CDS-I Paper Analysis 2019: CDS 2019 exam was conducted today, i.e. on 3rd February 2019 for recruitment in Indian Army (IMA, OTA), Indian Navy (INA) and Indian Air Force (AFA).
The exam is now over for all 3 papers and here is the detailed exam analysis of CDS 2019 Paper-I. This CDS-I 2019 exam review contains the number and level of questions asked from different topics of English, General Knowledge and Mathematics.
We have also shared the expected cutoff of CDS-I 2019 below.
So, check this CDS exam analysis now!
CDS (I) 2019 Exam Analysis
Exam Analysis of CDS-I 2019 English Paper
The English paper of CDS (I) 2019 was held from 9:00 - 11:00 hrs. It comprised a total of 120 questions for a total of 100 marks. Here is the paper analysis of CDS (I) 2019 for English section:
Topic | Details |
Synonyms | - 10 Questions were asked from this topic.
- A word was underlined in the given sentence and the students were required to identify the word/ group of words most similar in meaning to the underlined word from the given options
For instance: (a) A provocative message had been doing rounds on social media to instigate the mob against migrants. (dexterous/inflammatory/valiant/prudent) - (b) He is suffering from a terminal disease. (sublunary/terrific/chronic/incurable)
Ordering of Words in a Sentence | - There were 10 questions from this topic.
- A sentence was divided into 4 different parts (consisting of a set of words) and these parts were presented in a jumbled form.
- The students had to arrange these jumbled parts to form a meaningful sentence.
For instance: the prize money (P), for refusing her (Q), Pepsico was ordered (R), to compensate the woman (S) (a) RSQP (b) SPQR (c) RPSQ (d) QRSP
Fill in the Blanks | - 10 Questions were asked from this topic.
- A sentence was given with a single blank and the students were required to identify the correct words (s) from the given options, which would fill the given blank appropriately.
For instance: ________ it was raining, he went out without a raincoat.(Even/Since/Unless/Although)
Antonyms | - 10 questions were asked from this topic.
- Like Synonyms, a word was underlined in a sentence and the students had to pick the word most opposite in meaning to the given word from the options.
For instance: His religious views are rather fanatical. (bigoted/ rabid/ moderate/ militant)
Ordering of Sentences | - There were 10 questions asked from Ordering of sentences.
- The first and last sentences of a passage were fixed and the remaining 4 sentences were jumbled up.
- Students were required to arrange these sentences in the order, in order to form a logical passage.
Comprehension | - 4 short passages were asked under the Comprehension questions, each containing 5 questions (i.e. total 20 questions were asked from Comprehension section).
- Following were the themes of the passages asked in the exam:
(a) Passage-1: History of Indian textile Industry (b) Passage-2: Zimbabwe's Political Crisis (c) Passage-3: Over-eating and its effects (d) Passage-4: Peace and Harmony - Direct questions were asked based on the given passage, which could be easily answered after carefully reading the passage.
Spotting Errors | - 20 Questions were asked from Spotting errors.
- A sentence was divided into 3 different parts and the students had to identify the part of the sentence which contained any error.
- In case the sentence was correct, the students had to mark option (d), i.e., No Error.
For instance: Except for a few days (a) in a year during the monsoon (b) the river cannot flow on its own (c) No Error (d)
Cloze Comprehension | - 2 Cloze comprehension questions were asked in the exam, one containing 10 questions and the other containing 5 questions.
- There were single blanks in the given passage and the students were required to pick the correct word from the given options, which could be used to fill those blank to form a logical sentence and maintain the flow of the passage.
Idioms and Phrases | - 15 Questions were asked from Idioms and Phrases.
- An Idiom/ Phrase was given in the question, and the students had to pick the option which correctly described the meaning of the given idiom.
For instance: Verbal Diarrhoea (a) To be sick (b) To talk too much (c) To be in a difficult situation (d) To be a good orator
Exam Analysis of CDS-I 2019 General Knowledge Paper
The exam of CDS-I 2019 GK paper was conducted from 12:00 - 14:00 Hrs. This paper comprises of total 120 questions, which will carry 100 marks for the CDS paper. Below is the section-wise division of the paper:
Name of the Sub-Section | No. of Questions asked |
History | 18 |
Geography | 17 |
Polity | 13 |
Economy | 14 |
Physics | 8 |
Chemistry | 10 |
Biology | 9 |
Miscellaneous (Current Affairs, Defence-related questions etc) | 31 |
Exam Analysis of CDS-I 2019 Mathematics Paper
Students who applied for the OTA exam do not need to attempt this exam. The exam of CDS-I 2019 Mathematics paper was conducted from 15:00 - 17:00 Hrs.
100 questions are asked in this paper which constitutes a total of 100 marks for the exam.
Below is the topic wise distribution of the total number of questions asked.
Name of the Topic | No. of Questions asked |
Number System, Indices, Surds | 20 |
Geometry | 11 |
Mensuration | 15 |
Trigonometry, Heights & Distances | 12 |
Statistics | 8 |
Polynomial Equations (Linear, Quadratic etc) | 10 |
Percentages, Profit Loss, Partnership | 7 |
Average | 2 |
DI | 3 |
Simple & Compound Interest | 2 |
Ratio and Proportions | 2 |
Time & Work, Time & Distance | 7 |
Logarithm | 1 |
Expected Cut-off CDS(I) 2019
| Expected Cut Off CDS (I) 2019 | Official Cut Off CDS (II) 2017 | Official Cut Off CDS (I) 2017 | Official Cut Off CDS (II) 2016 | Official Cut Off CDS (I) 2016 |
Indian Military Academy (IMA) | 105-120 | 120 | 125 | 105 | 72 |
Indian Naval Academy (INA) | 104-112 | 111 | 118 | 90 | 63 |
Air Force Academy (AFA) | 127-135 | 135 | 144 | 135 | 123 |
Officers Training Academy (OTA) | 78-85 | 86 | 82 | 72 | 68 |
For CDS (I) 2019 Answer Key Click Here!!
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