC GIC Exam for Lecturers. It will help you to get familiar with the exam pattern and the types of questions being asked in the exam.
  • Take Mock Test: Taking regular mock tests for the UPPSC GIC Lecturer exam will resolve your queries or doubts. Further, with each mock test, you will be able to elevate your performance and, thereby, your score as well. You will be able to solve numerous variety of questions. This will lead to a revision of whatever you have studied so far.
  • Read Newspapers & Magazines: Daily reading of the English newspaper will help you in the interview as well as to build your confidence in the General knowledge paper as well. It will further help you in the interview as well. With the daily reading of the newspapers, your vocabulary will also improve, thereby, helping you in the exam as well.
  • Watch Motivational Videos- Candidates should keep themself motivated by watching the motivational videos i.e. Interview of the candidates those have qualified the competitive exam.

UPPSC GIC 2021 Time Table for Prelims




General StudiesGeneral Science/Indian Polity, Economy & Culture/Ecology and Environment1 hour
 Break20 minutes
Optional SubjectAny Topic (Includes Notes Making)1.5 hours
 Break20 minutes
General StudiesHistory of India/Indian Agriculture, Commerce & Trade/Elementary Mathematics1 hour
 Break20 minutes
Optional SubjectAny Topic (Includes Notes Making)1.5 hours
 Break20 minutes
General StudiesIndian National Movement/World Geography & Indian Geography & Natural resources of India1 hour
 Break20 minutes
Optional Subject & RevisionAny Topic (Includes Notes Making)2 hours

It is important to note that Newspaper Reading is a must so candidates should take out 15 to 25 minutes to daily read news and prepare notes on it. 

UPPSC GIC Lecturer Exam Preparation FAQs

  • The UPPSC GIC lecturer examination for the prelims will be held on 20th June 2021.

  • You can find the detailed syllabus for UPPSC GIC Lecturer here.

  • UPPSC GIC Lecturer Mains Exam will have 2 sections. Section-1 will be of 100 marks with two subjects and section-2 will be the concerned subject of 300 marks.

  • You will be able to download the syllabus for UPPSC GIC Lecturer Exam Syllabus 2021 from the official website @ uppsc.up.nic.in. or you can easily get the complete syllabus here.

  • The candidate must hold a master's degree from a recognized institute/ college/university in the subject from which they want to fill the form. The age limit to apply for UPSSC GIC lecturer recruitment is a minimum of 21 years and a maximum of 40 years as of 1st July 2020.

PRT, TGT & PGT Exams