Conference of Parties [COP25]
By : Neha Dhyani
Updated : Mar 29, 2022, 12:06
A Conference of Parties often referred to as COP, is the meeting of the 195 members or parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). COP25 is the 25th meeting held by UNFCCC parties in the year 2019 from December 2nd to 19, in Madrid, Spain.
Motive of COP25
The main motive of COP25 was to conclude the rulebook for the Paris Agreement. Initially, it was supposed to be held in Chile, but it was shifted to Spain due to some political tensions, although Chile was the president of COP2019. The rulebook of Katowice, which was the outcome of COP24, was not strategic enough to cope with the global climatic changes. The Paris agreement was signed in COP21 to reduce and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. All these issues were to be taken up in COP25.
Agenda of COP25
Most of the issues that stayed unresolved in the 24th meeting of parties were intended to be finalized in COP25 like
- The carbon markets topics cover in the Global Carbon Project Report.
- The greenhouse gas emission issues.
- Discussing the individual member nation goals.
- Conferring to the global cooperation measures for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.
- Helping the less economically strong nations cope with the hazards and adverse effects of climatic changes.
- The parties also reviewed the UNEP annual report on Emission Gap.
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC reports were also focused on considering matters related to hazards of land, sea and oceans and the Cryosphere.
- Corporate climate Movement were 177 companies pledged to cut emissions.
- To face the changing climate over time, the Paris ratchet Mechanism was also brought into notice, highlighting the member nations’ NDC’s progress.
Role of India at COP25
India played a vital role in arguing about the clarity over the assured economic provision to tackle climate changes in the nations that are underdeveloped or developing. India also encouraged adaptation and building capacity in poorer countries to deal with climate adversities.
Along with China and Brazil, it made a consistent effort for Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) under the aegis of the Clean Development Mechanism, which was decided in the Kyoto Protocol to be introduced in Article 6.4 mechanism under the Paris Agreement.
FAQs on Conference of Parties COP25
Q1. What is Conference of Parties COP25?
Ans: Conference of Parties COP25 is the 25th meeting of the Conference of Parties COP to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Q2. What was the reason for the Conference of Parties COP25 being unsuccessful?
Ans: Economic undeveloped countries and small island nations are exposed to climate hazards like heat waves, drought, storms, etc. The loss and damage could not be compensated due to negligence of US efforts.
Q3. What was India’s role in COP25?
Ans: India played a significant role in taking a stand for the support of underdeveloped and poor countries and enhanced efforts to make them more capable of facing and coping with climatic threats.
Q4. Who hosted the COP25 meeting?
Ans: Chile was the president of COP25, and it was supposed to be held in Chile, but due to some political unrest, The meeting host was Madrid, Spain, and it was held from December 2nd to 19th 2019.