The role is called a leaderless task since there is no appointed leader in the community. With a rejection rate of nearly 60% during screening, all applicants are eager to perform well and therefore begin speaking up and encouraging others to talk.
- Bad Coaching: Many academies teach students to talk as soon as possible in order to ensure that their story is chosen as the community story. As a result, candidates talk and, in many cases, begin screaming at the top of their lungs in order to be heard.
Whatever the cause, the majority of people die as a result of it. Candidates who are reserved and too devout seldom speak and remain silent, while others who are boisterous bang the table with their opinions. Both of these approaches are doomed to fail.
How to handle the fish market situation in SSB interview?
Unfortunately, since each group would be different in terms of composition, it is difficult to understand in the world how to approach this situation literally. Try to follow the five techniques mentioned below. This will almost certainly have a good outcome.
1. Try something new:
- The unexpected comes as a rude awakening: the situation at the fish market is dire. Doing anything unexpected will give the community a jolt and give you an opportunity to add value right away.
- The shock can serve as a temporary pacifier: such a technique produces a fast vacuum into which you can hurry and take control of the stage for a short time.
- A brief example, a short story, or appropriate data may all be unexpected: Some of the tools for doing the unexpected include a plot, a quote, or data input. Both of these have the ability to make you feel awestruck.
2. Form Allies:
- The fish market is the product of opposing viewpoints: Conflicting views normally lead to a fish market scenario, which can be avoided if you can seamlessly agree with the other members of the party.
- Choose the person(s) you want to help: It is likely that you would not be able to help all of the participants, as this would defeat the purpose of the discussion. However, it's a good idea to figure out which ones you want to connect with.
- Collaborate effectively: Once you've decided on the group of people you'd like to work with, devise a strategy around them. Collaborating with them can allow you to take advantage of synergy's benefits.
3. Using techniques such as voice and eye contact:
- To join the conversation, modulate upwards, then downwards to make your case.
- Start by looking at the person you want to counter; then, with a fast neck swing, take your gaze away from that person and make eye contact with someone else.
4. Assign a logical order to the events:
- This is the last resort: assigning a sequence goes against the nature of normal dialogue and can only be used after all other options have failed.
- Intervene with a persuasive tone and suggest a speaking sequence.
- Start with someone who has a lot of 'speaking inertia,' so he or she would be more likely to hang on to the opportunity.
- Ascertain that no one exceeds the estimated time frame.
5. The following should be avoided...
- Speaking for the sake of speaking: You only have a small amount of time to contribute to the conversation. Don't squander it on pointless and haphazard inroads.
- Being irrationally rigid: If you believe the other person has a good argument to make, don't be afraid to consider it. It demonstrates an eagerness to learn from others.
- Getting into a battle with someone who has a "loud" personality.
The SSB test is used to evaluate candidates' leadership potential. As a result, except for the Command Mission, almost all realistic tasks, including those in the Group Testing Sequence, are leaderless. When a candidate speaks first in a debate, it represents his effort and self-assurance. We may determine his intelligence, power of speech, and reasoning based on the contents spoken.
His attitude toward others, as well as how he addresses opposing viewpoints and collaborates to reach an agreement, demonstrates his ability to control his party, as well as his adaptability, tact, diplomacy, persistence, bravery, mental stamina, and liveliness. As a result, if an applicant remains silent, the assessors are unable to evaluate him or her. Candidates that are dominant and destructive, on the other hand, are seen as greedy and uncooperative. Even if their material is rational, those candidates will not be chosen.
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