Important One Word Substitution Beginning with P
Word | Meaning in Hindi | Meaning in English |
Prologue | प्रस्तावना | Introductory part of a poem or play |
Pedantic | पांडित्य-प्रदर्शक | A style in which a writer seeks to display his knowledge |
Panacea | रामबाण | A cure to all |
Prodigy | प्रतिभा सम्पन बालक | A child with unusual or remarkable talent |
Polyandry | बहुपतित्व | The practice of having more than one husband at the same time |
Posthumous | पिता के मरने के बाद | A child born after the death of his father |
Plagiarism | साहित्य की चोरी | Stealing of the literary works of other writers |
Plutocracy | धनिक तन्त्र | A government or rule of the rich people |
Pedestrian | पैदल यात्री | One who walks on foot |
Piscivorous | मत्स्यभक्षी | Animal which feeds on fish |
Patricide | पिता की हत्या | Murder of one’s father |
Pessimist | -निराशावादी | One who takes on a dark view of everything |
Pseudonym | उपनाम | An imaginary name assumed by an author for disguise |
Perjury | झूठी गवाही | The act of making a false oath in a judicial proceeding |
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