Idioms & Phrase (U), Study Notes, Material - DSSSB exam

By Komal|Updated : March 19th, 2022

In this article, we should read related to the Idioms & Phrases Important for the DSSSB. Idioms & Phrases is an important part of the English section for DSSSB, KVS, MPTET, CTET 2021, and other teaching exams.

We can expect at least 2 to 3 questions from the topic of Idioms & Phrase. 


 List of Important Idioms and Phrases Beginning with U

1. Under the cloud: संदेहजनक
Meaning: Suspicious
Example: In our country politicians are always under the cloud.

2.Under the rose: गुप्त रूप से
Meaning: Secretly
Example: They used to meet each other under the rose.

3.Under one’s nose: एकदम सामने ही 
Meaning: Directly in front of
Example: Terrorists fled from jail under the nose of the superintendent.

4.Under duress - दबाब में 
Meaning: Under pressure
Example: He claimed that he signed the confession under duress.

5.Underdog - किसी और की तुलना में कमजोर आदमी 
Meaning: Weak person in comparison to other
Example: He always supports the underdog people in his constituency.

6.Uncharted waters - एक ऐसी स्थिति है जो नई और ज्ञात नहीं है
Meaning: A situation that is new and not known
Example: For arts, student differentiation and integration are uncharted water.

7.Under fire - आलोचना की जा रही है
Meaning: Being criticized
Example: After the coal scam, the UPA government is under fire.

8.Upper crust - अक्सर अमीर और उच्च सामाजिक स्थिति
Meaning: High-class people, often rich and high social status
Example: Ambani brothers are the upper crust in India.

9.Upper hand - प्रभुत्व और नियंत्रित स्थिति
Meaning: Dominating and controlling position
Example: The USA has an upper hand in the world.

10.Under lock and key - सुरक्षित रूप से राखी हुई 
Meaning: Stored securely
Example: Money in the bank is under lock and key, so there is no harm in depositing your money.

11. Under someone heel - किसी और के नियंत्रण में
Meaning: Under control of someone else
Example: The ram is under the heels of Mohan.

12. Under the knife - सर्जरी से गुजरना
Meaning: Undergo a surgery
Example: Ashok is under the knife in City hospital for his heart surgery.

This article tends to be beneficial for the following exams - REET, UPTET, CTET, Super TET, DSSSB, KVS, etc.

 Suggested Read Books:

Serial No.Book NameAuthor Name
1.IDIOMS and PHRASES AngloRoshan Tolani
2.Improve Your Idioms & PhrasesRam Avadh Prajapati


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  • The weightage of Idioms & Phrases in the DSSSB exam- 3 to 4 marks.

  •  The level of Idioms & Phrases Questions asked in the DSSSB exam are of moderate level.

  • The weightage of the English Section in the DSSSB exam is 20 marks.

  • Yes, negative marking involves in the DSSSB Exam.

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