Mission Sagar: Key to the Indian Ocean

By : Neha Dhyani

Updated : Feb 23, 2022, 13:45

The pandemic left many countries grappling for survival. In such a scenario, the government of India stepped up to the challenge and announced humanitarian and medical aid for its littoral states, in the form of Mission Sagar. Let’s learn a little more about this mission.

Important Facts About Mission Sagar

  • Mission Sagar was launched on the 10th of May, in the year 2020
  • The objective of Mission Sagar is to assist the littoral states around the Indian Ocean in lieu of the COVID-19 pandemic, with help such as medicine, food, healthcare, etc.
  • The littoral countries that were assisted under this mission include Maldives, Mauritius, Madagascar, Comoros, Seychelles, Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan and South Sudan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Mozambique
  • The items provided as assistance to these countries were food aids, oxygen plants, LMO and ISO containers, oxygen cylinders and concentrators, Human Relief and Disaster Aid kits, medicines and medical teams
  • The Indian naval ships travelled a distance (cumulative) of about 40,000 nautical miles during this mission
  • The Indian Navy has deployed ships to assist 15 friendly littoral countries under Mission Sagar
  • Mission Sagar spanned over 215 days, during which the following quanta of supplies were shipped:
    • 3,000 metric tonnes of food aid
    • 300 metric tonnes of liquid medical oxygen (LMO)
    • 900 oxygen concentrators
    • 20 ISO containers
  • Mission Sagar has successfully assisted about 3,500 people in Beira (Mozambique) after the cyclone IDAI struck
    • Under the mission, the Indian naval ship, INS MAGAR, transported 250 metric tonnes of rice and 500 kilograms of epidemic medicine to Beira
    • INS Kesari delivered food aid of the quantum 500 metric tonnes to Mozambique

Details of Mission Sagar

Below are the tabulated details of Mission Sagar.


Assistance Extended to

Nature of Assistance

May 2020

Maldives, Madagascar, Mauritius, Comoros, Seychelles

580 metric tonnes of food aid, medicines and medical professionals

October 2020

Eritrea, Djibouti, South Sudan and Sudan

Food aid worth 270 metric tonnes

December 2020

Cambodia and Vietnam

15 tonnes of HADR aid to each country

March 2021

Madagascar and Comoros

Rice is worth 1,000 metric tonnes to each country

August 2021

Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia

300 oxygen cylinders for Thailand, 100 metric tonnes of LMO and 300 oxygen concentrators for Indonesia, 100 metric tonnes of LMO, 5 ISO containers and 300 oxygen concentrators for Vietnam

September 2021


Mobile oxygen plants, 2 nos.

December 2021


Food aid worth 500 metric tonnes


FAQs About Mission Sagar

  • What are the names of the naval ships deployed for Mission Sagar?

The names are INS Kesari, INS MAGAR and INS Airavat.

  • How many phases was Mission Sagar deployed in?

Up to date, Mission Sagar has executed 7 phases.

  • Which Indian naval ship completed the most runs in Mission Sagar?

INS Kesari was the Indian naval ship deployed for most of the initial phases of Mission Sagar.

  • What is the distance covered by Mission Sagar converted into kilometres?

Mission Sagar had a cumulative sea coverage of 40,000 nautical miles, which is equal to 70,480 km.