Study Notes on Time & Calendar Download PDF NOW

By Vijeta Bhatt|Updated : February 2nd, 2022

The reasoning is one of the most scoring sections in IPM Exams. But some topics are considered to be confusing by many of the aspirants. One such topic is “Time & Calendar”. In order to make the topic easy for all of you, here we are providing some Tricks to solve Time and Calendar Related Questions in the Reasoning Section easily, accurately and in minimum time. We hope these tricks prove to be useful for you all.

Short Tricks to solve Time and Calendar related questions

Short Tricks to solve Time and Calendar related questions

Trick for solving questions where year is 2000 or more

  1. Consider the last 3 digits of the year. If it is less than 100, add 100 to it. For example- In the year 2012, the last three-digit is 012 which is less than 100 so add 100 to add and make it 112 (100+012). Once done, divide it by 4 and keep the result.
  2. Then use the code of the month from the calendar shown above. If the year is a leap year, consider the code for leap year.
  3. Then write the date.
  4. At the end, add all these data and find the result.
  5. To find the day, divide the result by 7. You will get some remainder.
  6. Match the code of remainder with the above-given code table and find the answer.

The trick for solving Questions where the year is 1999 or less

  1. First of all, take the last two digits of the year and divide it by 4. For example- In the case of the year 1985, divide 85 by 4 and keep the result for future use.
  2. Then use the code of the month from the calendar shown above. If the year is a leap year, consider the code for leap year.
  3. Then write the date.
  4. At the end, add all these data and find the result.
  5. To find the day, divide the result by 7. You will get some remainder.
  6. Match the code of remainder with the above-given code table and find the answer.

Examples of the above Tricks

Q1. What was the day on 31st Oct 1984?

(a) Friday              

(b) Sunday

(c) Wednesday    

(d) Monday

Sol- In 1984, divide 84/4 = 21

Code for Oct = 0 (Refer the above shown calendar for codes)

Mentioned Date= 31

Result = 84+21+0+31 =136

To find the day of week, divide the result by 7 and write the remainder = 136/7 = 3 (remainder)

3 is the code for Wednesday so the answer will be Wednesday.

Must Attempt Daily Logical Reasoning Quiz

Q2. What was the day on 27th Dec 1985?

(a) Friday                  

(b) Monday

(c) Tuesday                

(d) Sunday

Sol-  Here the year is 1985 so divide 85/4= 21

Code for Dec = 5

Mentioned Date= 27

Result = 85+21+5+27 =138

To find the day of the week, divide the result by 7 and write the remainder = 138/7 = 5(remainder)

5 is the code for Friday so the answer will be Friday.

Q3. Find the day of the week on 26th Jan 2012? 

(a) Tuesday              

(b) Thursday

(c) Friday                

(d) Sunday

SolHere the year is 2012 so follow the second rule and consider the last 3 digits i.e 012. It is less than a hundred so add 100 to it. After adding 100, it becomes 112. Now, divide it by 4. You will get 28. Also, note that it is a leap year.

Code of Jan = 6 (due to leap year)

Mentioned Date= 26

Result = 112+28+6+26 = 172

To find the day of the week, divide the result by 7 and write the remainder = 172/7= 4

4 is the code for Thursday so the answer will be Thursday.

We hope these tricks would have cleared all your doubts related to the topic.

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