Dear aspirants here now we are starting the Achievers Study Plan for ESE-2018, for the Aspirants of ESE-2018 In this article, you will find the study notes on Basics of Electrical & Electronics Engineering which will cover the topics such as De-Broglie Waves and the Bohr model, Comparison of Electron, Proton & Neutron, Electrical Balance in The Atom,Deficiencies of the Bohr model,Classification of Solids and Crystal Structure,Energy Band Diagrams, Crystallography & Structure Analysis of Materials,Intrinsic and Extrinsic Materials,Law of Mass Action,The Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function,Fermi Level in Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors,Basic Definition Related to Crystal Structure,Miller Indices And Crystal Planes,Types of Crystal Bonding,Defects in Crystalline Solids,Vacancies and Interstitials, Frankel Defect, Schottkey Defect, Line & Surface Defect, Edge & Screw Dislocation & Photo-conductivity.
De Broglie Waves and the Bohr model
Bohr's Model
Niels Bohr observed that the Rydberg formula could be explained if one assumed that there were electronic “orbits” around the hydrogen atom nucleus. Bohr came to this conclusion by starting with classical physics using a “planetary model” for the hydrogen atom.
To overcome the difficulty associated with the classical collapse of the electron into the nucleus, Bohr proposed that the orbiting electron could only exist in certain special states of motion - called stationary states, in which no electromagnetic radiation was emitted. In these states, the angular momentum of the electron L takes on integer values of Planck’s constant divided by 2π, denoted by = /2π (pronounced h-bar).
In these stationary states, the electron angular momentum can take on values h, 2h, 3h..., but never non-integer values. This is known as quantization of angular momentum, and was one of Bohr’s key hypotheses.
Instead of a gravitational attraction, the electron and the proton in the nucleus have a Coulombic attraction, which balances the centripetal force according to
The term 4𝜋𝜀o is nothing more than a unit conversion factor that keeps the force in Newtons. εo is called the permittivity of vacuum and it has the value εo = 8.854 x 10-12 J-1m-1C2.
If we examine the resulting effects de Broglie’s hypothesis has on the Bohr model of hydrogen, we first recall that the allowed radii for the Bohr model are given by
rn = aon2
where a0 ≈ 0.5˚A is the Bohr radius and n is a positive integer. The momentum of the photon in state n is given by
or pn = nh/rn, where ~ = h/2π. Through the de Broglie relation between wavelength and momentum, λ = h/p = h/(nh/rn) = 2πrn/n, we see that the circumference of an orbit is equal to an integer number of de Broglie wavelengths.
Comparison of Electron, Proton & Neutron
- Electrons are present outside the nucleus of an atom.
- Electrons are negatively charged.
- The mass of an electron is considered to negligible.
- They are spread around the nucleus.
- Protons are present in the nucleus of an atom.
- Protons are positively charged.
- The mass of a proton is approximately "1837≈1840" times as the mass of an electron.
- They are closely bound.
- Neutrons are present in the nucleus of an atom.
- Neutrons are neutral.
- The mass of a Neutron is nearly equal to the mass of a proton approximately "1837≈1840" times as the mass of an electron.
- They are closely bound.
Electrical Balance in The Atom
There are two kinds of electric charge, positive (+) and negative (-). When two objects are both charged with a positive charge, they repel one another. Similarly, two negatively charged bodies repel one another. But when one object is positively charged and another is negatively charged, the two objects will attract one another.
All this can be said very briefly in the statement:"like charges repel, unlike charges attract".
Use of De-Broglie relation to Quantize Angular Momentum
The second idea was to combine this result with the De-Broglie relation
The Angular momentum J = mvr is then quantized according to
Note: The radius with n = 1 is known as the Bohr radius.
According to classical electrostatics the energy of the electron is composed of Kinetic Energy T, and potential energy V, given by,
Deficiencies of the Bohr model
- Cannot be applied to multi-electron atoms.
- Does not predict fine structure of atomic spectral lines.
- Does not provide a method to calculate relative intensities of spectral lines.
- Predicts the wrong value of angular momentum for the electron in the atom.
- Violates the Heisenberg uncertainty principle (although Bohr’s model preceded this by more than a decade).
Classification of Solids
- In general the atoms in a solid are set in an irregular manner, without any short- or long-range order in their atomic arrangement. This class of solids is commonly known as noncrystalline or amorphous materials.
- In another class, the atoms or group of atoms in the solid are arranged in a regular order. These solids are referred to as the crystalline solids.The crystalline solids can be further divided into two categories: the single crystalline and the polycrystalline solids.
- In a single crystalline solid, the regular order extends over the entire crystal. In a polycrystalline solid, however, the regular order only exists over a small region of the crystal, ranging from a few hundred angstroms to a few centimeters
Classification of Solids and Crystal Structure
Classification of solids can be based upon atomic arrangement, binding energy, physical and chemical properties or the geometrical aspects of the crystalline structure. In one class, the atoms in a solid are set in an irregular manner, without any short- or long-range order in their atomic arrangement, Based on the ability of various materials to conduct current, the materials are classified as conductors, insulators, and the semiconductors.
- A metal which is very good carrier of electricity is called conductor. The copper and aluminium are good examples of a conductor.In the metals like copper, aluminium there is no forbidden gap between valence band and conduction band. The two bands overlap.Hence even at room temperature, a large number of electrons are available for conduction.
So without any additional energy, such metals contain a large number of free electrons and hence called good conductors.
- A very poor conductor of electricity is termed as the insulator. The glass, wood, mica, diamond are the examples of an insulator.In case of such insulating material, there exists a large forbidden gap in between the conduction band and the valence band. The forbidden gap is very wide, approximately of about 7 eV is present in insulators. For a diamond, which is an insulator, the forbidden gap is about 6 eV.Such materials may conduct only at very high temperatures or if they are subjected to high voltage. Such conduction is rare and is called breakdown of an insulator.
- A metal having conductivity which is between conductor and an insulator is called semiconductor.The forbidden gap in such materials is very narrow as shown in Fig. Such materials are called semiconductors.The forbidden gap is about 1 eV. In such materials, the energy provided by the heat at room temperature is sufficient to lift the electrons from the valence band to the conduction band.
Note: Classification of solids can also be made according to their electrical conductivity. For example, while the electrical conductivity of an insulator is usually less than 10-8 mho/cm, the electrical conductivity of a metal is on the order of 106 mho/cm at room temperature & for semiconductor, electrical conductivity may vary from 10–4 to 104 mho/cm, depending on the doping impurity density in the semiconductor.
Energy Band Digrams
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Materials
An intrinsic semiconductor is ideally a perfect crystal. When an electron in an intrinsic semiconductor gets enough energy, it can go to the conduction band and leave behind a hole. This process is called ”electron-hole pair (EHP) creation”. For the intrinsic material, since electrons and holes are always created in pairs, n = p = ni.
At room temperature, relatively few electrons have enough thermal energy to make this jump. In fact, approximately one electron per 6.9×1012 silicon atoms does. So the intrinsic carrier concentration in silicon at room temperature is approximately
Extrinsic Semiconductors
Extrinsic semiconductor are made by introducing different atoms, called dopant atoms, into the crystal. We can get two types of extrinsic material:
n-type Extrinsic Semiconductor
- The dopant atom to the semiconductor, in this case, are donor atoms. For silicon, we can use phosphorus (P), arsenic (As) or antimony (Sb) as donors.These are column V elements, with five electrons in their outermost shell.
- When these atoms are included in the silicon crystal, one of the electrons in this shell can easily jump to the conduction band, leaving a positively charged atom behind. This process is sometimes called “activation” or “ionization” of the donor atoms.
- The electron leaving the atom by ionization does, and is counted in the electron concentration n. Because the activation energy is low, at room temperature almost all of the donor atoms included in the crystal will give an electron to the conduction band.
So if ND is the donor concentration, for an n-type material at equilibrium
p-type Extrinsic Semiconductor
- The dopant atoms, in this case, are acceptor atoms. For silicon, we can use boron (B), Aluminum (Al) and Gallium (Ga) as acceptors. These are column III elements, with three electrons in their outermost shell.
- When these atoms are included in the silicon crystal, one of the electrons in the silicon valence band can easily jump to the valence shell of one of the acceptor atoms, leaving a hole behind and making the acceptor atom negatively charged.
- Because the activation energy is low, at room temperature almost all of the acceptor atoms included in the crystal will accept an electron from the valence band.
So if NA is the acceptor concentration, for a p-type material at equilibrium
Law of Mass Action
For both intrinsic and extrinsic materials, at equilibrium
So for an n-type material with only donor atoms
And for a p-type material with only acceptor atoms
Impurity Compensation
Due to fabrication constraints, in many cases, there are both donor and acceptor atoms present in a piece of the semiconductor crystal. The eventual type of material and electron/hole concentrations depend on which type of dopant atom is more populous.
The Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function and Fermi Level
The conduction band in a piece of semiconductor consists of many available, allowed, empty energy levels. When calculating how many electrons will fill these levels and thus be counted in n, contributing to conductivity, we consider two factors
- How many energy levels are there within a given range of energy, in our case the conduction band, and
- How likely is it that each level will be populated by an electron.
The likelihood in the second item is given by a probability function called the Fermi-Dirac distribution function. f(E) is the probability that a level with energy E will be filled by an electron, and the expression is:
where kB is Boltzmann’s constant, 8.62×10−5 [eV/K], and T is the temperature in degrees Kelvin.
EF is called the Fermi energy or Fermi level. It is determined as the energy point where the probability of occupancy by an electron is exactly 50%, or 0.5:
Meaning of (1−f(E))
Since fE1 is the probability that the energy level E1 will be filled by an electron, (1−fE1) is the probability that the energy level E will be empty. Or, equivalently, if E1 is in the valence band, (1−f(E1)) is the probability that the energy level E1 will have a hole.
Fermi Level in Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors
In an intrinsic semiconductor, n = p. If we use the band-symmetry approximation, which assumes that there are equal number of states in equal-sized energy bands at the edges of the conduction and valence bands, n = p implies that there is an equal chance of finding an electron at the conduction band edge as there is of finding a hole at the valence band edge
In fact, this level is called the “intrinsic Fermi level” and shown by Ei:
where Eg is the band gap energy.
The curvature of the Fermi-Dirac distribution function is exaggerated to emphasize the difference between f(Ec) and 1−f(Ev) in the n-type and p-type materials.
The following relationships summarize the above analysis last points:
n−type : f(EC) > (1−f(EV)) ⇒ |EC −EF| < |EF −EV| ⇒ EF > Ei
p−type : f(EC) < (1−f(EV )) ⇒ |EC −EF| >|EF −EV| ⇒ EF < Ei
Finally, since the bandgap energy is a constant, with Eg = EC −EV , the relationship between Eg, Ei, EC, EV and EF can be deduced.
Basic Definition Related to Crystal Structure
The Bravais Lattice
In general, the various possible arrangements of unit cells in a crystalline solid can be readily achieved by means of the space lattice, a concept introduced by Bravais. The space lattice is an arrangement of lattice points in space such that the placement of points at any given point in the space is the same for all points of the space lattice. The periodic translational symmetry of a space lattice may be described in terms of three noncoplanar basis vectors, defined in such a way that any lattice point r(n1,n2,n3), can be generated from any other lattice point, r(0, 0, 0), in the space by translational operation
is the translational basis vector, and n1, n2, n3 are arbitrary integers.
Unit cell – relatively small repeating unit that is made up of a unique arrangement of atoms and embodies the structure of the solid.
Crystal lattice – geometrical pattern of points on which the unit cells are arranged
Lattice points – each lattice point has an identical environment. The positions of the lattice points are defined by the lattice vectors.
Characteristics of cubic lattices
Seven Lattice Crystal System
Miller Indices And Crystal Planes
The orientation of a crystal plane can be determined by three integers, h, k, and l, known as the Miller indices. They are related to the orientations of a crystal plane in the following manner: If h′, k′, and l′ represent the intercepts of a particular crystal plane on the three crystal axes (i.e., x, y, z) in units of lattice constant, a, then the three smallest integers h, k, and l which satisfy the relation
are called the Miller indices.
Types of Crystal Bonding
Ionic Crystals: In an ionic crystal, the electrostatic bonding normally comes from the transfer of electrons from alkali atoms to halogen atoms, resulting in the bonding of positively and negatively charged ions by the Coulomb attractive force. Typical examples are alkali metals such as sodium and potassium, in which each of these atoms has one extra valence electron to transfer to the atoms of halogens such as chlorine and bromine to form an alkali halide salt (e.g., NaCl, KCl, NaBr, etc.).
Covalent Crystals: In a covalent crystal, the binding energy comes from the reciprocal sharing of valence electrons of the nearest-neighboring atoms rather than from the transfer of valence electrons as in the case of the ionic crystal. Elemental semiconductors such as silicon and germanium are the typical covalent crystals.
Metallic Crystals: One of the most striking features of a metal is its high electrical conductivity. The binding energy of a metal comes mainly from the average kinetic energy of its valence electrons, and there is no tendency for these electrons to be localized within any given portion of the metal.
Molecular Crystals: Argon, neon, and helium are solids, which exhibit properties of molecular binding. These substances generally have a very small binding energy, and consequently have low melting and boiling temperatures. The binding force, which holds the saturated molecules together in solid phase comes primarily from the van der Waals force. This force is found to vary as r–6, where r is the distance between the two molecules.
Defects in a Crystalline Solids
In general, defects may be divided into two broad categories:
- One class of defects, which is called the dynamic defects, refers to phonons, electrons, and holes.
- Another class of defects, which is known as the stationary defects, is composed of point defects (e.g., vacancies, interstitials, antisite defects, and foreign impurities), line defects (e.g., dislocations), and surface defects (e.g., grain boundaries). Stationary defects play a key role in affecting the electronic, optical, and physical properties of semiconductors.
Vacancies and Interstitials
Both vacancies and interstitials are defects of atomic dimensions, which can only be observed through the use of modern field-ion microscopy or infrared microscopy technique. Vacancies are always present in the crystal, and the density of vacancies depends strongly on temperature. In fact, thermal fluctuation can cause a constant creation and annihilation of vacancies in a crystal.
A vacancy is created when an atom migrates out of its regular lattice site to an interstitial position or to the surface of the crystal. The energy required to remove an atom out of its regular lattice site is defined as the activation energy of the vacancy. Two types of defects are usually associated with the creation of vacancies, namely, the Frenkel and Schottky defects.
A Frenkel defect is created when an atom is moved from its regular lattice site to an interstitial site, while a Schottky defect is formed when the atom is moved from its regular lattice site to the surface of the crystal.
The total number of ways of arranging n vacancies among N lattice sites is given by
The increase of entropy due to the creation of n vacancies in a crystal can be expressed by
Where S is the entropy, and kB is the Boltzmann constant.
The above Equation shows that the density of vacancies increases exponentially with temperature. For example, assuming Ev = 1eV and N = 1023 cm–3,
& The density of vacancies, n, at T = 1200 K is equal to 4.5x1018 cm–3.
A similar procedure may be employed to derive the expressions for the density of Frenkel and Schottky defects in a crystal.
For Schottky defects, this is given by
For Frenkel defects, we obtain
Line and Surface Defects
Where Ef is the activation energy of a Frenkel defect. Note that N′ is the density of interstitial sites. In general, it is found that Es > Ef > Ev. For example, for aluminum, Ev was found equal to 0.75 eV and Es ≈ 3 eV.
Another type of crystal defects known as line defects may also be created in both single- and polycrystalline solids. The most common type of line defects created in a crystalline solid is the dislocation. Dislocations are lattice defects created in a crystal, which can be best described in terms of partial internal slip.
There are two types of dislocations that are commonly observed in a crystalline solid. They are the Edge-Dislocation and Screw- Dislocations.
- Edge Dislocation: In an edge dislocation, localized lattice distortion exists along the end of an extra half-plane of atoms.
- Screw- Dislocations: A screw dislocation results from shear distortion.Many dislocations in crystalline materials have both edge and screws components; these are mixed dislocations.
- The basic principle involved in photo-conductivity is that when photons of energy greater than that of the band gap of the semiconductors are incident on the material, electrons and holes are created resulting in the enhancement of electrical conductivity. This phenomenon is called intrinsic photo-conductivity.
- It is also possible to observe photo-conductivity when the energy of the incident photon is less than that of the band gap.
- When the energy of the photon matches the ionization energy of the impurity atoms, they are ionized, creating extra carriers and hence an increase in conductivity is observed. This phenomenon is called extrinsic photo-conductivity.
In a homogeneous material, conductivity is expressed as
where n and p are the densities of free electrons and holes, and μn & μp are the electron & hole mobilities. In homogeneous material under equilibrium condition nand p are uniform
throughout the material. Photo-conductivity occurs when the values of n and p are enhanced due to photon absorption.
In insulators, values of Δn and Δp may be much larger than the corresponding free carrier densities in the dark. In semiconductors the effect of radiation can be considered as
small perturbation on large dark carrier density.
Consider the case of one carrier transport in a non-homogeneous material. Then on illumination
Where G is the photo excitation rate and τn is the electron lifetime
But in the above process τn may itself be a function of excitation rate τn(G).
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