Defence Current Affairs: India is the third largest military spender!

By Dhruv Kumar|Updated : April 29th, 2020

In recent years, security challenges have increased manifolds for India. Strengthening of China - Pakistan friendship and increased Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean Region have compelled India to flex its muscles. India is very much aware of these back-stabber Nations like China and Pakistan and Indo - China War of 1962, Indo - Pak War of 1965,1971 and 1999 are proof of that. 

The mighty Indian military is one of the top five powers in the world. It is very important for India to make its soldiers well equipped with modern, sophisticated and cutting edge technology to safeguard the motherland from any threat. In this regard, India has increased its defence budget to acquire the best arsenal for its troops.

In a report published by Swedish think-tank Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), with an expenditure of $71.1 Billion in 2019, India has emerged as the third-largest military spender in the world, just behind the USA and China.

Key Points of the Report

  • Global military expenditure in 2019 was $1917 billion.
  • India spent $71.1 billion (2.4% of GDP) in 2019 and that was 6.8% more than 2018 defence expenditure.
  • India’s expenditure grew 258% from 1990-2019 and 37% in the last decade.
  • At the same time, the military burden has fallen from 2.7% of GDP in 2010 to 2.4% in 2019.
  • The military budget for 2020-21 is ₹3.37 lakh crores (excluding pensions) that accounts for 1.5% of GDP, the lowest in recent times (percentage-wise).


Comparison with India’s Rival Nations

  • The major reasons behind the increase in overall expenditure are “tension and rivalry with both Pakistan and China”.
  • If we compare Pakistan’s military expenditure it has increased by 70% over the last decade, to reach $ 10.3 Billion while military burden has increased from 3.4% of GDP in 2010 to 4% in 2019. Its ranking is 24th in 2019 SIPRI Report.
  • China is also flexing its muscles to have control in the region and it has increased its defence budget to $261 Billion in 2019, a 5.1% increase compared to 2018.

Top 5 Spenders in 2019


$732 Billion (38 %of the global spending)


$261 Billion


$71.1 Billion


$65.1 Billion

5.Saudi Arabia

$61.9 Billion

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