UP Aided Junior High School Teacher Exam Pattern 2022:
As this exam is being conducted for the first time it is very important that the exam pattern is understood in great depth. This will help you understand the nature of the questions and what should be expected from the UP high school teacher question paper. Let's first look at the overview of the exam pattern:
- There will two sections in the question paper
- The first paper will be 50 marks
- The second paper will be 100 marks
- The General Knowledge section will be compulsory
- The candidates will have to choose one section from language or general studies or science & mathematics.
- The options in the language part are Hindi, English or Sanskrit.
- The second paper will be on social studies/science & maths.
Sr. No. | Paper | Subject | Marks |
1 | Section-A | General Knowledge, Reasoning and Current Affairs | 50 |
2 | Section-B | Language(Hindi, Engish, Sanskrit) | 100 |
3 | Social Studies OR |
4 | Science & Mathematics |
UP Aided Junior High School Teacher Syllabus 2022:
The syllabus pdf is released by the officials and candidates can download the syllabus pdf from the link provided below. Here is the list of the topics that will fall under each subject for the preparation for the exam.
Section A covers three main subjects which are General Knowledge, Current Affairs, and Reasoning Ability. We have given the defined syllabus of all the three subjects as mentioned in the official syllabus pdf provided by the board.
General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Reasoning Ability |
- Current events of national and international importance.
- History of India and Indian National Movement.
- Geography of India
- Indian politics and governance - constitution, political system, Panchayati Raj, Lokniti official case etc.
- Economic and Social Development - Sustainable Development, Poverty Including Demographics, Social Sector
- Initiative etc.
- General topics related to environment and ecology, biodiversity and climate change
- General Science.
- Analogies, assertion and reason, binary logic, classification, clocks and calendars, coded inequalities, coding-decoding.
Section B includes Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. For the post of headmaster, a separate subject is included and is only mandatory for the candidates who will be appearing for the headmaster vacancies. Check out the details syllabus of all the subjects here.
Hindi |
- हिन्दी साहित्य एवं भाषा का इतिहास।
- व्याकरण।
- अपठित गद्यांश तथा पद्यांश
- प्रमुख लेखकों/कवियों का सामान्य परिचय एवं उनकी रचनाएँ
English |
- History of English Literature and Language
- Grammar
- Unseen Passage
- Writers, General Introduction and their work
Sanskrit |
- संस्कृत साहित्य एवं भाषा का इतिहास की जानकारी
- व्याकरण
- अपठित गद्यांश/पद्यांश
- प्रमुख लेखकों/कवियों का सामान्य परिचय एवं उनकी कृतियाँ
Social Studies |
- Sources of knowing history.
- Stone Age Culture, Copper Stone Culture, Vedic Culture.
- India of the sixth century B.C.
- The early States of India.
- Establishment of the Mauryan Empire in India.
- Post-Mauryan India, Gupta period, Rajput period India, Pushyabhuti dynasty, states of South India.
- Religious and social development of the sixth century.
- The arrival of Islam in India, the establishment, expansion, and disintegration of the Delhi Sultanate.
- Mughal Empire, Culture, Fall.
- The arrival of European powers in India and the establishment of the English state.
- Expansion of Company State in India.
- Renaissance in India, Rise of Nationalism in India.
- Independence movement, independence, the partition of India.
- Challenges of Independent India.
- We and our society.
- Rural and urban society and living, rural and urban self-government.
- District Administration.
- Our Constitution, Central and State Governance.
- Democracy in India.
- Security and foreign policy of the country, the global community and India.
- Civil safety, traffic safety.
- Disability
- Earth in the Solar System, Globe - Determination of places on Earth, movements of the path.
- Mapping, Four Circles of Earth, Land Circles - Structure of Earth, Major Topography of Earth.
- India in the world, physical nature of India, soil, use and importance of fertilizer, flora and wildlife, the climate of India, economic resources of India, traffic, trade and communication.
- Location, Political Department, Climate, Soil, Vegetation and Wildlife, Agriculture, Mineral Industries - Business, Population and Urbanization in Uttar Pradesh India.
- The atmosphere, Atmosphere.
- Major natural regions and the life of the world.
- Mineral Resources, Industries - Businesses.
- Indian Economy and its Challenges.
- Environment, natural resources and their utility.
- Nature balance, resource utilization.
- Environmental impact of population growth, environmental pollution.
- Waste Management, Disasters, Environmentalists, Award in the field of Environment, Environment Day, Environment Calendar.
Mathematics |
- Natural numbers, Whole numbers, Rational numbers.
- Integer, parentheses, the least common multiple and the greatest common factor.
- Square root, cube root, identities.
- Algebra, Concept - variable numbers, constant numbers, powers of variable numbers.
- Add, subtract, algebraic expressions. Concepts of Gnas and divisions, coefficients of terms and terms of algebraic expressions, homogeneous and homogeneous terms, degrees of expressions, one, two and tripartite expressions
- Simultaneous equations, square equations, linear equations.
- Parallel lines, quadrilateral compositions, triangles.
- Circles and cyclic quadrants, tangent lines of the circle.
- Ratio, Proportion, Percentage, Profit - Loss, Simple Interest, Compound Interest.
- Statistics - classification of data, pictograph, mean, median and polymer, frequency.
- Pie and punishment chart, picture of unclassified data.
- Probability (probability) graph, penalty, diagram and mixed penalty diagram.
- The cartesian plane, mensuration, exponent, trigonometry.
Science |
- Science, important discoveries, importance, anthropology and technology in daily life.
- Fibres and textiles, from fibres to textiles. (process)
- Living, non-living matter - fauna, classification of living organisms, classification of plants and fauna based on animals and flora, the adaptation of organisms, changes in animals and plants. - The structure and function of animals.
- Microorganisms and their classification. - From cell to the organ.
- Adolescence, development.
- Food, health, hygiene and disease, crop production, nitrogen cycle.
- Nutrition in animals, nutrition in plants, reproduction, beneficial plants. - Respiration, excretion, beneficial animals in organisms.
- Measurement, electric current, magnetism, speed, force and instruments.
- Energy, sound, static electricity, light and light instruments.
- Air - properties, composition, necessity, utility, ozone layer, greenhouse effect.
- Water - need, utility, source, quality, pollution, water conservation.
- Matter, groups of substances, separation of substances, structure and nature of matter.
- Acids, Bases and Salts.
- Heat and heat
- Man-made goods, plastic, glass, soap, dead.
- Minerals and metals, carbon and its compounds.
- Alternative sources of energy.
- Periodic table, blood composition, class and precautions in blood exchange.
Educational Management and Administration [Second Question Paper (For Headmaster)] |
- Meaning, necessity and importance of school management.
- Areas of school management.
- Management of physical resources (school buildings, furniture, educational equipment, furnishings, drinking water, toilets).
- Management of human resources (Teachers, Children, Community-Village Education Committee, School Management Committee, Teacher Parents Association, Mother Teachers Association, Women's Motivational Team)
- Financial management (school grant, TLM grant, money received from the community from the school, money earned from school property, grant from the Gram Panchayat fund / from public representatives)
- Educational Management (Classroom Management, Teaching Learning Materials Management, Learning, Corner and Library Management.).
- Time Management: Construction and use of timetables. Role of various reagents in school management.
- Various agencies are involved in the development of elementary education and their role.
- Agencies working at national / state / district / local level.
- The basic structure of primary education.
- Disaster management.
Hope this article will serve the purpose of providing the best available information related to the UP junior teacher recruitment exam syllabus. We would love to hear from you so do not forget to give your feedback in the comment section.
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