Important One Word Substitution Beginning with V
Word | Hindi Meaning | English Meaning |
Volunteer | स्वयंसेवी | A person who offers to do, something of his own free will |
Veterinary | पशु-चिकित्सक | Of or concerning, the treatment of diseases in animals |
Veteran/Doyen | दिग्गज | A person who is old and experienced as a soldier etc. or in some other occupation |
Vagabond | खानाबदोश | A person having no settled home, or roving from place to place |
Venerable | पूज्य | Worthy of great respect because of age or for special goodness |
Vendor | बनिया | A person who sell ice cream, hot dogs souvenirs etc. from a stall |
Vegetarian | शाकाहारी | A person who does not eat the meat of any kind/living on vegetables |
Versatile | अनेक गुणों का | Able to turn easily and successfully from one task, activity or occupation |
Voyage | यात्रा | A usually long journey, especially by sea |
Vanguard | मोहरा | The part of an army going in front of the main body |
Vulnerable | भेद्य | Liable to be hurt or damaged |
Virtuoso | उत्कृष्ट | A person who knows a great deal about music, painting |
Visible | प्रत्यक्ष | Able to be seen |
Verdict | फ़ैसला | The decision of a jury at the end of a trial |
Verbose | वाचाल | Using too many words |
Verbatim | आक्षरिक | Word for word |
Ventriloquist | तरह तरह की आवाज़ें निकाल सकनेवाला | A professional entertainer who can speak so that his or her voice seems to come from some other person or places |
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One Word Substitution from A - Z for Defence Exams
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