HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023: Subject-wise PDF Download Link

HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023: Subject-wise PDF Download Link

ByNeha Joshi  |  Updated on: Mar 29, 2023
HSSC TGT Syllabus is declared by Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC). The syllabus is released for candidates applying for subjects such as English, Maths, Hindi, Arts, Home Science, etc.

HSSC TGT Syllabus is an important tool to prepare for the exam in an exemplary manner. The syllabus is prepared based on the nature of the vacancies. Candidates should be well versed with the HSSC TGT Syllabus so that they can go through all the important topics for the exam.

The syllabus is designed to assess candidates' knowledge of the position for which they hope to be appointed. To qualify the exam, it is essential to gain a proper understanding of the Haryana TGT Syllabus to start the preparations in the right direction. More details pertaining to the HSSC TGT syllabus for different subjects have been illustrated below.

HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023

It is extremely important to get through the syllabus as HSSC TGT is a highly competitive exam. After examining the syllabus, candidates will understand the important topics to be covered for the exam. Haryana HSSC TGT syllabus helps aspirants know what the exam is all about and how to start preparation to crack the exam with flying colors. Candidates can check the detailed syllabus on this page. They can download the latest HSSC TGT syllabus so that they can keep a check on their preparation level. 


Candidates can download the syllabus PDF in order to take the printout. HSSC TGT syllabus PDF 2023 will help candidates in keeping the important topics handy. They can look at the PDF anytime whenever they want to know anything about the syllabus. Following are the syllabus PDFs of the different subjects.

HSSC TGT Screening Test Syllabus

There are some subjects that are common for all candidates. Those subjects are Environmental Awareness, Haryana GK and Welfare Schemes of the Haryana Government, Road Safety Awareness, and Perspectives on Education and Leadership. HSSC TGT syllabus for these subjects are as follow:



Environmental Awareness

Introduction to Environmental Awareness, Air and Noise Pollution, Water and Soil Pollution, and the Impact of Energy Usage on the Environment

Haryana General Knowledge and Welfare schemes of Haryana Government

Haryana history, current affairs, literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture, etc. and Welfare schemes run by state Government of Haryana and provisions therein.

Road Safety Awareness

Traffic Rules, the importance of traffic rules, authority to implement traffic rules, punishment for violating traffic rules, authority to issue driving license, the procedure to get a driving license, classification of vehicles, traffic signs, and knowledge of safety measures in vehicles.

Perspectives on Education and Leadership

Understanding the Learner, Understanding Teaching Learning, Creating a Conducive Learning Environment, School Organization and Leadership, Perspectives in Education

HSSC TGT English Syllabus

The English syllabus for HSSC TGT encompasses various subjects such as Environmental Awareness, Haryana GK & Welfare Schemes of the Haryana Government, Road Safety Awareness, Perspectives on Education and Leadership, English Literature, Vocabulary, etc. 



English Literature

Short Story, Novel, Poetry


Phonetic Transcription, stress or Accent, Information


Synonyms, Antonyms, one-word substitution, Homophones, sentence making, Phrasal verbs

Parts of Speech

Noun, Pronoun, Adverb, Adjective, Preposition, Interjection


Voice, Narration, verb-Subject Agreement, Verb Patterns


Paragraph, Article, Letter, writing (Formal, Informal), Email; Resume

Writing and Reading Skills

Advertisement, Report Notice, Poster Making, Invitation, Applications and letters Articles, Conversations, Interview, Paragraph, Diary entry, Comprehension Passages

English Grammar

Determiners, Tenses, Clauses, Synthesis of Sentences, Modals, Voice, Error Correction, Editing Reordering of sentences, Punctuation, Articles, Reported speech, Non-Finites, Idioms, Figures of speech, Editing & omission, Subject-verb concord Types of Paragraphs, Poetic devices, Infinitives, Gerund, Clauses

HSSC TGT Arts Syllabus

Candidates appearing for the Arts exam must start their preparation by considering the syllabus. HSSC TGT Arts Syllabus is vast and hence candidates must check the syllabus carefully.



Unit 1 

General characteristic of visual art/Fundamentals of visual art space, from size, shape, line, Colour, texture, tonal values, perspective, design and aesthetic, organization of visual elements in art object (composition). The uses of two and three dimensions in visual art. Tactile quality in art. Environment and art. Perceptual and conceptual aspects in art.

Unit 2

Traditional and Modem mediums and materials in making visual arts: Painting, sculpture, print-making, mural graphic design and multimedia art, Inventions, adaptations and development of these mediums and materials from the pre-historic period to the present day in India.

Unit 3

Traditional and Modem techniques, processes, and procedures, used in making painting, sculpture, printmaking, mural, graphic design, and multimedia art, such as modeling, carving, building, casting, different way of handling color pigment (like impasto, glazing, burnishing, drip), etching, relief, surface printing, fresco-Bruno, fresco-secco, etc. Printing processes including computer graphics, etc.

Unit 4

Relevance of the study of aesthetic and critical theories of art for the students of Visual Arts (including students of Applied Arts) and students of Art History and Art Criticism specialization.

Unit 5

Study of landmark phases and artists in Indian Art History from Pre-Historic times of Contemporary phase from the point of view of ideology, materials, techniques, style, themes, formal and stylistic development.

Unit 6

Study of various phases of Indian Art History from Pre-Historic times to 18th century (including the history of advertisement) from the point of view of general formal and stylistic features and development of ideology, materials technique, and themes.

Unit 7

Development of modernity in 19th and 20th century, Indian art (including applied arts) with special reference to various art movements, medium, styles, individual artist’s contributions in different regions of the country. The development of art education from the British Art Schools till the contemporary period.

Unit 8

The significance of the study of Tribal, Folk, and Popular arts and craft practices from all over India for the modem artists (including Applied Arts) from the point of form, technique, content, and concepts.

Unit 9

Knowledge of principal elements, perspective values, fundamentals of paintings, Visual principles, image, Chronology of the development of ideas. Visual reality, conceptual reality. Tradition and the gradual development of the art of combining the elements of ideas of different visual arts specialization.

Unit 10

Media and materials and their use, sketching and drawing. Application of materials, oil painting—AllaPrima and old master process, glazing and scumbling, priming of canvas, different types of oil, brushing, etc. Tempera and Gouache and their uses in printing in both traditional and non-traditional art, etc.

Unit 11

Types of paintings, open air paintings, portrait paintings, study of head and full-length figure, male and female Landscape paintings, patronized art. Paintings under different art movements still life, thematic, abstract, etc.

Unit 12

Principles of compositions, reflection of artists personal views, development of concept. Process of creative paintings. Expression of ideas under some aesthetical and philosophical views. Artistic expression during different social and structural changes. Art and Changes.

Unit 13

Application of techniques, colors and color theory and the application of color theory in art activities. Color harmony, traditional application of color and the application of color reasoning. Color preparation, texture, and technical aspect of pigment. Sources and influences of various traditions, etc.

Unit 14

Relevance of the study of aesthetics in Fine Arts/Visual Arts. The early Philosophical thoughts in Indian Culture. Nature and function of works of art in society. Concepts of Rasa, Sadanga, Dhvani, Alankara, etc., in traditional art.

Unit 15

Company school of paintings, Raja Ravi Verma, Bengal School under Rabindra Nathand his disciples (Kshitindra Nath Majumdar, Samarendra Nath Gupta, K. Venkatappa, Abdul RehmanChughtai, Ashit Kr. Haider, Nandlal, etc.) Nandlal and his disciples (Ram Kinkar, Binod Bihari, Dhirendra Krishna Dev Varma, etc.) Amrit Shergil, Academic Realism, etc.

Unit 16

Importance of Applied Art in Visual Communication. Understanding of all elements of an advertising design/graphic design such as typography and calligraphy (Headline, copy), photography, illustration logo and symbol. Outdoor advertising----Its importance in communication. Various kinds of media of outdoor advertising with its advantage over other media, etc.

Unit 17

History of advertising from early civilizations. Invention from early civilizations. Invention of moveable types. Development of printing processes: Letterpress, offset gravure, silk-screen, embossing, etc. Computer and its role in creating new visual effects. History of Indian advertising and different media. History of printing in India. Print Media vs. Electronic Media.

Unit 18

Study of landmark phases (Modern) and artists in World Art History (Pablo Picasso, Michel Angelo, Leonardo Da Vinci) Diego Velazquez, Vincent Van Gogh, Famous Artist of the 20th century (Europe).

HSSC TGT Science Syllabus

Proper knowledge of science subject will help the candidates to score good marks in the examination. HSSC TGT Science Syllabus includes the major topics of Chemistry, Physics and Zoology.



Physical chemistry

Atomic structure, States of matter, Solutions, Electrochemistry

Inorganic chemistry

Periodic table and properties, Chemical bonding, Coordination compound, Hydrogen, (S, P, D, F block) elements, Environmental chemistry

Organic chemistry

General organic chemistry basic concept, Alcohols, phenols, ethers, Stereochemistry of organic compound, Aldehydes & ketones, Mechanism of organic reactions, Functional groups, and Biomolecules


Plant Tissues, Improvement in Food Resources, Genetics, Heredity & Evolution, Plant Reproduction, Plant Kingdom, Plant Physiology, Transport in Plants, Photosynthesis in Higher Plants, Plant Growth & Development, Morphology of Flowering Plants, Anatomy of Flowering Plants, Respiration in Plants (Glycolysis, TLA cycle, Electron Transport (system, Respiratory quotient), Plant Growth & Development, Plant Regulators, Biodiversity & Conservation, Ecosystem, Biotechnology(Principles, Processes &Applications)


Environmental Biology, Evolution and development Biology, Animal Kingdom, Phylum, protozoa to Hemichordate, Phylum Euro-chordate, Cephalochordate, Life and diversity of Co-orderates, Diversity of microbes, Genetics, Cell Biology, Reproduction of organism, Human Reproduction, Reproduction Health, Human Health and diseases, Tissue in Animal, Digestion and absorption, Breathing and Respiration, Body Fluid and Circulation, Excretory products and elimination, Locomotion and movement in humans, Control and Coordination in human.

HSSC TGT Physical Education Syllabus

Candidates preparing for Physical Education must be aware of important topics in order to start their preparation accordingly. The details on the HSSC TGT syllabus for Physical Education have been provided in the following table.



Unit 1

Definition aim and objectives of physical education, History of physical education pre and post-independence era, Biological foundation of physical education

Unit 2

Health and Hygiene

Unit 3

Anatomy and Physiology 

Unit 4

Kinesiology and Biomechanics

Unit 5

Psychology and Sociology in sports

Unit 6

Yoga Education

Unit 7

Test Measurements and evaluation

Unit 8

Sports Management

Unit 9

Sports Training

Unit 10

Media and sports

HSSC TGT Maths Syllabus

Candidates who want to score good marks in Maths must practice as many questions as possible. They must have proper knowledge of the concepts to solve the questions in minimum time. Check out the important topics covered in the HSSC TGT Syllabus for Mathematics in the table below.




Number system, Polynomials, Linear Equations & their applications, Properties of lines and angles, Triangle, Similarity of triangles, Tholes Theorem, Pythagoras Theorem and its applications, Quadrilateral types and properties, area & perimeters of Two-dimensional objects, etc.

Algebra & Trigonometry

Matrices, Determinants, Hermitian& Skew Hermitian matrices. Rank of Matrix, Properties of Determinant Eigen Values, Characteristic equation of matrix. Carey Hamilton Theory, etc.


Definition of Limit of a function, Continuity &Differentiability & a function. Differentiation, Successive differentiation, Asymptotes, Curvature, Tracing of Curves in Cartesian&Polar coordinates, etc.


Random experiment, Sample space, Cumulative distribution function, discreate & continuous random variable. Mean, Variance, Moment generality Functions, etc.

Diff. Geometry

Local theory of curve, Tangent, Principalnormal, curvature, Centre of curvature, spherical curvature, etc.

Differential Equation

Series solutions of diff. eq. Power series method, Bessel Legendre & Hyper geometer Eq.Orthogonality of fruition, Orthogonality of eight- functions, etc.


Equilibrium of Coplanar forces, Virtual work, Forces in 3 dimensions, Pointset’s central axis Wrenches, Null lines & planes, Velocities & acceleration along radial &transverse directions and along tangential & normal directions, etc.

Vector Analysis & Geometry

Vector Integration, Gauss, Green & States theorem &problem based or them, Scalar & Vector product of three vectors. Products of four vectors, Reciprocal vector Gradient, Divergence & Curl of vectors, etc.

Advanced Calculus

Theorems on limits of Seq. Bounded & monotonic seq. Cauchy's convergence criterion, Cauchy’s Integral test, Ratio test, DE Morgan& Bertrand's test, Leibnitz theorem, etc.

HSSC TGT Home Science Syllabus

The units and their topics included in the HSSC TGT syllabus for Home Science have been presented in the following table.



Food and Nutrition

Concept of nutrition, Diet composition and functions, Dietary groups & sources, Malnutrition, food preparation, food preservation, Adulteration, Diseases and their causes, Therapeutic Diets, Human anatomy, food intake, digestion, absorption, and Metabolism.

Home Management

Home management concept and meaning, family Resources, Family Budget, Time, Energy and Money. Management, Family needs, savings, types, Work Simplification, Interior and exterior decoration.

Child Development

Child growth and development, Infant mortality and illness, Immunization, Adultescence - various developmental changes, Marriage and family.


Concept and definition, Personal health & Hygiene, Govt. and Non-Govt. Institutions for health care, Environmental Pollution, Airborne and waterborne diseases, and first-Aid.

Clothing & Textiles

Classification of fibers and their chemistry, Characteristics of various fibers, various types of finishes, Elements of Design, Selection of fabrics and outfits according to occasion, season & age.

Extension Education

History of home science, scope and its relation with other disciplines, Need of Extension, Education, Means of disseminating information, and Community Development.

Preparation Tips for HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023

The Haryana TGT syllabus 2023 is quite vast and thus it is important to have a perfect preparation strategy to prepare for the exam. Only the best preparation plan can ensure appropriate success in the upcoming exam. Candidates can check the best preparation as suggested by the experts for preparing HSSC TGT Syllabus here:

  • Go through the complete exam pattern and syllabus and have a thorough understanding of it.
  • Solve 2-3 mock papers to get to know your weaker areas and strong concepts.
  • Practice questions from your weaker areas more to get a good hold on them and improve your scores.
  • Work on your time management skills to solve as many questions in less time. 
  • Include only the best books to cover Haryana HSSC TGT Syllabus 2023 in a shorter duration with proper understanding.

Haryana TGT Syllabus FAQ’s

  • The Haryana HSSC TGT Exam syllabus is available on the official website. The syllabus for the upcoming exam is also available on this website. Check the detailed syllabus before starting the exam preparation.

  • There are many subjects included in the exam. Among all these subjects, five major subjects included in the Haryana TGT Syllabus are:-

    • Reasoning Ability
    • Mathematics
    • English Language
    • General Awareness Awareness/ Static GK/ Current Affairs
    • Computer Knowledge
  • The Haryana TGT syllabus is comprehensive and if a candidate is well aware of the topics included in the syllabus and the latest exam pattern, they may not consider the syllabus to be tough.

  • Yes, candidates can check the HSSC syllabus on the official website or on this page. The official board may change the syllabus for the upcoming exams and in case of any changes, the updated syllabus will be updated here on this website.

  •  It is easy to prepare Haryana TGT Exam Syllabus with the right exam preparation tips. Candidates can check the best tips as suggested by experts to prepare for the syllabus. It is important to formulate a perfect preparation strategy to prepare for the vast exam syllabus.

PRT, TGT & PGT Exams