- Physical Geography - Solar Circle - Origin, shape, and motions of the Earth in the Solar System,
- Effects of Earth's movements, solar eclipse, and lunar eclipse, latitude longitude representation,
- Determination of the location of a place on the globe, local and authentic-time,
- Determination, International Date Line Tracing, and Importance,
- Lithium rock, Origin and type of volcanic activity.
| - Air Circle - The protection of the atmosphere, the sun and the factors affecting it, Horizontal and vertical distribution of temperature, temperature inversion, air box, and important local wind, precipitation process - rain, frost, etc.
- Convective, terrestrial and cyclonic rain, climatic regions of the world, daily weather
- Identification of used signals in the map.
- Watershed, Ocean currents, flow direction, climatic effects, tide
- Principles of Process and Origin.
- Biosphere structure, types of vegetation and world distribution, and related wild animals
- Relief, oceanography
- Temperature and salinity
- World Distribution, Earthquake Origins and World Distribution and Oceans,
- Distribution, mountains and their types, major mountains of the world and their plateau Types, plains and river valleys, erosion and weathering processes, erosion of Davis Chakra, river basin degradation process, created in various stages by water erosion
- Major site figures by major land figures, contour lines, and contour lines identification.
- Air Circle - The protection of the atmosphere, the sun and the factors affecting it, Horizontal and vertical distribution of temperature, temperature inversion, important local wind, precipitation process - rain, frost, etc.
- Convective, terrestrial and cyclonic rain, climatic regions of the world, daily weather Identification of used signals in the map.
- Watershed Ocean currents, flow direction, climatic effects, tide ebb Principles of Process and Origin.
- Biosphere structure, types of vegetation and world distribution, and related wild animals.
- Relief, oceanography Temperature, and salinity.
- Human Geography - Human Environment Interrelationship, Theoretical.
| - Economic Geography - Geographical analysis of major crops of the world Rice, Sugarcane,
- Production, major energy, and mineral resources - coal, petroleum, iron ore Factors of the location of the main industries in the world,
- Distribution Iron Steel Cotton & Artificial Textile, Paper, Oil, Refining Major Industrial State, North Eastern United States, Brazil Plateau Cape Town-Natal, the world's major trade routes, and ports.
- India Status - Expansion, International Boundaries, and related Land Problems, Hind The ocean and its economic and strategic importance are terrestrial, form, Waterflow
- Origin and characteristics of monsoon, climatic regions, and their climate. Problems of deforestation, floods, and soil erosion of natural vegetation And their solutions. Agri-food production, progress, and problems green are the major crops of rice, wheat, sugarcane pulses, oilseeds, and tea geographies.
- Distribution and production trends, problems related to mineral resources and their exploitation Energy crisis and its solution: Geographical distribution of coal and mineral oil and Production, alternative sources of energy. Multipurpose schemes and related to them.
- Environmental Issues Commodity Industry, Iron Steel, Textiles, Sugar, Paper, Cement Location and distribution model of aluminum and aluminum industries, population growth and Description, Population-related problem Transport means Foreign trade, major cities, and ports.