Gorkha Regiment: Bravest of the Brave

By Naveen Singh|Updated : March 27th, 2019

Know all about Gorkha Regiment of Indian Army. A soldier is someone willing to sacrifice their own lives to protect their country and their citizens.

He's someone who's willing to train every day, without enough rest, without enough food, following the orders of their superiors, someone who's discipline not just inside but outside the base as well.

Here we will discuss the Gorkha Regiment of the Indian Army, who is one of the most decorated soldiers in the world.

Gorkha Regiment: Bravest of the Brave


They first entered the service in 1815, working under the East India Company. During the Anglo-Nepalese War (1814–16), the native soldiers from Nepal made an impression on the British.

Originally from the Gorkha kingdom of Nepal, King Prithvi Narayan Shah became the common name for those warriors by derivative 'Gurkha’.

Since 1861, the Gúrkha Regiments had formed into their own rifle regiments line. They were five of them until former Bengal Army's 42nd, 43rd, & 44th Gorkha Regiments, which became the 6th, 7th, & 8th Gorkha Rifles, decided to join them.

The numbers 42nd, 43rd, and 44th were allocated to the Irregular Forces of Deoli and Erinpura and the Rajputana Battalion of Mhairwara.


Why are Gorkhas so special?

Gorkhas are one of the most fierce soldiers which are clearly stated from the fact that even Field Marshal Manekshaw said, "If a man says he doesn't fear to die, either he's lying or he's a Gorkha.

The soldier is a perfect mix of a disciplined gentleman in the face of a threat with human touch and humour, with a viciousness to kill with regret and mercy.

They are so famous that even Hitler once said, "If I had Gurkhas, I would not be defeated by any army in the world."

Some world-renowned epic one man standoff of Gorkhas:

  1. Lachhiman Gurung - The Gurkha soldier who fought off 200 Japanese with just one arm.
  2. Bishnu Shrestha - The Gurkha who fought against 40 train robbers, killing 3, wounding 8.
  3. Dipprasad Pun - The Gurkha soldier who fought against 30 Talibani with a machine gun and grenades.
  4. Bhakti Thapa - The 74-year-old Gurkha who charged in battle with the Chinese, Sikhs, and British armed with a kukri knife and a double-barreled shotgun.


Facts about Gorkha Regiment

War Cry "Jai Mahakali Aayo Ghorkhali"

Motto:Sthal Kayar Hunu Bhanda Marnu Ramro” (Better to Die than living like a Coward)

Officers in the Indian Army's Gorkha Regiments must learn the Gorkhali language in order to interact in their native language with their men.

They believe in dying than being a coward. They still carry their traditional weapon - an 18-inch “Khukri”. It has been said in the past that once a khukri was drawn in battle, it had to "taste blood" - if not, its owner had to cut himself before returning him to the sheath.

The 11 Gorkha Regiment which was raised in 1948 was decided to be transferred to the British Army, but they refused to join them.



The Gorkha Regiment has been conferred with 3 Param Vir Chakras, 33 Maha Vir Chakras, and 84 Vir Chakras during various wars and operations.

Most Notable Soldiers in the Indian Army:

  1. Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw
  2. Major Dhan Singh Thapa, PVC
  3. Lt. Manoj Kumar Pandey, PVC
  4. General Dalbir Singh Suhag
  5. General Bipin Singh Rawat


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